Try to install OMV7 on Debian. It's good work on this board from USB SSDby RRRrrr - Debian
I don't use resentv now, but U-Boot read and saves data from/to 0x420000-... (inside mtd2) And i don't understood RRRrrr - Debian
In my NAS326 original firmware (Linux) saves data with the fw_setenv command at 0х200000-.... (mtd1) But U-Boot read and saves data from/to 0x420000-... (inside mtd2) And i don't understood why. I think, that it is a U-Boot mistake. And and I want to install another version of it Yesterday I installed this version (see attaching file). But it didn't change anythingby RRRrrr - Debian
Bodhi, can you share latest u-boot for NAS326?by RRRrrr - uBoot
I figured out what was going on. But I don’t understand where the error is. Original Firmware modifies the mtd1 partition and the fw_setenv command works fine. But... The UBoot looks for parameters at a completely different address and I don’t understand why. Start of section mtd1 - 0200000 We read the data at this address and see the data entered from the Original Firmware Marvell&by RRRrrr - Debian
> 1. Run the fw_setenv directly from the Debian > rootfs. Assuming the USB Debian rootfs is mounted > at /mnt/sdb1. > 2. Download the binpack that I provided a long > time ago: To issue commands from Debian, you must first run it. And for this you need to make changes to boot_env. The original software has the commands fw_setenv and fw_printenv, but there is no command fwby RRRrrr - Debian
I'm trying to start Debian according to your instructions. Section B. The firmware lacks the fw_saveenv command, and without it, values entered through fw_setenv are not saved after a rebootby RRRrrr - Debian
Thanks for the very fast response bodhi Wrote: > No, Debian on USB is a bare bone Debian system. > You will need to install some Web interface > package to use it, and it will not be the same as > factory NAS326. can you give an example of a link to any Web Interface? what do you recommend to use?by RRRrrr - Rescue System
Sorry for my English. Using translator Every time you reboot the device, the settings and password are reset Reason: Bad block table found at page 131008, version 0x01 Bad block table found at page 130944, version 0x01 nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x0000001a0000 nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x0000002c0000 nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x000000400000 nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x00000adby RRRrrr - Rescue System