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Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts

Posted by Tushar 
Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
January 25, 2024 10:11AM
I was cleaning up my shelf this afternoon and found the Pogoplug v4 I purchased years ago. After these many years of collecting dust, I wonder what can be done with this little device with very low hardware specifications. I already have a Synology 2-bay NAS serving my home network. Is anyone else using it for any other purpose? Even pi-hole won't work on it, I guess?
Re: Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
January 25, 2024 01:05PM
I have 6 total, at least 1 of each type, though 2 of the 6 are broken and used for future parts. I do use the 4 that work. I use an E02 as my main DNS server running Pi-hole and Unbound. I use the other 3, a Mobile, a Pro and a V4, as Time Machine Backups and also just for fun and to keep my Linux/Debian skills sharp. I've had most of them for at least 12 years and I absolutely love those little boxes!
Re: Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
January 25, 2024 09:03PM
Tushar Wrote:

> using it for any other purpose? Even pi-hole won't
> work on it, I guess?

You should be able to run pi-hole on it -- you need to create a swapfile or swap partition.

I used to run pi-hole on a dockstar, I guess CPU 1.2GHz / 800MHz is the main difference.
Re: Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
January 27, 2024 11:18PM
They make great remote log servers, too. My E02 runs rsyslog to collect the output from my various internet-of-things devices (mostly lighting controllers running Tasmota). A daily run of a Logwatch script emails me info on whether they're operating as expected or having issues.
Re: Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
February 19, 2024 11:36PM
Pi-hole most certainly does still work on the Pogoplug v4, honestly I'm convinced it would work on any computing device made after 1980. A great use case I've found for it and other kirkwood boxes is that of an Airplay receiver. Basically just compile shairport-sync from source and hookup a cheap plug and play usb to analog speaker DAC from eBay. I think I paid $2.50 for the one i'm using currently. Lets me stream music from my phone over the network. I've paired it with an old apple tv 3rd gen (non 4k or TV-OS) and use it (the pogoplug) as speakers for the TV. Lets me watch TV in silence while everyone else is sleeping. Lots of life still left in these old boxes.

I just found the Pogoplug Pogo-E02 (pink one) my cousin gave me a couple of years ago. I had never used this device at the time it was "fully operational", so I don't have any idea what it looked like. Now, I can plug in some USB storage devices, and map them as network devices on my Windows 11 machine (probably I can access them from other devices also, I just haven't tried).
What I want to do is install a bit torrent client capable of remote access (through a web interface or in the best case - an android app) and a SAMBA server. I know that I will need to install Debian, Arch, or OpenWRT. I'm a bit familiar with Debian (not ARM) because of Ubuntu and Open Media Vault, but I don't know anything about Arch and OpenWRT. Which of the 3 operating systems is the easiest to install, configure, and maintain? Do all of them support SAMBA and Transmission, for example? Which will be the best choice?
Re: Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
March 12, 2024 07:58PM
I would point out that and older version of Arch might be findable and installable, but can't update it since Arch has dropped support for the hardware. I was initially running Arch on mine (btw), but since it can't be updated I've moved to Debian and been happy with it. This community supports Debian as a focus, and is very helpful. I'm happy with Debian and it works well for me.

As for what you can do with it - all of the above. Torrent, Samba you name it. Just keep in mind it's a tiny system with limited memory, so keep it small. I have no experience with Open Media Vault though.
Re: Does the Pogoplug v4 serve any purpose anymore? Share your thoughts
June 29, 2024 04:33AM
If you can run web server, you can install kriss rss does not need any external database, very light, I run this on a Pi 0W for years.

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