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Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?

Posted by restamp 
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
April 21, 2015 06:50PM
I do all my serial console work using Pogoplugs now. Windows is only used to putty into my Pogoplug (PogoplugA), then from PogoplugA, I use picocom to connect to problematic Pogoplug (PogoplugB),

No Windows driver issues anymore.

Pogoplug V2 and V3 Serial Connection
Tutorial - Pogoplug v4 (Series 4 and Mobile) with Linux (Debian or Arch)

OpenWRT on Pogoplug Mobile
Tutorial - Pogoplug E02/V4 with Arch Linux ARM
Hacking the Pogoplug v3/Oxnas (Pro/Classic) with Debian

OpenWRT on Pogoplug v3/Oxnas (Pro/Classic)
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
April 21, 2015 08:52PM
grayman4hire Wrote:
> I do all my serial console work using Pogoplugs
> now. Windows is only used to putty into my
> Pogoplug (PogoplugA), then from PogoplugA, I use
> picocom to connect to problematic Pogoplug
> (PogoplugB),
> No Windows driver issues anymore.

Ditto. It is much easier to bring the plug with serial console module to where you need than moving your laptop or pc.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
April 21, 2015 11:47PM
bodhi Wrote:
> grayman4hire Wrote:
> > I do all my serial console work using Pogoplugs
> > now. Windows is only used to putty into my
> > Pogoplug (PogoplugA), then from PogoplugA, I
> > use > picocom to connect to problematic Pogoplug
> > (PogoplugB)

> Ditto. It is much easier to bring the plug with
> serial console module to where you need than
> moving your laptop or pc.

I.e. using a "Soundblaster" cable with 2 white plugs in cross-connect?
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
April 21, 2015 11:57PM

> I.e. using a "Soundblaster" cable with 2 white
> plugs in cross-connect?

I use the audio cable with white connector plugged into the Pogo header, and black connector sticking outside. The black connector fits the CP2xxx serial module pins perfectly.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2016 03:31AM

I use one of these CD Audio Sound Blaster cables to connect serial console for most the plugs. This cable has a black connector and a white (JST) connector.

Except for the Zyxel NSA3xx, these miniNAS have a different type of serial header: picture.

For the NSA325, there is no problem with using a cable with 2 identical connectors like the black connector for the CD Audio SoundBlaster cable. But the NSA310S does not have a lot clearance above. This black connector would not be possible.

Is there a connector for this that is shorter ? or if is there some type of right angle jumper wire (then I'd just connect each pin)?

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2016 03:36AM by bodhi.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2016 05:13AM

im not aware of a right angle connector, but i have on occasion removed the connectors from there housing and bent them over. then held in place with either hotglue or tape. Its not an ideal solution. but for the times when i have had to "get the job done" its got me out of many holes.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2016 05:45AM
Gravelrash Wrote:
> @bodhi
> im not aware of a right angle connector, but i
> have on occasion removed the connectors from there
> housing and bent them over. then held in place
> with either hotglue or tape. Its not an ideal
> solution. but for the times when i have had to
> "get the job done" its got me out of many holes.

Ah ha! I guess I could do that. Buy a whole bunch of those tiny connectors, crimp the wire, and bend but trying not to break it.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
This Sound blaster cd audio cable work great with Goflex Net !
I use it with GtkTerm in Linux Mint.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
November 13, 2017 02:14PM
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
November 13, 2017 04:03PM

> What do you think about this one?
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-USB-2-0-to-TTL-UART-6PIN-Module-Serial-Converter-CP2102-STC-PRGMR-Cable-BE-/201709769604?_trksid=p2385738.m4383.l4275.c10

This one is good. It's the right one when you see CP2102 and the pic looks like that.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2017 04:05PM by bodhi.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 12:53AM
Ok , the short side, picocom gets to "terminal Ready" and hangs. have tried 2 different usb cp2102 to serial and have tried connect tx-tx/rx-rx have tried to reverse it, have followed every step given on several posts with no response from the pogoplug pro. I have also set up a sata drive, got nothing, a usb drive, got nothing.
If I plug the ethernet in the lights flash at the plug but no connection to the router( wrt32x) which tells me what is connected, the little blue led on the board lights when plugged in which tells me it has power. Any idea what to try next???

Thanks, Echowarrior108
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 03:16AM

Sounds like you've exhausted the possibilty. However, your best hope with this box is.

1. Making sure your CP2xxx module converter is working. Can you verify the connection works with a different box? or at least do the loop back TX-RX to see what you type is echoed back.

2. Direct SATA booting. Try this again and tell me what you did in details (best to post the log of what you did).

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 04:13PM
echowarrior108 Wrote:
> Ok , the short side, picocom gets to "terminal
> Ready" and hangs. have tried 2 different usb
> cp2102 to serial and have tried connect
> tx-tx/rx-rx have tried to reverse it, have
> followed every step given on several posts with no
> response from the pogoplug pro.
Did you also connect both GND pins?
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 06:19PM
Hi Bodhi, thanks for the quick reply, I know this is an old problem and I have read thousands of posts regarding the issue and by far you are the foremost authority... never did really do a log but tried everything, here is what I did for the sata hdd ( not sure if its too much info but new to ubuntu) :russ@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs$ sudo su
[sudo] password for echowarrior108:
 root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# lsblk
sda                       8:0    0  37.3G  0 disk  
├─sda1                    8:1    0   731M  0 part  /boot
├─sda2                    8:2    0     1K  0 part  
└─sda5                    8:5    0  36.6G  0 part  
  └─sda5_crypt          253:0    0  36.6G  0 crypt 
    ├─ubuntu--vg-root   253:1    0  20.6G  0 lvm   /
    └─ubuntu--vg-swap_1 253:2    0  15.9G  0 lvm   [SWAP]
sdf                       8:80   0 698.7G  0 disk  
├─sdf1                    8:81   0  48.9G  0 part  /media/russ/rootfs
├─sdf2                    8:82   0  61.1G  0 part  
└─sdf3                    8:83   0 588.7G  0 part  
sdg                       8:96   0   1.8T  0 disk  
└─sdg1                    8:97   0   1.8T  0 part  

the sdf drive is the sata drive I am working from, I put the following in the rootfs partition after following the instructions from :https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,32994,33021#msg-33021...

 root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# ls
bin   dev  etc   lib         media  opt   root  sbin  sys  usr
boot  dts  home  lost+found  mnt    proc  run   srv   tmp  var
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# cd /media/russ/rootfs/boot
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs/boot# ls
config-4.4.54-oxnas-tld-1                       uImage
dts                                             uInitrd
initrd.img-4.4.54-oxnas-tld-1                   vmlinuz-4.4.54-oxnas-tld-1
linux-headers-4.4.54-oxnas-tld-1_1.0_armel.deb  zImage-4.4.54-oxnas-tld-1
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs/boot# cd ..
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# cd /dts
bash: cd: /dts: No such file or directory
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# cd /media/russ/rootfs/bdts
bash: cd: /media/russ/rootfs/bdts: No such file or directory
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# cd /media/russ/rootfs/dts
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs/dts# ls
ox820-akitio.dtb  ox820-pogoplug-classic.dtb  ox820-pogoplug-pro.dtb.ori
ox820-kd20.dtb    ox820-pogoplug-pro.dtb      ox820-stg212.dtb
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs/dts# cd ..
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs# cd /media/russ/rootfs/bin
root@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs/bin# ls
bash           egrep       mv                    systemd-inhibit
bunzip2        false       nano                  systemd-machine-id-setup
busybox        fgrep       netstat               systemd-notify
bzcat          findmnt     networkctl            systemd-sysusers
bzcmp          grep        nisdomainname         systemd-tmpfiles
bzdiff         gunzip      pidof                 systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
bzegrep        gzexe       ping                  tailf
bzexe          gzip        ping4                 tar
bzfgrep        hostname    ping6                 tempfile
bzgrep         ip          ps                    touch
bzip2          journalctl  pwd                   true
bzip2recover   keyctl      rbash                 udevadm
bzless         kill        readlink              umount
bzmore         kmod        rm                    uname
cat            ln          rmdir                 uncompress
chgrp          login       rnano                 vdir
chmod          loginctl    run-parts             wdctl
chown          logread     sed                   which
cp             ls          sh                    ypdomainname
cpio           lsblk       sleep                 zcat
dash           lsmod       ss                    zcmp
date           mkdir       stty                  zdiff
dd             mknod       su                    zegrep
df             mktemp      sync                  zfgrep
dir            more        systemctl             zforce
dmesg          mount       systemd               zgrep
dnsdomainname  mountpoint  systemd-ask-password  zless
domainname     mt          systemd-escape        zmore
echo           mt-gnu      systemd-hwdb          znew

there are more folders but not sure how to list the directory tree ,lol
do I need to start from scratch on the sata?
gonna give that a go and keep a better log, just need to go in the right direction:)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2018 07:13PM by echowarrior108.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 06:24PM
Hi habibie , thanks for asking, I forgot to put in that yes I did use the GND, I am using three wires connect directly to txd,rxd,gnd on the usb and connected them to the serial via the audio connector / serial plug which have the three wires connected to the serial according to the photo listed for my board exactly like : http://blog.qnology.com/2013/10/pogoplug-e02-v2-serial-connection.html had shown. Thanks EW

Just a follow up on the usb -tty adapter, this pogoplug pro serial had to be reversed to connect, ie: GN to GN ,RXD to TXD, and TXD to RXD. at least that ws from the pic for the v3 from here: http://blog.qnology.com/2013/10/pogoplug-e02-v2-serial-connection.html

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2018 07:10PM by echowarrior108.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 08:12PM

sdf 8:80 0 698.7G 0 disk 
├─sdf1 8:81 0 48.9G 0 part /media/russ/rootfs 
├─sdf2 8:82 0 61.1G 0 part 
└─sdf3 8:83 0 588.7G 0 part

The look of this structure raises a question. Did you prepare the HDD to boot as Direct SATA booting? As in formatting the disk with a special hex sequence (aka WarheadsSE's magic dust)? None of the partitions here is small enough as suggested (its large size is OK and not important, but usually we just need 30MB for the boot partition in this setup, but too small is not good).

The rootfs itself is actually not important at this point. That will be relevant only after we can boot the box and stop at u-boot prompt.

That's why I asked to see your log of this procedure!

Update: I saw that you did do the DIrect SATA procedure! so it's moot :) but I think the log would help to verify.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2018 08:14PM by bodhi.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 09:02PM

I would suggest this change in the procedure.

Step2: Prepare mbr partition table, and create a single partition type Ext3.
sda1: rootfs including boot files with partition name rootfs

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 09:11PM
Bodhi, not sure what WarheadsSE's magic dust is,so I am certain I started out wrong.I resized the partition as suggested: but here is where I started over so hope it working this time:

 root@Desktop-MS-7578:/home/echowarrior108# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdf1
mke2fs 1.43.5 (04-Aug-2017)
/dev/sdf1 contains a ext4 file system labelled 'rootfs'
	last mounted on Tue Mar 13 21:45:27 2018
Proceed anyway? (y,N) y
Creating filesystem with 1024000 4k blocks and 256000 inodes
Filesystem UUID: baaac6c3-04da-4426-b60d-992d3dc303be
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
	32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736

Allocating group tables: done                            
Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (16384 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

I think I am going off topic though, is there a SATA topic started already to continue this:)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2018 07:14PM by echowarrior108.
Re: Serial Port connector - what are people using to make it work?
March 13, 2018 09:19PM

Let's do that in:


Post your entire log of the procedure there.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)


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