Hello, I would like to try using f2fs or btrfs as root filesystem of my usb key for my goflex. Is it possible? What do I need to put on uboot? Thanks, Marioby mgiammarco - Debian
Sorry, I was using netcat bsd, now I tried again with nc "traditional" and, for the first time, I can print my env, is it correct?: arcNumber=3089 baudrate=115200 bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset bootcmd_pogo=run bootcmd_rescue bootcmd_rescue=run set_bootargs_rescue; nand read.eby mgiammarco - uBoot
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mario, > > When you execute these commands, > > nc -l -u -p 6666 & > nc -u 6666 > > > change the 2nd one to > > nc -up 6666 6666 > > > Of course, replace with th IP > address of your plug (Dockstar or GoFlex,...) Aby mgiammarco - uBoot
Thank you for your prompt reply! bodhi Wrote: > > 1. See this thread: > http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,14 > > 3. See this post: > http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,8044,8152#msg-8 > 152 I have tried the instructions in this post (fw_setenv....) but now again it does not boot. It boots the kernel but I do not know if it finds the root filesystem.by mgiammarco - uBoot
Thank for all replies. I have bought some usb keys, tried with several linux flavours and now, incredibly an arch linux has booted. Now I will never power it down but meanwhile: 1) How can I enable netconsole for all boot duration (and also after boot if possible)? 2) How can I install a boot recovery in its mtd/flash device (it was first thing I tried after unlocking, but tutorial I haveby mgiammarco - uBoot
David, have you solved the problem? Can anyone help? It is incredible that I have bricked a GOFLEX without doing anything. Why is the green light always on after boot? What does it mean? Thanks, Marioby mgiammarco - uBoot
bodhi Wrote: > > I assumed you've rebooted after changing arcNumber > to 3089 ? > Yes I rebooted and I was happy to see that it recognized my hdd > > - all ok for two days > > - come back home ssh/ping the unit no reply at > > all > > Was there power outage? Unfortunately no power outage, no reasons to crash. > > Also it woulby mgiammarco - uBoot
Here is my sequence: - installed NSA320 boot image on usb - updated - installed iscsi initiator for a test - all ok for one week - added 1tb 2.5 external hdd - modified it to 3049 (not remember exact number) to let it see the hdd - all ok for two days - come back home ssh/ping the unit no reply at all - rebooted the unit no reply - debugged with nc stops at kernel booting (but in anotby mgiammarco - uBoot
I have a goflex net and I have the same problem! It worked perfectly for first two weeks then it stopped working. Tried also with arch linux image. Can we join forces? Thanks, Marioby mgiammarco - uBoot
Hello, I have fixed ip. It worked correctly until yesterday. When I tried to ssh it did not reply. So I rebooted it and it never ping/ssh again. I have noticed that, after booting kernel, now the green light is on. I mean: - previous boot sequence: green light flashing, then all lights off; - previous boot sequence with error: green light flashing, then amber light flashing; - actual bootby mgiammarco - uBoot
Hello, I have hacked and now I was using successfully a seagate goflex net with a debian nsa320 image. Now it has stopped working. I "obviously" enabled debugging with netcat and I obtain this log, then it hangs (even if I start with a fresh nsa320 image): U-Boot 2011.12 (Apr 18 2012 - 23:08:20) Seagate GoFlexNet arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-67) 4.4.1 GNby mgiammarco - uBoot
Hi, have you found kernel headers? Thanks, Marioby mgiammarco - Debian
It boots but it does not take dhcp address. I have made the situation worse. I was able to boot with internal image. So I followed this guide: http://morschi.com/2012/10/05/seagate-goflex-net-debian/ To make perl working I deleted the directories in the guide above. Now there was an error at the end of the script. I was not able to give any shell command because now I get: id: errorby mgiammarco - Debian
Thanks, it seems to work! At least it seems it boots correctly. But then it does not ask for dhcp and I do not know also root password. Can you help me again? Thanks, Marioby mgiammarco - Debian
Hello, I have a goflex net and I am trying to install debian on flash. Unfortunately install scripts gave me errors. Now I am able to boot the system only from a rescue system in usb key. I tried the script to install rescue in mtdblock but I am not able to boot from it. So I think that the best thing to have is a tar of a already working debian filesystem like ArchLinux for arm is doing.by mgiammarco - Debian