Built on Debian and XFCE, at fully last a Linux that I'm comfortable with on the desktop computer. I've tried most everything i could get my hands on and make USB Lives out of, and eventually I settled on recent Debian with XFCE and KDE GUIs. It really looked beautiful but the "feel" was never right. This could be due to many reasons. On the other hand, another favorite, Mint XFCE has the feel but lacks the snappiness of Debian.
Maybe someday I'll share my thoughts on many Linuxes from a reasonable newb's perspective, but it doesn't read the same when I remove swear words from Arch nor a comparison to a brothel for Fedora.
Back to Pogoplug: that E02 with Debian and XFCE, for a headless box I 'd never consider another OS again. Technically perfect and that small investment has brought a world of unbelievably high quality (24/192kbps if you're interested) music and other niceties.
But recently I found AV Linux, about a year-old kernel and a treasure trove of audio, video and otherwise multimedia apps, and I'm excited for many reasons. The pros are highest and the cons are least. It's the first of any Linux which ran my ThinClient MP4 movies over LAN without slow frames. DiVX not so hot, but that's a 1.3ghz processor and VIA graphics with only heatsinks and no fans - 1280 x 1024! That's efficient.
And it's one of very few Linuxes that had the VIA drivers - only Mint and I suppose Ubuntu had those. But the performance of the apps and the selection right from the get-go is SO good I had to tell someone. this is also a great too to help teach how to setup Debian beyond headlessness. On the Pogo, run the GUI once a week tops. But this is for always GUI.
For Desktop quadcore, bam everything up to snuff. First OS that ever happened. Ever.
So just a shout out, for those who like checking out interesting Linuxes, I don't know what you'll think of this, but if you have time on your hands this holiday season, check it out, and immediately grab some music off your LAN. I've known about this for over a year and was turned off by 32-bit only and LibreOffice in the 4.x I think range, but now that I've seen this, it's embarrassing to see the good I turned down by insignificant prejudices.
So grab it and I'll seed from my Pogoplug :-)
-= Cloud 9 =-