2000GB Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk 3.5" tia tomby tom - Debian
hi, just a couple of days i reinstalled debian via the latest instructions on the usb-stick. couple of days late ri had to install some other stuff too and after a restart it doent come up anymore... pogo boots fine and even sees my usbstick. but whether its a warm boot or a cold boot, a reset it doesnt matter, its just not booting. Pogoplug:/tmp$ fw_printenv ethact=egiga0 stdin=serialby tom - Debian
hi, new install worked perfect for a couple of days, but now i cant boot into debian anymore, only pogoos. how can i change that? i dont want / need pogo, only debian thxby tom - Debian
update: i plugged in the usbstick into another machine to undo the changes to "interfaces". now im back to dhcp, but still cant connect to the device argh regs tomby tom - Debian
hi, i've installed dbian as per instruction on a new dockstar, everything went fine, installed webmin etc. after a couple of days i changed the interfaces settings to static ip, since then i cant access it anymore and the system just sits there with a flashing front led. what am i supposed to do now? any help welcome thx tomby tom - Debian
hi, got everything up & running on the dockstar with new debian install. now i was wondering how i can achieve an spindown of the external hdd. what do i need to install? thx ps: its a seagate freeagentby tom - Debian
hi, totally new to dockstar, i bought a new device. reading through the posts i just wanted to dblcheck the steps i need to take to get a correct working debian system: 1) plugin Dockstar to LAN 2) plugin (a preformatted (2 partitions)) usb-stick 3) disable WLAN on the router 3.5) turn on dockstar 4) ssh into it 4.5) kill pogo-process 5) then im getting confused: http://jeff.doozan.comby tom - Debian