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Bluetooth serial uart for console connection

Posted by maihoaomv 
Bluetooth serial uart for console connection
May 16, 2013 01:37PM
I'm thinking of trying to convert the wired serial console-to-usb on my GoFlex Home to a wireless-serial-bluetooth. I have an older (original) iPad that was giving to me that I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what it's any good for other than playing games. I jail broke it and installed SSH and can use it with the GoFlex over the WiFi. But what I would like to do is to use it as a wireless console to monitor the server at bootup. Has anyone seceded in getting a bluetooth wireless uart console to work with any of these devices (especially the GoFlex Home)?

The "HC-06 Arduino Wireless Serial 4 Pin Bluetooth Module RS232 With 115200 BAUD RATE" I found on ebay sounds like a good candidate for this project. Does anyone have any comments or suggestions?
Re: Bluetooth serial uart for console connection
May 20, 2013 02:40AM

Very interesting! have you found more info about tthis? Does it have to be plugged in to another USB Bluetooth adapter?

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2013 02:46AM by bodhi.
Re: Bluetooth serial uart for console connection
May 20, 2013 10:53AM
Go simple by directly connecting 3.3v serial ports with a cross over cable.

Re: Bluetooth serial uart for console connection
May 20, 2013 11:07AM
I took a peak at the specs, some model has both master and slave mode. But still entirely not sure how it works :) does it work it just like a USB Bluetooth dongle?
Re: Bluetooth serial uart for console connection
May 20, 2013 11:47AM
I already have a wired serial-to-usb cable which works great with ckermit (linux version).

Was hoping someone may have already tried this and could give me a few pointers. Apparently (from what I've found so far on the internet) the bluetooth serial module works with the Raspberry Pi using a SmartPhone (don't quoute me on that). I would like to find a useful use for the iPad (a throw-away gift). The iPad has been jail broken and I have SSH, WebSSH, and minicom installed and I can SSH into the server (or the iPad) without any problem (it's kind of limited as to what you can do with it).

It looks like it may be doable and if I can figure it out I will post some sort of howto here. This might turn out to be a fun summer project after all.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2013 11:52AM by maihoaomv.
Re: Bluetooth serial uart for console connection
May 20, 2013 11:56AM
Not sure. Haven't received the module yet. but the one I ordered is suppose to default to 115200. that way I don't have to change the baud rate on the GoFlex to the slower 9600.


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