I also had a lot of issues setting up my pogo to boot up from the SD card. After many trials, I came up with these steps and posted it here: http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,11663,16100#msg-16100 It is a comprehensive list of instructions beginning from when you first plug in your Pogo. Step #5 references the first post in that thread, http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,11663,page=1 Fby velo - uBoot
theliquid, I see this in your serial console: ALERT! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell! Did you change your fw env to use the rootfs label? That's probably why it works with usb, b/c the usb drive is loaded at /dev/sda1, but the SD card is loaded at /dev/mmcblk0p1 (or p2 for the 2nd partition). velo.by velo - Debian
Oops! I thought the Pro was the V4 listed on the page? D'oh. Sorry.... Ignore.by velo - uBoot
Theliquid, I see that it found your SD card but there is no /boot/uImage or /boot/uInitrd on it. Are you trying to boot from the SD card or from USB? I also see this: usb_root=/dev/sda1 It's best to follow bodhi's advice to label your partition as rootfs and boot off that. See Berryshake's post above. If all else fails, try formatting as ext2 and using ext2 in your eby velo - Debian
Hi Maddy, A few simple questions before determining whether you need serial cable. (1) Are you able to ping your Pogo? Is it on a static IP? (2) Does the Pogo start up and eventually show a solid green light? If neither of those are true, then I wonder if your Pogo is booting up properly with the Debian image. In that case, you might need a serial cable connected to the Pogo to determby velo - Debian
EDIT: superelchi told me offline that this device is the st2205 which is not supported by dpf-ax. Sorry for the noise! For historical reference - I have this device that is not recognized by libst2205: http://picframe.spritesserver.nl/wiki/index.php/Innovage-generic http://i.imgur.com/F6zhW.pngby velo - Displays
I also tried it on Windows and got the following: Running on windows - unable to detect flash size Reading 100000 bytes from flash... Failed: DeviceIoControl - Error code: 1306 Would appreciate any hints, please.by velo - Displays
Can someone please help me figure out what I need to do? I have the device connected via usb and it is in "Updating" mode. dmesg says: [ 766.337415] scsi 9:0:0:0: Direct-Access SITRONIX MULTIMEDIA 0.09 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS [ 766.338190] sd 9:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0 [ 766.338690] sd 9:0:0:0: 4096 512-byte logical blocks: (2.09 MB/2.00 MiB) [ 766.33by velo - Displays
If you're lucky enough to live near one of the fry's that has this in stock, that same pogo is now $1.90 ! (same link that WarheadsSE posted)by velo - Off-Topic
It seems the knowntypes.py file from the dpf-ax bundle has all the known displays to date.by velo - Displays
Hi! I have a couple questions and hope someone can help. I'm just getting started with hacking the pogoplug. It seems most folks are hacking the displays to work with dockstars or raspberry pis, but I haven't seen anything for the pogoplug. Since most of the work is in putting a new firmware on the display device, and then installing lcd4linux on the main device to send data to thby velo - Displays
bodhi, based on your hint, I reformatted the SD card as ext2 and now it works fine for ArchLinux. ext2ls lists all the directories correctly and I am able to boot to /boot/uImage instead of copying it to /uImage. When booting with ext2, I made sure all the boot env settings have rootfs=ext2. And similarly for ext3. The same card formatted as ext3 for Debian worked fine. Very odd!by velo - uBoot
Based on what you're saying, it seems it might be a problem with the MMC boot driver. I wonder why it loads the Debian rootfs fine, but not ArchLinux. The card is already formatted as ext3.by velo - uBoot
I am looking at the contents of the SD card, and the listing is from the /var directory. Do you think this has anything to do with mtdparts env setting? Any other setting that could cause extls or extload to offset?by velo - uBoot
You're right! That is not typical of the /root directory. I'll take a look again tonight and will post an update.by velo - uBoot
HI bodhi, Yes, I extracted the latest ArchLinuxARM rootfs into the same SD card and both are using ext3. I also made sure that the bootargs are all referencing rootfstype=ext3 The uboot from archlinuxarm.org works fine with the same ArchLinuxARM off a USB stick. This issue seems unique to booting off an SD card with ArchLinuxARM.by velo - uBoot
My workaround is to copy /boot/uImage to /uImage, and have the uboot reference that instead: setenv mmc_boot 'mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load mmc 0:1 0x00800000 /uImage; if ext2load mmc 0:1 0x01100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; else bootm 0x800000; fi'by velo - uBoot
I am running davy's uboot to boot from an SD card. It works fine with bodhi's Debian rootfs. When I use an ArchLinux rootfs, it has trouble finding files, even though the files are there when I put the SD card into a separate Linux machine. Here is what I see in netconsole: Pogov4> ext2ls mmc 0:1 / ext2ls mmc 0:1 / <DIR> 4096 . <DIR> 4096 .. <DIby velo - uBoot
I posted instructions on the Debian thread. Hopefully it will help the next person! http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,11663,16100#msg-16100by velo - uBoot
Thanks to bodhi for the instructions and for helping me get set up with my Pogo V4. I was able to successfully boot up from an SD card. I ran into a lot of issues along the way and had to scour the forums for each fix. I wanted to share my learnings and hopefully help the next person trying to do this. This is specifically for the Pogo V4-A1-01. (1) First, I could not use the original instrby velo - Debian
I've just set up Debian to boot up from an SD card on a second Pogo V4, and it seems the bootloader from archlinuxarm.org is the one that set the ethaddr to some random one. I'm looking through those scripts and I'm still not sure how that happened. bodhi, is there a wiki or some place where I can share the steps I used to boot up from the SD card? I was able to set it up succesby velo - uBoot
You are right, it was set as part of the uboot envs. I wonder how that happened? I guess that was the source of all my issues. Thanks again for your help; I'm setting it back to the correct one.by velo - uBoot
Well, I just noticed that the Pogo V4 box gave me the wrong Mac address for the device, which is why my router did not assign it the static IP address I gave it. The sticker on the bottom of the device also had the same incorrect Mac address. What's up with that? It was bought brand new. The only reason I even found the real Mac address was through ifconfig. I did not have this issue with thby velo - uBoot
The best price I've seen is $9.99 for the Pogo V4. That's the current price from many online retailers (tigerdirect, adorama, amazon), free shipping and no tax for many places. That Fry's link says product unavailable :(by velo - Off-Topic
Hi bodhi, I just tested it and it worked! I have serial console. I watched it boot up using the SD card, and there were actually no issues. What happened is that, even though I set my router to assign it a static IP address, it registered itself with a new IP address. I found out by running ifconfig. This is why SSH was not working! Thanks for all your help! Looks like this one is resolvedby velo - uBoot
Hi bodhi, (1) Thanks, I'll test out the serial tonight. (2) For the kwboot, I have the binary, but running it requires an image. Which image should I use? uboot.uartpogoMobile-MMC-mtdparts-NoUSB.kwb ? Thanks.by velo - uBoot
Hi bodhi, I finally have my serial cable ready. I have a couple questions: (1) How do I test that the serial cable works? (2) You mention in your post that I can download the ARM kwboot from your U-Boot thread, but I don't see the Pogo V4 listed. Which one do I use? Thanks.by velo - uBoot
bodhi, I just bought the serial cable (Nokia CA-42 per the link I posted), and will be doing some soldering in the next week. For the USB booting, I did once get it to work with the old uboot image from the archlinuxarm.org site, but with davy's uboot, it is not booting up with USB at all. Same behavior as the SD card. I will update this thread once I get serial console working.by velo - uBoot
I just tried removing the rootfstype from the bootargs and got the same results. I also just tried installing your Debian image onto a different USB drive, and also got the same results. It seems something is messed up with the bootloader itself. I found some websites on how to set up the serial cable. I'll have to buy one and then solder it in, but that'll take at least a weekby velo - uBoot