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Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs and SD card images are here

Posted by gnexus 
Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs and SD card images are here
July 24, 2012 06:32AM
Sorry about the delay on these images. I didn't realize until just a few weeks ago that Wheezy also has an armhf port. My information was outdated since I always use Sid. People have been requesting Wheezy since certain applications need it. Other people seem to think that Sid is too "unstable." Personally, after using Sid for a couple of years now I can say that it is very stable. That is especially true when compared to the Fedora I use on my x86-64 systems. Sid also has much more recent packages. But some people need Wheezy. Some people want Wheezy. So here is Wheezy!

The rootfs is a minimal image directly from Debian using debootstrap with only SSH, wireless tools and the kernel modules.

Here is the Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs.
sha256sum: e1da629b8d58e5a093fe4ee852ddbc91ef02f409f7fc64aaf016f1f51f7363e4

The Debian Wheezy LXDE rootfs is a minimal LXDE rootfs.

Here is the Debian Wheezy LXDE armhf rootfs.
sha256sum: 846d4e78bf01711692c2d9e5f29de7ab67590eb2c0d25c407e6b4d195d9eb6ec

The Debian Wheezy LXDE armhf 2GB SD image is a full bootable SD card image using the rootfs above.

Here is the Debian Wheezy LXDE armhf 2GB SD image.
sha256sum: a1bc5ba1375e69b010215ae1b99aa909b252e625cd5dc4fd5e717d37690d6f94

Edited 10 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2012 12:47PM by gnexus.
Re: Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs and SD card images are here
August 10, 2012 03:17AM
Hello. I use the basic rootfs with lxde and lightdm dm. I wrote in /etc/modules that

#Multitouchscreen driver for my A10 Tablet PC

But xorg didn't detect the touchscreen

[    31.528] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ft5x_ts (/dev/input/event1)
[    31.529] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.

altought I use evdev xorg module as a multitouchscreen module for xorg
[    31.528] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ft5x_ts (/dev/input/event1)
[    31.529] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
Facing exactly same problem with A13 tablet with Ubuntu 12.04, please update if you found any solution.
Re: Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs and SD card images are here
November 01, 2012 12:28PM
ft5x_ts module must have multitouch disabled to work with the existing xorg evdev driver. That is not in the std. kernel images. You must edit the driver config in the kernel source and then recompile the kernel to get it to work.

It would be a good contribution if somebody did this, using the existing kernel, config, and toolchain, and then posted the module. Then people that want the module could simply d/l it without needing to recompile the kernel.

Personally, I won't do it. I have a BT mouse/keyboard which is much more functional than the ts could ever hope to be. IMHO the xorg input driver needs to be fixed instead to support multitouch. We should be adding features, not removing them. The ts has limited utility in the existing Debian desktop anyway. It is not accurate enough to be functional.

Do it the easy way. Buy a cheap mouse. . .
These images are gone now. Where can I get them.
I'm specifically looking for the Debian minimal image to use it on a Cubieboard.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs and SD card images are here
January 15, 2013 10:44AM

to use it on a Cubieboard

Cubie sells it. . . Ask him! He's the one makin' money off the old things. . .

You need an updated image and not the one from this thread. Many things have been updated since this old thread was started. It is best to use a script so that you get the latest kernel, video drivers, and all the latest Debian packages.
404 for the links with images? Any newer version/thread avaliable?
I have a problem. my rootfs show 2g size .but my sd card is 8G size. why is small ?
Re: Debian Wheezy armhf rootfs and SD card images are here
July 07, 2013 02:51PM
2G is the image size. You can scale it up using gparted.
Can you fix the links?????? They are all 404 Not Found
Can an updated kernel be installed on a mk802ii a10 ?

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