SSD as E02 boot device?
April 29, 2016 03:15AM
Does anyone have experience with booting a Pogoplug E02 from an SSD via a USB to SSD adapter?

(typical adapter on fleabay)

Background: I've always been suspicious about running a production system (in this case a web server) from a flash drive. When flash drives were SLC I felt it was tolerable, but that suspicious feeling has become more so now that nearly all flash drives are MLC with the associated lifespan reduction. Most available USB flash drives are built to a reliability that, imo, is not good enough for a system drive, and few support SMART diagnostics to any useful level.

However, an SSD (despite also being built on MLC flash) is designed and intended to be used as a replacement for a system drive. The power requirements are also low enough that a Pogoplug can supply power to the SSD without needing an external power supply.

Before going ahead, I wanted to know if anybody has tried this and what the results were.
Re: SSD as E02 boot device?
April 29, 2016 07:15AM
done it - no issues to speak of, other than the usb transfer limit
Re: SSD as E02 boot device?
April 29, 2016 04:39PM
Thanks for the info. It's helpful to know that something has been done successfully before, so that if problems do arise there is no "maybe this doesn't work" hovering in the shadows.
Re: SSD as E02 boot device?
June 16, 2016 05:33AM
...and two years later, with bohdi's latest rootfs, it still does work on Jessie. No problem at all. I followed his guide to backup the rootfs, and restored it to the SSD; working great!

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