LED daemon for Pogoplug Debian
July 13, 2017 12:18AM
I've written an LED daemon for Pogoplugs running Debian. The daemon flashes the front panel green LED in either International Morse code or ASCII to display a text message. Display speed is settable from 5 words per minute to 30 WPM.

It was written primarily for entertainment but may serve a useful purpose on systems that are not monitored frequently. If the system locks up and the daemon stops running, no more blinking lights on the Pogoplug.

It was developed on a Pogoplug E02 running bodhi's Debian 4.4.0-kirkwood-tld-1. The LED control device and control commands may be different on other linux systems or other devices. This can be adapted readily by editing the definitions in the source file. A test program is supplied to confirm that it will (or will not) work out-of-the-box.

It can be downloaded at the link below. Note that the host site is strongly protected against bots and scrapers, so it may not be accessible everywhere. If anyone wants to re-host the software inside or outside the US they are welcome to do so.

Re: LED daemon for Pogoplug Debian
July 13, 2017 07:30AM
one for the WIKI methinks :)
Re: LED daemon for Pogoplug Debian
July 13, 2017 09:34PM
Gravelrash Wrote:
> @bodhi
> one for the WIKI methinks :)

It surely is :) imagine you are on a deserted island with a solar powered pogoplug :))

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