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Lilliput USB touch screen

Posted by Liz 
Lilliput USB touch screen
October 21, 2013 04:55PM
I've successfully got the display on my Pi, so the next one will be for the Pogoplug. but I aim to get the touchscreen to work as well.
Display requires module fbcon, and xserver-xorg-video-displaylink (which has to be compiled)

Lots of hints are here
Re: Lilliput USB touch screen
December 27, 2013 01:08AM
Two months and some progress.
And some stuck points too.

I sorted out the boot order problem which prevented my main install from booting, including copying files from a newer image but not the kernel, because I wanted my compiled kernel to run with the udlfb driver.

Then tried to install the xf86-video-displaylink driver. It won't compile on the armel platform, although it compiled for the armhf with the same xorg versions.

At this point I had the choice of a green screen or a login (slim) screen.
The system didn't respond to keyboard or mouse input.
After finding a compiled armel driver from ubuntu I installed that with dpkg. After that I only got the green screen and no login screen - even after I'd removed the package!
Re: Lilliput USB touch screen
December 27, 2013 02:14AM
Next stage - autologin with slim.
I can operate the touch screen (with reversed axes).
I can't actually get a program from the twm menu to start.
I'm still lost about the failure of the mouse and keyboard towork - they certainly are found by lsusb.
Re: Lilliput USB touch screen
July 29, 2024 08:39AM
I'm trying to find the same instructions but for the model FA1045-NP/C/T this one
can someone help me?
Re: Lilliput USB touch screen
July 29, 2024 05:31PM
PhilCaas Wrote:
> I'm trying to find the same instructions but for
> the model FA1045-NP/C/T
> this
> one

> can someone help me?

Your link gives a 404 error - the link has too many chars, so deleting the extra "http://"; at the end gets you there.
Re: Lilliput USB touch screen
July 30, 2024 03:19AM
thanks for letting me know
i need help with this one

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