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Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc

Posted by JoeyPogoPlugE02 
Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
May 20, 2021 11:47AM
Ladies & Germs,
With pause for all the suffering from Covid-19, I isolated where there is wildlife such as deer, raccoon, wild turkeys; all kinds of fun.

With my pro-sumer'ish camera I captured some decent moments that i'd like to re-render so it's in a format the Digital photo frame can play.
The animals are pretty slow so it shouldn't need excessive frames, even something in the neighborhood of WMV (heresy i know). For all I know the audio needs to be 16-bit, or any number of specific things I'm not remembering.

So far my four or so tries rendering video as AVI, MP4, etc didn't work, but it could be many reasons, one I cut the audio out altogether. I was behind real clean glass and the TV has nothing to do with the raccoon doing funny things. :-)

So it's a question first asked in the Display forum, but at the moment the interest seems low.

It's a nice present for old people etc, reminders of good times. And use the digital picture frames to their potential :-)

It's an 800 x 640 screen I think, ADATA is the brand

-= Cloud 9 =-
Re: Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
May 20, 2021 07:17PM

I've forgot most of what I learned back in the days about these :)) so take this as a distant memory recall.

IIRC, I think this might be the issue with the video container format. Some old digital photo frames can only accept MPEG-4.

AVI and MP4 are containers that appeared later than some really old digital photo frames (or ones with old FW).

And if these frames can only display pictures, not video, then use JPEG (not many old frames supports PNP).

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
May 21, 2021 07:01AM
Hello Joe,

I'm not sure what exactly did you mean by rendering. Did you mean a video transcoding?

Anyway, if your camera captured some decent moments in a video format, i.e. AVI, MPEG, etc., and you wan to video transcode them into other video formats, the free and/or open-source software (OSS) with a nice GUI, i.e. Avidemux, will probably be your friend. For a CLI OSS, you can also try FFmpeg and/or its GUI (QWinFF). IIRC, both above mentioned OSS can also work with image and/or picture files.
Re: Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
May 21, 2021 07:37AM

If you have a powerful computer with lots of RAM, i.e. 8+ GB), feel free to give kdenlive a try. TBH, I prefer avidemux for its simplicity and/or lightweight.

FYI, there is also some video mixer OSS (VoctoMix) and/or webcam OSS (Webcamoid) that may interest you, too. You can find more OSS packages related to video editing through a Google search and/or any Linux software package manager under the video software section. For instance, when I launched the synaptic package manager on any debian and/or ubuntu Linux desktop computer, there is a section of video software with lots of packages related to video.
Thanks a lot for all the info guys, it's a bit late so maybe I'll edit tomorrow.

I spent a great deal of the evening rendering (trans-coding Habibie :-) every format and only one works, MP-1 Main Concept NTSC which is ".mpg" and works 25 and 29 fps. So far on that little display it kicks major @$$! The only thing objectionable is the 9:16 ratio within the 3:4 dimensions of the display. I changed the rendered size but it keeps displaying it at the same dimensions.

I think for now, the next step that cinches this is to see if there's a common template solution for video recorded at 9:16 to crop off the far left and right of the screen and inflate what's left?

I'll get to these other mentions guys; big big thanks, this really is amazing and it's an old but seemingly good display (famous last words!)!

-= Cloud 9 =-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2021 03:53AM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
May 22, 2021 06:51PM

MP-1 Main Concept NTSC which is ".mpg"

Probably MPEG-2

> I think for now, the next step that cinches this
> is to see if there's a common template solution
> for video recorded at 9:16 to crop off the far
> left and right of the screen and inflate what's
> left?

I used to use Handbrake and Mediacoder on Windows, but don't recall if these 2 have this feature.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
May 23, 2021 06:00AM

I forgot to mention the following information w.r.t a free image / photo / picture processing OSS: GIMP. I used this software to do a lot of image processing tasks.
Thanks for Handbrake Bodhi and trying Habibie :-D Unfortunately Photoshop is what I learned on at a Uni. Seemed to me CS2 worked well using Wine maybe but CrossOver for Snow Leopard at the time. For Video for now I got a steal on Magix Vegas 16 Edit for $50 @ 2 activation's recently so that's where I have my Windows safety net if I get in over my head in Linux video apps (speaking of which) and DaVinci is one of them?

By the way, for Handbrake to take a 16:9 more toward 4:3, this Apple . com page is a great resource to dive right in:

-= Cloud 9 =-
Re: Trying to formulate optimal picture frame rendering dimensions, FPS, audio etc
June 03, 2021 12:41PM

While installing some applications on my ubuntu desktop computer, I came across this OpenShot video editor and thought you may be interested to take a look at it.
habibie Wrote:
> Joe,
> While installing some applications on my ubuntu
> desktop computer, I came across this
> OpenShot video
> editor and thought you may be interested to take a
> look at it.

Wow, very impressive Habibie! Wowza this will get used here; maybe more fun than Magix (formerly Sony and before that Sonic Foundry) Vegas!

-= Cloud 9 =-

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