What happens if SATA connector is backwards?
December 09, 2015 02:25PM
I have an old motherboard I was re-purposing- has quadcore and 6GB RAM, runs excellent and triple boots Windows 7 x64, Hackintosh Snow Leopard and Debian XFCE/KDE. It's got 6 SATA ports, and three SATA cables were stuck in the sockets. The first one I pulled out too hard and that little motherboard SATA piece came off. I didn't know the orientation of the other two on that side, and carefully, behind large magnifying glass, got the pins to match the cover and slid the cover back on and heard the snap of success.

Then I found out why the other SATA cables were stuck and got them out, discovering that one is backwards.

At this point, the other 5 SATA connectors work. Now normally you'd either reverse the connector or never use the backwards port.
However, the actual pinout for the SATA indicates it might be very well designed to mitigate such a problem.

Attached is a pinout. Should I try it? I'd run it to standard DVD burner and not use it much, but that's be great if it worked. There's no way I'm going to risk wrecking the motherboard to get that connector off, and especially the delicate art of getting those little pins lined-up under the connector.

-= Cloud 9 =-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2015 02:30PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
open | download - SATAPinout.jpg (15.7 KB)
Re: What happens if SATA connector is backwards?
December 11, 2015 07:10AM
Ask yourself this question.
Are you happy with 5 working or do you want to potentially blow all six
Re: What happens if SATA connector is backwards?
December 11, 2015 12:00PM
Based on previous experience with a backwards Firewire 1394a plug (a lesson I will NEVER need to repeat), I may as well stay with 5 SATAs and like it.

Zero steps forward is always better than fifty steps back. Thanks Gravelrash :-)

-= Cloud 9 =-

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