shipping board for a flash
December 20, 2022 08:41AM
Hello people,

My Netgear Stora is disconnected since a couple of years, and while I bought the material to perform the flash and I have a basic knowledge, I am not sure I will ever find the time to mess with this. I am wondering if I there would be a way that I would sending the board or the fash chip to anybody from you to receive it flashed.

Re: shipping board for a flash
December 20, 2022 09:13PM
You might want to mention your general location as someone in the same country/region as you may make more sense than shipping it halfway around the world!
Re: shipping board for a flash
December 24, 2022 06:12AM
Sure, I am in Spain. But I would ship worldwide, I believe a chip or board can be in a regular letter
Re: shipping board for a flash
December 25, 2022 06:03AM
cotarelo Wrote:
> Sure, I am in Spain. But I would ship worldwide, I believe a chip or board can be in a regular letter
That's nice to know. However, someone at the receiving end of the shipment may not be able to ship it back to you due to prohibitive cost unless you include a pre-paid shipping label to have it ship to you at no cost.
Re: shipping board for a flash
December 27, 2022 03:49PM
Of course, once flashed I'll add the cost for shipping back
Re: shipping board for a flash
January 14, 2023 01:00PM

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