Do wireless SD cards ring any bells?
April 27, 2020 04:46PM
Not long ago I knew of wireless SD cards (this might be be of them), where you could access your camera without wearing out the USB jack, because plugging in a USB cable every time you take a picture sometimes isn't convenient. I've had a couple Canon cameras with no wireless.

So now I'm debating whether to buy a decent portable recorder, and if so it would make sense if there were a wireless SD card because of course if you'e recording sounds around you that USB jack is going to get funny quick. And that's a company having such a hassle of a warranty I'd also put 4 years Amazon insurance on it.

I'm not knowledgeable with the state of things if one exists, but what I'm looking for is an adapter that goes between the... I was going to say SDXC card but really if I can pull audio files off that unit from any wireless I could use a smaller card.

* update: okay they're called "WiFi SD Cards" and it's what I'm looking for, but I wonder if you guys have thought about neat things to do with those? I do see adapters that fits between the size of the tiny storage and the larger receptacle.

-= Cloud 9 =-

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2020 06:29PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: Do wireless SD cards ring any bells?
April 27, 2020 08:49PM
I have an Eye-Fi 4GB SD card. Used in my camera, set it to "local transfer", installed eye-fi server on my dreamplug / debian box, all the pictures will be uploaded directly to the debian folder I set. I can then access the pictures from any device at home.

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