Hey, I'm just writing to confirm I was able to duplicate this issue of corrupt samba transfer.by CasperJim - Debian
Has anyone tried setting $serverip to a named address? Can this be done? I'd like to set $serverip address to a dynamic ip service like no-ip.com. This would allow me to get uboot diagnostics from any location (not just on the local network).by CasperJim - uBoot
I backed up the entire /boot directory, and I've found that a text file became corrupted with binary data. So I now suspect the problem is my old flash drive. As a fix, I've edited the fstab to mount my flash drive as read-only. When I need to make any modifications will I temporarily remount the drive as read-write.by CasperJim - Debian
After more testing, it turns out that initrd updates are not be the cause of my problems. (Or perhaps only certain updates of initrd? Or possibly something else entirely?) If I find out more, I'll let you know. Unfortunately, I don't have a serial console hookup. I can't do soldering for my life. haha Currently, the only way I know to check logs is to pull out the usb, connectby CasperJim - Debian
When installing certain packages in Debian (like ntfs-3g), the package manager will make automatic modifications to the initrd under /boot. I've done this a couple times now and had to reinstall the system each time. So I assume the issue is that something in the modification of initrd is causing the system to fail to boot. If I am correct, I have 2 questions. Aside from marking the initrby CasperJim - Debian
Right. Do you know how to fix that?by CasperJim - uBoot
I am so mad with myself right now. I don't think I've ever made so many typos before. I changed this setenv set_bootargs_usb setenv bootargs console=$console root=$usb_root rootdelay=$usb_rootdelay rootfstype=$usb_rootfstype $mtdparts To this setenv set_bootargs_usb setenv bootargs console=$console root=$usb_root rootdelay=$rootdelay rootfstype=$rootfstype $mtdparts And it staby CasperJim - uBoot
I tried setting the 'usb_custom_params', but it looks like I screwed up my uboot. I made a mistake in setting 'set_bootargs_usb'. I used double quotes instead of single quotes, and the shell interpreted everything "$name" as shell variables (which left them empty). I'm unable to figure out if I made any other mistakes? To be sure the problem is uboot (and notby CasperJim - uBoot
Here's an image of my Pogoplub Mobile (v4) hooked up. http://imgur.com/ktBEWzp Running NAS+Samba+File Backup server+FTP+SSH+minidlna (wifi video streaming to television) I've never gotten such great value out of a $7 purchase. I couldn't be happier. I have 3 large hard drives hooked up to it through usb. I bought the usb cables here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005B3VOby CasperJim - Off-Topic
Bodhi, thanks for the heads up on fsck. I found out how to resolve the issue of system hanging. Edit the file /etc/defaults/rcS Change this line: FSCKFIX=no To this: FSCKFIX=yes source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/151025/how-can-i-make-fsck-run-non-interactively-at-boot-timeby CasperJim - Debian
Bodhi, I'm very grateful for your help. And you too WarheadsSE. You're smart guys. It's good to know I have a couple different options here. :)by CasperJim - uBoot
I'm using an old flaky usb flash drive for rootfs. I've noticed that if the filesystem has errors and needs to run fsck, then it just hangs indefinitely (perhaps waiting for input to confirm filesystem fixes?). I have to take the drive out, connect it to my laptop, run fsck, then reinsert it and poweron the pogo. I'm using Ext4 on the usb drive. I was just curious if this is a kby CasperJim - Debian
Bodhi, I just saw that zswap was supported in your kernel. I want to enable that. zswap.enabled=1 Is there a good way to specify that in uboot?by CasperJim - uBoot
> It's in the tarball link in the first post. You can get the source from mainline kernel source tree and apply the patch to it. If they were in separate files I would have probably spotted it immediately, haha. Thank you for pointing that out. After downloading, and getting it all setup, I saw that squashfs and btrfs were already compiled as modules. I just needed 'modprobe btby CasperJim - Debian
Yep, you're right again Bodhi. Is the kernel source available somewhere? I tried looking around, but maybe I'm too foolish to figure it out. In addition to extra file system support, I think I might like other modules as well, so I may have to build them myself.by CasperJim - Debian
Ah yeah, I see you're right. I found this list of supported file systems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_U-Boot#Supported_file_systems Cramfs is similar to Squashfs, but genuinely worse in many ways. At the very least, it should be possible to use Ext4 for the initial rootfs, then let the kernel handle other filesystems after it is loaded. Thanks for the info WarheadsSE.by CasperJim - Debian
Using a USB hub, I'm looking to setup my pogoplug as a real NAS with software raid. For this I would need support for more filesystems. My plan is to set something up like this - use usb hub to attach 1 usb stick and mutliple spinning drives - use the flash usb stick as initial rootfs using squashfs (protects against corruption/destruction/manipulation) - mount the spinning drives overby CasperJim - Debian
You're right, Bodhi. Fortunately, I've got my little pogo on a battery backup so there's little chance of filesystem corruption. Though I agree that running Ext2 isn't for everyone, and is probably best suited for those that have some knowledge about what they are getting into. :) I skimmed your notes on the link you posted, definitely good stuff! I will have to look at itby CasperJim - uBoot
I used ext2 for 2 reasons 1. Because I'm using a thumb (flash) drive, and I didn't want the extra writes on that cheap flash media. :) 2. If I'm going to use journaling, I will always opt to use ext4 instead. Ext4 is superior to ext3 in several ways, and ext4 has been supported for many years now. There's really very few reasons to ever use ext3. > For the "setby CasperJim - uBoot
Oh yes, I reverted the filesystem to ext2, and changed "rootfstype" to ext2. It worked. So I assume to permanently set it, I use this command? # fw_setenv rootfstype ext2by CasperJim - uBoot
Changing the filesystem to ext3 solved the problem. tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1 No other changes were required, and the system started working. So I assume the current kernel was compiled without ext2 support? Thanks again Bodhi for jumping in to help with this issue! Any final thoughts?by CasperJim - uBoot
I'm sorry! I mucked up and used the wrong IP address ( instead of At the boot interrupt, I ran > setenv usb_rootfstype > boot Unfortunately clearing the environment variable didn't appear to make a difference. No ping, no ssh. Here is the output of printenv Pogov4> p r i n t e n v arcNumber=3960 baudrate=115200 bootcmd=run bootcmby CasperJim - uBoot
Hey Bodhi, big Thanks for your help. Before posting here, I tried to solve myself with some of the solutions you posted, so let me explain. > - Make sure you have extracted the rootfs to your USB as root user. And sync before umount. Yes. To verify this, I had erased the usb and sudo re-extracted the filesystem onto it again using my laptop (ubuntu). > - If bootargs root device is rby CasperJim - uBoot
A little about me- I'm a complete noob with Pogoplug's and Uboot, but I have a lot of experience with Debian Linux and CLI. Ok so, I installed Uboot on a new Pogoplug Mobile(v4) and Debian on USB stick. Following the instructions here: http://blog.qnology.com/2014/07/hacking-pogoplug-v4-series-4-and-mobile.html (It's like a copy of Bodhi's instructions, but specificallyby CasperJim - uBoot