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steam link hacks

Posted by feas 
steam link hacks
December 30, 2017 09:49AM
Didn't want to hijack habibie's post here for buying the steam link so here's everything so far.

Gravelrash included some links for some hacks.
Gravelrash Wrote:
> SSH access
> http://mcd1992.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/alright-this-was-lot-easier-than-i.html

"As for enabling ssh on your Steam Link its very easy. All you need to do is get a pendrive and make this file in these folders: /steamlink/config/system/enable_ssh.txt (Note: the file must have some data in it, if enable_ssh.txt is empty it will not work) "password is "steamlink" change your password "passwd" I believe I read it is limited to 8 characters

The auto power off was really getting to me and the only thing I could find to change that didn't work for me so here is what I did:

Stop auto power off
In the home directory
vi rc.local
and all the way to the bottom comment out
#./bin/powermanager.sh &
You will need to reboot after doing this to take affect.

> CHROOT environment
> http://mcd1992.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/arch-linux-chroot-on-steam-link-easy.html?m=1
That didn't work for me so I went with it another way, mostly from here. Besides it is straight from the source ;) You need to put a single usb stick in that will be overwritten.
#!/bin/sh -e                                                                    
mkdir -p /mnt/usb
# Format the USB stick to use ext4                                              
mkfs.ext4 /dev/block/sda1
# mount the USB stick                                                           
mount /dev/block/sda1 /mnt/usb
# Download ArchLinuxArm-armv7 latest rootfs                                     
wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz -O /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz
wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz.md5 -O /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz.md5
# wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz.sig -O /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz.sig
# Check md5 matches                                                             
md5sum /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz
cat /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz.md5
tar -xvf /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz -C /mnt/usb/
# clean up the downloaded files                                                 
rm /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz
rm /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz.md5
# rm /mnt/usb/rootfs.tar.gz.sig
# The root home is /home/steam, create it to keep env variable clean            
mkdir -p /mnt/usb/home/steam
# had errors /mnt/usb/dev didn't exist so make it                               
mkdir -p /mnt/usb/dev
# prepare stuffs to chroot                                                      
mount -t proc proc /mnt/usb/proc/
mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/usb/sys/
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/usb/dev/
mount -t devpts devpts /mnt/usb/dev/pts/
chroot /mnt/usb /bin/bash

Update the CHROOT system

# update the system                                                             
pacman -Syu
# add packages                                                                  
pacman -S base-devel ntp
# set your local                                                                     
vi /etc/locale.gen

# update your locale
# make sure time is set                                                         
ntpdate -s time.nist.gov

> Watch some Home Media on it
> https://github.com/garbear/kodi-steamlink

Safer factory reset

"You can factory reset via USB. Create a file named factory_reset.txt (If you're on windows and you have file extensions hidden just name it 'factory_reset' without the .txt). Inside the file put some data, just a '1' will do. Unplug your steam link and plugin the USB drive. Re-plug in the Steam Link and it should start the factory reset."

Setting specific builds manualy

"Create a text file called update_branch.txt containing the number of the build you wish to use. Place this file on a USB drive using the file path /steamlink/config/system/update_branch.txt
Insert the USB drive into the Steam Link
Unplug your Steam Link, wait 3 seconds, then plug it back in
The correct build will automatically be downloaded and installed
After the update, navigate to the System Settings page to ensure that both the Release and Build version have been updated."

Busybox shell
busybox sh
Now you can tab complete

Standing on shoulders

Found something you want added post below and I will add to first post.

Legal Disclaimer

"Blah bla blah blah bla"

I don't have a tv so couldn't test the home media or the setting the default resolution hacks. If you can confirm I will be glad to add.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2017 04:42PM by feas.
Re: steam link hacks
December 30, 2017 10:38AM

Cool! please post dmesg output.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
December 30, 2017 03:32PM

Thank you and this is definitely a great start.

I still haven't unbox mine, yet. :(
Re: steam link hacks
December 30, 2017 03:47PM
bodhi Wrote:
> feas,
> Cool! please post dmesg output.

Hmmm. Seems I have a lot of bad block errors. Perhaps someone has a cleaner version we can post since mine may cause differences because of.
Re: steam link hacks
January 06, 2018 06:17AM
No news on the steam link front?
Re: steam link hacks
January 30, 2018 02:45PM
bodhi Wrote:
> feas,
> Cool! please post dmesg output.

I finally came around to do this, hope this helps. freshly unboxed, nothing else done with the steam link yet beside putting in the wifi password.
Tell me if you want me to execute or try anything else. However you have to give me the exact commands as I am not good with linux.
I would be very happy if we can have debian directly installed as I have a few of them stored ;).
PS.: some lines have characters pushed far to the right, not sure if it is send by the steam link that way or my putty character formating is wrong. But I think the information are all there.

login as: root
root@'s password:
# dmesg
[    6.510823] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000012F direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.511182] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000130 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.511555] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000131 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.511926] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000132 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.512287] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000133 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.512646] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000134 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.513019] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000135 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.513390] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000136 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.513747] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000137 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.514106] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000138 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.514479] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000139 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.514849] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000013A direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.515233] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000013B direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.515775] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 000000F0 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.516249] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000000 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.516681] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000001 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.517063] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000002 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.517431] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000003 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.517883] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000004 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.518281] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000005 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.518666] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000006 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.519035] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000007 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.519401] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000008 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.519780] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000009 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.520163] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000A direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.520529] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000B direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.521039] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000C direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.521435] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000D direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.521822] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000E direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.522195] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000F direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.522564] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000010 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.523047] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000011 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.523438] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000012 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.523800] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000013 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.524164] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000014 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.524541] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000015 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.524915] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000016 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.525274] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000017 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.525631] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000018 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.526003] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000019 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.526388] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001A direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.526744] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001B direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.527129] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001C direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.527516] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001D direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.527892] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001E direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.528269] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001F direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.528634] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000020 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.529011] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000021 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.529384] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000022 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.529743] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000023 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.530105] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000024 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.530482] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000025 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.530855] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000026 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.531215] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000027 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.531574] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000028 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.531947] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000029 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.532324] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002A direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.532685] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002B direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.533044] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002C direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.533425] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002D direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.533800] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002E direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.534160] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002F direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.534520] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000030 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.534892] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000031 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.535264] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000032 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.535620] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000033 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.535978] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000034 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.536351] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000035 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.536723] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000036 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.537081] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000037 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.537438] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000038 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.537812] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000039 direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.538185] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000003A direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.538575] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000003B direct map buf d185650                                                                                                             0 error, try bounce buffer
[    7.125406] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[    7.125418] cfg80211:  DFS Master region FCC
[    7.125423] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gai                                                                                                             n, max_eirp)
[    7.125430] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2700 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    7.125435] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 1700 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    7.125441] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    7.125446] cfg80211:   (5490000 KHz - 5590000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    7.125451] cfg80211:   (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    7.125456] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 3000 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    7.338179] 8897mlan: module license 'Marvell Proprietary' taints kernel.
[    7.338190] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[    7.423239] wlan: Loading MWLAN driver
[    7.430860] vendor=0x02DF device=0x912D class=0 function=1
[    7.436637] SDIO: max_segs=128 max_seg_size=65536
[    7.441521] rx_work=0 cpu_num=1
[    7.445037] wlan: Enable TX SG mode
[    7.445044] wlan: Enable RX SG mode
[    8.606616] Wlan: FW download over, firmwarelen=792072 downloaded 792072
[    9.309044] WLAN FW is active
[    9.376704] fw_cap_info=0x1ffab, dev_cap_mask=0xffffffff
[    9.383897] SDIO rx aggr: 1 block_size=412
[    9.383904] wlan: Enable RX SG mode
[    9.383908] mpa_rx_buf_size=65280
[    9.394368] CMD_RESP: cmd 0x23a error, result=0x2
[    9.403684] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US
[    9.480612] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: US
[    9.480623] cfg80211:  DFS Master region FCC
[    9.480627] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gai                                                                                                             n, max_eirp)
[    9.480635] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2700 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    9.480641] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 1700 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    9.480646] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    9.480651] cfg80211:   (5490000 KHz - 5590000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    9.480657] cfg80211:   (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    9.480662] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 3000 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[    9.493842] wlan: version = SD8897-15.68.7.p206-C3X15C125.p1-GPL-(FP68)
[    9.505412] wlan: Driver loaded successfully
[    9.518625] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): mlan0: link is not ready
[    9.545825] drvdbg = 0x00080007
[    9.549118] MMPA_D (00008000)
[    9.552280] MIF_D  (00100000)
[    9.555438] MFW_D  (00080000) X
[    9.558695] MEVT_D (00040000)
[    9.561853] MCMD_D (00020000)
[    9.565011] MDAT_D (00010000)
[    9.568168] MIOCTL (00000080)
[    9.571326] MINTR  (00000040)
[    9.574486] MEVENT (00000020)
[    9.577643] MCMND  (00000010)
[    9.580800] MDATA  (00000008)
[    9.583956] MERROR (00000004) X
[    9.587204] MFATAL (00000002) X
[    9.590461] MMSG   (00000001) X
[   10.128372] BT: Loading driver
[   10.146258] BT FW is active(0)
[   10.150808] BT: FW already downloaded!
[   10.326358] BT: Create /dev/mnfcchar0
[   10.473428] BT: Driver loaded successfully
[   11.862034] unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=connman)
[   11.938731] wlan: mlan0 START SCAN
[   12.035528] wlan: SCAN COMPLETED: scanned AP count=1
[   12.300336] wlan: Connected to bssid a8:XX:XX:XX:75:a5 successfully
[   12.314117] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): mlan0: link becomes ready
[   12.314585] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: DE
[   12.356584] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: DE
[   12.356595] cfg80211:  DFS Master region FCC
[   12.356600] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gai                                                                                                             n, max_eirp)
[   12.356607] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2700 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[   12.356612] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 1700 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[   12.356618] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[   12.356623] cfg80211:   (5490000 KHz - 5590000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[   12.356628] cfg80211:   (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[   12.356633] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 3000 m                                                                                                             Bm)
[   13.110521] ADDBA RSP: Failed(a8:XX:XX:XX:75:a5 tid=6)
[   21.417236] mv88de3100_wdt f7e82000.wdt: new timeout (4, approximant)
[   21.417250] cfg: 106250000
[   21.614914] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] setup cdevs device minor [1]
[   21.623167] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] create device sysfs [galois_pe_agent]
[   21.623202] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] pe_agent_driver_init OK
[   21.623208] [Galois][pe_driver] pe_driver_init OK
[   21.639144] Clear GiQuila INTR = 00000000
[   21.688483] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D core-clock-register fail                                                                                                             ed!
[   21.688494] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D sys-clock-register faile                                                                                                             d!
[   21.688499] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D core-clock-bitfield fail                                                                                                             ed!
[   21.688504] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D sys-clock-bitfield faile                                                                                                             d!
[   21.688526] Galcore version
[   21.688530] gal3d options:
[   21.688534]   irqLine           = 37
[   21.688538]   registerMemBase   = 0xF7BC0000
[   21.688542]   registerMemSize   = 0x00000800
[   21.688545]   contiguousSize    = 512
[   21.688549]   contiguousBase    = 0x00000000
[   21.688552]   bankSize          = 0x00000000
[   21.688556]   fastClear         = -1
[   21.688560]   compression       = -1
[   21.688563]   signal            = 48
[   21.688567]   powerManagement   = 1
[   21.688570]   baseAddress       = 0x00000000
[   21.688573]   physSize          = 0x80000000
[   21.688577]   logFileSize       = 0 KB
[   21.688581]   recovery          = 1
[   21.688584]   stuckDump         = 1
[   21.688587]   gpuProfiler       = 0
[   23.892377] [Galois][pe_driver] drv stop fastlogo
[   23.892391] set stop_flag to 1
[   23.914106] VPP_dhub_sem_clear stop_flag=2
[   24.118111] [Galois][fastlogo_driver] dev exit done
[   24.118119] [Galois][fastlogo_driver] profile 384:
[   24.118125]    0: 06472470:00007031
[   24.118129]    1: 21753779:00006231
[   24.118134]    2: 15551680:00002362
[   24.118138]    3: 13034362:00001713
[   24.118142]    4: 23176697:00001666
[   24.118146]    5: 13838249:00001647
[   24.118149]    6: 15451577:00001609
[   24.118153]    7: 17440226:00001666
[   24.118157]    8: 13220611:00006222
[   24.118164]  153: 21020575:00005816
[   24.118169]  154: 12343745:00004405
[   24.118174]  234: 17977582:00005317
[   24.118178]  235: 15385025:00005017
[   24.636409] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfb2df80 tgid:1400
[   24.636574] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb2df80 ioctl:set pe inst:88de310                                                                                                             0 tgid:1400 token:00000000
[   24.788210] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfb53300 tgid:1405
[   24.788231] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb53300 ioctl:set token:80000002                                                                                                              tgid:1405
[   24.799007] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb2df80 ioctl:set pe inst:88de310                                                                                                             1 tgid:1405 token:80000002
[   24.932457] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfb77680 tgid:1441
[   24.932476] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb77680 ioctl:set token:80000007                                                                                                              tgid:1441
[   24.932679] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb2df80 ioctl:set pe inst:88de310                                                                                                             2 tgid:1441 token:80000007
[   26.422659] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfbde780 tgid:1454
[   26.422678] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfbde780 ioctl:set token:8000000c                                                                                                              tgid:1454
[   26.422876] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb2df80 ioctl:set pe inst:88de310                                                                                                             3 tgid:1454 token:8000000c
[   66.019564] usb 1-1.4: USB disconnect, device number 5

Re: steam link hacks
January 30, 2018 05:07PM
Please post each of the commands and its output in separate code tags

uname -a
cat /proc/mtd
cat /etc/fw_env.config
cat /proc/cmdline
cat /proc/cpuinfo
ls -lart /boot
df -h

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2018 05:08PM by bodhi.
Re: steam link hacks
January 30, 2018 10:51PM
AngryCoder Wrote:
> PS.: some lines have characters pushed far to the right,
You can always pipe the output from dmesg to a file, i.e. dmesg >& filename or dmesg > filename, and then use scp utility, i.e. scp filename your_Linux_account_name@Your_Linux_computer_IP_Address:~/ (~/ is your home root directory on your Linux computer), to send it to your computer so you can attach the file to your post. For a file like this, I consider it as a temporary file and prefer to transfer it to /tmp directory on my Linux computer.
Re: steam link hacks
January 31, 2018 03:33PM
ok, here it comes:

# dmesg
[    6.264101] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000130 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.264475] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000131 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.264846] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000132 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.265203] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000133 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.265560] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000134 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.265930] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000135 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.266303] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000136 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.266662] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000137 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.267020] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000138 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.267392] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000139 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.267763] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000013A direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.268152] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000013B direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.268688] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 000000F0 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.269160] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000000 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.269590] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000001 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.269971] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000002 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.270344] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000003 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.270814] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000004 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.271206] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000005 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.271591] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000006 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.271958] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000007 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.272329] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000008 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.272713] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000009 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.273093] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000A direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.273457] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000B direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.273957] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000C direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.274354] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000D direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.274743] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000E direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.275111] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000000F direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.275478] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000010 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.275962] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000011 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.276357] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000012 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.276723] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000013 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.277084] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000014 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.277457] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000015 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.277830] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000016 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.278191] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000017 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.278550] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000018 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.278922] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000019 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.279294] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001A direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.279650] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001B direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.280048] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001C direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.280437] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001D direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.280817] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001E direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.281187] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000001F direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.281550] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000020 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.281925] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000021 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.282301] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000022 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.282663] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000023 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.283023] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000024 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.283397] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000025 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.283770] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000026 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.284130] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000027 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.284491] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000028 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.284865] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000029 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.285238] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002A direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.285595] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002B direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.285954] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002C direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.286338] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002D direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.286711] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002E direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.287068] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000002F direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.287440] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000030 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.287812] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000031 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.288190] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000032 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.288552] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000033 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.288911] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000034 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.289283] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000035 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.289654] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000036 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.290011] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000037 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.290380] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000038 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.290752] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 00000039 direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.291122] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000003A direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.291511] [pxa3xx_read_page,2964] nand page 0000003B direct map buf d1856500 error, try bounce buffer
[    6.901423] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[    6.901435] cfg80211:  DFS Master region FCC
[    6.901439] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[    6.901446] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2700 mBm)
[    6.901452] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 1700 mBm)
[    6.901458] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[    6.901463] cfg80211:   (5490000 KHz - 5590000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[    6.901468] cfg80211:   (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[    6.901473] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 3000 mBm)
[    7.121784] 8897mlan: module license 'Marvell Proprietary' taints kernel.
[    7.121795] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[    7.208353] wlan: Loading MWLAN driver
[    7.216873] vendor=0x02DF device=0x912D class=0 function=1
[    7.222671] SDIO: max_segs=128 max_seg_size=65536
[    7.227560] rx_work=0 cpu_num=1
[    7.231068] wlan: Enable TX SG mode
[    7.231075] wlan: Enable RX SG mode
[    8.391873] Wlan: FW download over, firmwarelen=792072 downloaded 792072
[    9.092468] WLAN FW is active
[    9.160092] fw_cap_info=0x1ffab, dev_cap_mask=0xffffffff
[    9.167279] SDIO rx aggr: 1 block_size=412
[    9.167286] wlan: Enable RX SG mode
[    9.167290] mpa_rx_buf_size=65280
[    9.177721] CMD_RESP: cmd 0x23a error, result=0x2
[    9.186999] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US
[    9.267357] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: US
[    9.267367] cfg80211:  DFS Master region FCC
[    9.267372] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[    9.267379] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2700 mBm)
[    9.267385] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 1700 mBm)
[    9.267390] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[    9.267395] cfg80211:   (5490000 KHz - 5590000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[    9.267401] cfg80211:   (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[    9.267406] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 3000 mBm)
[    9.278652] wlan: version = SD8897-15.68.7.p206-C3X15C125.p1-GPL-(FP68) 
[    9.291569] wlan: Driver loaded successfully
[    9.304720] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): mlan0: link is not ready
[    9.331080] drvdbg = 0x00080007
[    9.334361] MMPA_D (00008000) 
[    9.337523] MIF_D  (00100000) 
[    9.340691] MFW_D  (00080000) X
[    9.343938] MEVT_D (00040000) 
[    9.347095] MCMD_D (00020000) 
[    9.350253] MDAT_D (00010000) 
[    9.353410] MIOCTL (00000080) 
[    9.356568] MINTR  (00000040) 
[    9.359728] MEVENT (00000020) 
[    9.362885] MCMND  (00000010) 
[    9.366043] MDATA  (00000008) 
[    9.369199] MERROR (00000004) X
[    9.372447] MFATAL (00000002) X
[    9.375698] MMSG   (00000001) X
[    9.961957] BT: Loading driver
[    9.978297] BT FW is active(0)
[    9.982450] BT: FW already downloaded!
[   10.153842] BT: Create /dev/mnfcchar0
[   10.301049] BT: Driver loaded successfully
[   11.707335] unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=connman)
[   11.793222] wlan: mlan0 START SCAN
[   11.807010] mv88de3100_wdt f7e82000.wdt: new timeout (4, approximant)
[   11.807023] cfg: 106250000
[   11.890528] wlan: SCAN COMPLETED: scanned AP count=1
[   12.084347] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] setup cdevs device minor [1]
[   12.098569] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] create device sysfs [galois_pe_agent]
[   12.098607] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] pe_agent_driver_init OK
[   12.098612] [Galois][pe_driver] pe_driver_init OK
[   12.122416] Clear GiQuila INTR = 00000000
[   12.214623] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D core-clock-register failed!
[   12.214635] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D sys-clock-register failed!
[   12.214640] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D core-clock-bitfield failed!
[   12.214645] gpu warning: of_property_read_u32 for 3D sys-clock-bitfield failed!
[   12.214668] Galcore version
[   12.214672] gal3d options:
[   12.214676]   irqLine           = 37
[   12.214680]   registerMemBase   = 0xF7BC0000
[   12.214684]   registerMemSize   = 0x00000800
[   12.214687]   contiguousSize    = 512
[   12.214691]   contiguousBase    = 0x00000000
[   12.214694]   bankSize          = 0x00000000
[   12.214698]   fastClear         = -1
[   12.214701]   compression       = -1
[   12.214705]   signal            = 48
[   12.214709]   powerManagement   = 1
[   12.214712]   baseAddress       = 0x00000000
[   12.214715]   physSize          = 0x80000000
[   12.214719]   logFileSize       = 0 KB 
[   12.214722]   recovery          = 1
[   12.214726]   stuckDump         = 1
[   12.214729]   gpuProfiler       = 0
[   12.292686] wlan: Connected to bssid a8:XX:XX:XX:75:a5 successfully
[   12.294015] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): mlan0: link becomes ready
[   12.294261] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: DE
[   12.314599] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: DE
[   12.314609] cfg80211:  DFS Master region FCC
[   12.314613] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[   12.314620] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2700 mBm)
[   12.314626] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 1700 mBm)
[   12.314631] cfg80211:   (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[   12.314637] cfg80211:   (5490000 KHz - 5590000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[   12.314642] cfg80211:   (5650000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2400 mBm)
[   12.314647] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 3000 mBm)
[   13.339773] ADDBA RSP: Failed(a8:XX:XX:XX:75:a5 tid=6)
[   14.461515] [Galois][pe_driver] drv stop fastlogo
[   14.461529] set stop_flag to 1
[   14.482060] VPP_dhub_sem_clear stop_flag=2
[   14.686068] [Galois][fastlogo_driver] dev exit done
[   14.686077] [Galois][fastlogo_driver] profile 384:
[   14.686082]    0: 06444678:00007416
[   14.686087]    1: 21772903:00006184
[   14.686091]    2: 15553929:00002504
[   14.686095]    3: 13035539:00001798
[   14.686099]    4: 23177629:00001722
[   14.686103]    5: 13837863:00001591
[   14.686107]    6: 15453657:00001637
[   14.686110]    7: 17441355:00001628
[   14.686114]    8: 13201270:00006287
[   14.686121]  140: 18433572:00006381
[   14.686125]  141: 14934108:00006447
[   14.686129]  152: 18737261:00005949
[   14.686133]  153: 14629243:00004395
[   16.282380] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfb22b00 tgid:1392
[   16.282541] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb22b00 ioctl:set pe inst:88de3100 tgid:1392 token:00000000
[   16.413701] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfb22d80 tgid:1396
[   16.413720] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb22d80 ioctl:set token:80000002 tgid:1396
[   16.424249] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb22b00 ioctl:set pe inst:88de3101 tgid:1396 token:80000002
[   16.564894] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cfb50600 tgid:1433
[   16.564914] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb50600 ioctl:set token:80000007 tgid:1433
[   16.565094] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb22b00 ioctl:set pe inst:88de3102 tgid:1433 token:80000007
[   16.674148] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] close file:cfb50600 pid:1433 handle:88de3102
[   18.060448] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] open filp:cd06af80 tgid:1446
[   18.060469] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cd06af80 ioctl:set token:8000000c tgid:1446
[   18.060655] [Galois][pe_agent_driver] filp:cfb22b00 ioctl:set pe inst:88de3102 tgid:1446 token:8000000c

# uname -a
Linux steamlink-06B5 3.8.13-mrvl #84 PREEMPT Mon Oct 2 16:45:33 PDT 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux

# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00100000 00100000 "block0"
mtd1: 00800000 00100000 "bootloader"
mtd2: 00b00000 00100000 "env"
mtd3: 20000000 00100000 "sysconf"
mtd4: 02000000 00100000 "factory_setting"
mtd5: 02000000 00100000 "bootimgs"
mtd6: 08000000 00100000 "recovery"
mtd7: 02000000 00100000 "fts"
mtd8: 18000000 00100000 "factory"
mtd9: 40000000 00100000 "rootfs"
mtd10: 78400000 00100000 "cache"
mtd11: 00800000 00100000 "bbt"
mtd12: 100000000 00100000 "mv_nand"

# cat /etc/fw_env.config
cat: not found

# fw_printenv: not found
fw_printenv:: not found

# cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock5 rootfstype=yaffs2 ro root_part_name=rootfs init=/sbin/init mtdparts=mv_nand:1M(block0),8M(bootloader),11M(env),512M(sysconf),32M(factory_setting),32M(bootimgs),128M(recovery),32M(fts),384M(factory),1G(rootfs),1924M(cache),8M(bbt) initrd=0x1a00000,0x4b433 macaddr=00:11:22:33:44:55

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor	: 0
model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)
BogoMIPS	: 995.32
Features	: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 tls 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x3
CPU part	: 0xc09
CPU revision	: 0

Hardware	: MV88DE3108
Revision	: 0000
Serial		: 0000000000000000

# ls -lart /boot
ls: /boot: No such file or directory

# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mtdblock9            1.0G    430.5M    593.5M  42% /
none                    131.4M         0    131.4M   0% /dev
devtmpfs                131.4M         0    131.4M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   131.4M     12.0K    131.4M   0% /tmp
tmpfs                   131.4M         0    131.4M   0% /mnt
/dev/block/mtdblock4     32.0M      6.1M     25.9M  19% /mnt/factory_setting
                          1.9G     60.3M      1.8G   3% /mnt/scratch
/dev/block/mtdblock3    512.0M     11.5M    500.5M   2% /mnt/config
unionfs                 512.0M     11.5M    500.5M   2% /etc
unionfs                 512.0M     11.5M    500.5M   2% /var
unionfs                 512.0M     11.5M    500.5M   2% /home/steam
unionfs                 512.0M     11.5M    500.5M   2% /usr/local
tmpfs                   131.4M     20.0K    131.4M   0% /var/run
/dev/loop0              975.9M      2.5M    922.2M   0% /home/apps

# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/mtdblock9 on / type yaffs2 (ro,relatime)
none on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
devtmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /mnt type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock4 on /mnt/factory_setting type yaffs2 (ro,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock10 on /mnt/scratch type yaffs2 (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock3 on /mnt/config type yaffs2 (rw,relatime)
unionfs on /etc type unionfs (rw,relatime,dirs=/mnt/config/overlay/etc=rw:/etc=ro)
unionfs on /var type unionfs (rw,relatime,dirs=/mnt/config/overlay/var=rw:/var=ro)
unionfs on /home/steam type unionfs (rw,relatime,dirs=/mnt/config/overlay/home/steam=rw:/home/steam=ro)
unionfs on /usr/local type unionfs (rw,relatime,dirs=/mnt/config/overlay/usr/local=rw:/usr/local=ro)
tmpfs on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/loop0 on /home/apps type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
Re: steam link hacks
January 31, 2018 04:23PM
I did some digging and found some interesting sources.
Here someone got another kernel running with kexec:
Too bad the one that started it and seems to be knowing what has to be done isn't intrested in investing more time.

and at the end of that thread, someone linked to a working Archlinux on usb stick (haven't tried it yet):

And here they are talking about newer kernels and GPU drivers, I think:
Re: steam link hacks
February 12, 2018 03:58AM
bodhi Wrote:
> Please post each of the commands and its output in
> separate code tags
> uname -a
> cat /proc/mtd
> cat /etc/fw_env.config
> fw_printenv
> cat /proc/cmdline
> cat /proc/cpuinfo
> ls -lart /boot
> df -h
> mount

no time to look at the outputs yet or was I too stupid to produce anything usable :D?
Re: steam link hacks
February 12, 2018 04:30AM

Thanks! you did provide almost as much as I expected.

However, dmesg showed a lot of NAND errors and the beginning of the sys log was gone, i.e rolled off (this kernel log buffer must have been set to a quite small size). Also I was looking for some clue about u-boot and and did not get that (stock OS does not have it).

The problem is we don't have any way to connect serial console or JTAG (so people tried the kexec or chroot approach). What I am really interested in finding out is if there is serial console pinout, but nobody has determined one way or another yet.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
February 13, 2018 02:01AM
bodhi Wrote:
> AngryCoder,
> Thanks! you did provide almost as much as I
> expected.
> However, dmesg showed a lot of NAND errors and the
> beginning of the sys log was gone, i.e rolled off
> (this kernel log buffer must have been set to a
> quite small size). Also I was looking for some
> clue about u-boot and and did not get that (stock
> OS does not have it).
> The problem is we don't have any way to connect
> serial console or JTAG (so people tried the kexec
> or chroot approach). What I am really interested
> in finding out is if there is serial console
> pinout, but nobody has determined one way or
> another yet.

So, where do we go from here? Should one try to identify the serial pins directly on the processor and try to solder some small wires on? How feasible is the kexec approach, or what disadvantages does it have?
Re: steam link hacks
February 13, 2018 12:41PM
it would be beneficial to see if there is an option to solder headers
Re: steam link hacks
February 14, 2018 04:22AM
the best info i have found around kexec is here... its quite a plain english description


Quote :

Before you can execute the commands, there are a few things you should know. When you load a new kernel by running kexec you are overwriting the existing kernel with the kernel you specify. While this has the effect of rebooting the system quickly, it also skips the process that resets all of your hardware to a "clean" state, which can have some unpredictable consequences depending on the hardware that you use. For example, the video card on my system is an old Nvidia GeForce2 Go, and I had been using the legacy driver from Nvidia for it. After using kexec to reboot, the video never worked correctly. When I switched to the open source driver, the video came up just fine. Outcomes like this may be as varied as the kinds of hardware that exist. You just need to be aware of the possibility of problems in case something happens that you don't expect.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2018 04:22AM by Gravelrash.
Re: steam link hacks
February 14, 2018 04:47AM

So I did not like kexec that much.

This box has a secure boot. The way to defeat that and boot a normal kernel is to replace stock u-boot with a new one using serial console.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
February 14, 2018 07:21AM
bodhi Wrote:
> This box has a secure boot. The way to defeat that and boot a normal kernel is to replace stock u-boot with a new one using serial console.
And, no serial console means no replacement of the stock uboot? :(
Re: steam link hacks
February 14, 2018 10:24AM
With so many steam links sold for cheap and probably lying around I am surprised that there are only a few people (not referring to this community) online trying to install a mainstream distro on this box. But maybe many people tried and find that the apparently lack of a serial port is too big of an obstacle to invest more time. The "pogoplug-hype" years ago was probably due to the easy to find serial pins.
Too bad I can't really contribute much in finding those darn serial console pins.
Re: steam link hacks
February 14, 2018 03:40PM
That confuses me too. One would expect at least some activity. I tried asking on stackexchange and was basically told to forget about it.

Anyway about those pins. The four fellows just left of the ethernet port, look very suspicious to me.

It would make sense for them to be on the edge of the board and they don't align with USB ports on top of the board.
Re: steam link hacks
February 14, 2018 04:47PM
@Sonderling, nice pic :)

Now we should look for the HW Reference Manual for this SoC.


It uses Marvell Armada 1500-mini (88DE3005) SoC, same as Chromecast.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 12:01AM
That manual is going to be tricky. Marvell pulled the documentation from their web so old links like those found here:

Won't work, Internet Archive might help, but I wouldn't bet on it. The product line was sold to Synaptics so we might be lucky there.

However, we do have block schema from https://www.cnx-software.com/2013/12/05/marvell-unveils-armada-1500-plus-88de3108-soc-for-android-and-linux-smart-video-platforms/

And we know that it's a standard A9 Cortex chip, so we can use it's documentation instead.
The real issue is the bootloader, which is secure aka locked. I believe that we could replace it with adjusted uboot like https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,72

It would need to be adjusted for the Steam link, obviously, but I don't have know-how to do it. We run into substantial risk of bricking the Link.

So, unless you got spares I would be very careful. Anyway, building stuff for the SteamLink, bootloader included, is pretty easy. Toolchain provided by Valve on git is more than appropriate and I was able to use it to upgrade the Busybox with custom version. (menuconfig is your friend)
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 12:10AM
BTW: Chromecast uses MV88DE3100, that's completely different, custom processor by Marvell. They only share general architecture and instruction set.
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 12:24AM
Sonderling Wrote:
> That manual is going to be tricky. Marvell pulled
> the documentation from their web so old links like
> those found here:
> https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Marvell#Home_Entertainment_.28now_Synaptics.29
> Won't work, Internet Archive might help, but I
> wouldn't bet on it. The product line was sold to
> Synaptics so we might be lucky there.
> However, we do have block schema from
> https://www.cnx-software.com/2013/12/05/marvell-unveils-armada-1500-plus-88de3108-soc-for-android-and-linux-smart-video-platforms/
> And we know that it's a standard A9 Cortex chip,
> so we can use it's documentation instead.

Not really. We need HW manual. The A9 Cortex architecture is common. But when it is used in a specific SoC, it is no longer relevant. The manufacturer like Marvell has a different way to have their board layout. Such as armada-1500-plus-88de3108.

> The real issue is the bootloader, which is secure
> aka locked. I believe that we could replace it
> with adjusted uboot like
> https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,72

That's is a little old. 2017 u-boot is the goal:

> It would need to be adjusted for the Steam link,
> obviously, but I don't have know-how to do it. We
> run into substantial risk of bricking the Link.
> So, unless you got spares I would be very careful.
> Anyway, building stuff for the SteamLink,
> bootloader included, is pretty easy. Toolchain
> provided by Valve on git is more than appropriate

True. But it does not do us any good if we can't flash new u-boot in serial console or JTAG.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 02:26AM
So we need someone who can probe those 4 pins to see if they are indeed serial console pins. If we are lucky and they are, we don't need to look for other documentation, right? I Could crack mine open but I don't have the tools (like logic analyzer) nor the knowledge to test those pins.
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 04:51AM
I thought we can flash it with console commands like those in https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,12381
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 08:28AM
as far as I understand (which is very vage and even possibly wrong), you could flash stuff, but the bootloader will only boot a kernel that is signed by Valve. To change that behaviour, we need to swap that out-of-the-box bootloader with a customized u-boot which can load any kernel we want. And for that we need the physical serial console pin. That "thing" we ssh into won't do.
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 03:06PM
Basically, we need serial console because without it, we have no way to test new u-boot before flashing. Flashing in Linux is a normal method to replace u-boot, but only after we know the new u-boot build works, and also have access to the mtds.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
February 15, 2018 09:25PM
TP50 - RX
TP51 - TX
(look for these pins near edge of the board between two USB ports)

GND pad are near any mounting hole. TP175 also should be ground but I wasn't able to solder to it :)
Re: steam link hacks
February 16, 2018 12:17AM
alwex Wrote:
> TP50 - RX
> TP51 - TX
> (look for these pins near edge of the board
> between two USB ports)
> GND pad are near any mounting hole. TP175 also
> should be ground but I wasn't able to solder to it
> :)

Cool find :) Look like TP50, TP51, and TP175 are parts of J2 marking right next to it.

That'd made me think TP37 must be be 3.3V.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: steam link hacks
February 16, 2018 02:48AM
alwex Wrote:
> TP50 - RX
> TP51 - TX
> (look for these pins near edge of the board
> between two USB ports)
> GND pad are near any mounting hole. TP175 also
> should be ground but I wasn't able to solder to it
> :)

that's great news, how did you identify them?

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