Dear Bodhi, Shv, Morph027 YESS!! SATA UBoot booted! Rename x820-pogoplug-classic.dtb to ox820-pogoplug-pro.dtb solves the last problem. THANK YOU VERY MUCH GUYS!! You are so helpful, and I couldnt thank you enought. I respect you all for so deep knowledge - I know you - work for very hard. My original problem was to screw up Uboot in Nand with update in a wrong way. So I willby - uBoot
Thanks Shv! Is it enough to rename the classic file to pro in the dts folder? Then not needed to change env.?? Regards, Robertby - uBoot
Thanks Bodhi, > Make sure uImage is the one that came from the rootfs tarball. It should not have DTB embedded in it. On rootfs, date and size is same as in tar.bz2 /media/b/rootfs/boot big2 boot # ls -la összesen 18004 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 febr 11 20:06 . drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 febr 11 20:08 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 98866 okt 26 01:08 config-3.17.0-oby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, and Shv, Thanks for advises. I cleared and flashed uboot.850 I tried to follow instructions but boot failed again. OX820 # reset resetting ... U-Boot SPL 2013.10-g3a0f380-dirty (Jul 26 2014 - 14:31:34) Boot device: SATA Attempting to set PLLA to 850 MHz ... plla_ctrl0 : 0000020a plla_ctrl1 : 00330000 plla_ctrl2 : 0065008b plla_ctrl3 : 000000f1 PLLby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, Thank you so much! >If you like, just reflash NAND u-boot/SPL. Then your pboblem is solved. But how can I reflash NAND if I only have prompt but not a linux console? I dont have nandwrite or erase command. I have this command line 2 days ago, but you didnt mention it is enough. I thought I need any kernel loaded and normal linux load and then will be available the nand fby - uBoot
Dear Bodhi, Shv, Morph027 Sata uboot oxnas and me is a non working love affair. I tried very much, but failed... :) In this stage I have command prompt, able to modify env variable. Is there any way to boot via usb or tftp? Is it possible theoretically? There is two option: I have tftp server on my server side. I have working usb pen drive too. (It works before I screw up boot.)by - uBoot
Hi Shv, Thank you very much for help! I started to use a new sata disk. Just to exclude -hypotetical HDD problem-. This disk is 40GB (attached as sdb.) big2 b # fdisk -lc Disk /dev/sdb: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes 64 fej, 32 szektor, 38154 cilinder, összesen 78140160 szektor Egység: szektorok 1 * 512 = 512 bájt Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (by - uBoot
Hi Morph027 Thanks for detailed steps! I have some doubt please clarify them: Regarding linux-3.16.0-oxnas-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2 file: Q1: Is it sure not typo here? "- untared rootfs from linux-3.16.0-oxnas-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2 to it " It is a kernel tar file not containing rootfs. Mybe you mean Debian-3.16.... ? (But I caby - uBoot
Hi SHV, Thanks for help! big2 b # fdisk -lc .... Disk /dev/sdc: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes 255 fej, 63 szektor, 9729 cilinder, összesen 156301488 szektor Egység: szektorok 1 * 512 = 512 bájt Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Lemezazonosító: 0x00008000 Eszköz Indítás Eleje Vége Blokby - uBoot
Hi SHV, Thank you for help! It is not 100% clear what to do, but I will try. Situation reminds me to have a helicopter view for things to do, but with eyes patched. :) Unfortunately I cant manage to work WarheadsSE steps. After 2 days very hard trial, I allway failed to start loading kernel or If it starts allways hang up. Something wrong with my rootfs. It is suspect my HDD has some sby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, I made command history, and repeated it few dozen times :) Spending whole day with sata, but cant get working uboot. But at least I have serial console! Stage-1 Bootloader Mon Nov 14 22:18:52 EST 2011 Attempting to set PLLA to 750MHz ... plla_ctrl0 : 0x0000000A plla_ctrl1 : 0x000F0000 plla_ctrl2 : 0x001D01A0 plla_ctrl3 : 0x00000017 PLLA Set Setup memory, testingby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, Thank you very much for very fst response!!!! It was my fault not to erase uboot before flash. ( I will have "Punishment" for it. Sorry for bad joke (just I've finished -and shocked by- Dostoyevsky book tonight :) ) Thanks for pointing to Sata boot. I will try! and refer. Regards, Robertby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi! HELP Please! I flashed 850 MHz Uboot, and my Pogo p24 died. :( I have serial connection, but nothing showed. 800MHz uboot was fine. (Why I tried 850???? always searching maximum...Krrrrr. :) ) I only execute this command : ./nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.spl.2013.10.ox820.850mhz.mtd0.img without the /usr/sbin/flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0x0 6 command before! Dby - uBoot
Dear Bodhi! I would like to thank your work on Pogo V3 oxnas. :) We had left by Archlinux for years. I felt I was left and disapointed with P24. Years ago I push it in the cupboard deeply and try to forget. :) Now I start a new idea based on a tiny embedded debian and I look around about Debian on P24 and Found Your thread!!! Spent 1 day with freshing Uboot and Debian 3.17. but itby - Debian
Hi Bodhi, Typo on this page:,12381 nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2014.07.tld-2.goflexnet.mtd0.kwb but should be: nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2014.07-tld-2.goflexnet.mtd0.kwb Only a "-" in the filename... Very small typo... Robertby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi. Thanks for your incredible work! Just one small typo in Uboot flashing instruction : The file name is misstyped: A. Flashing Instruction: step 7. 7. Write image to NAND nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2014.07-tld-2.goflexnet.mtd0.kwb Regards. Robertby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, I updated to new U-boot, but cant overwrite eth address fw_setenv ethaddr '00:10:75:26:65:BD' Can't overwrite "ethaddr" from your default ip addr. fw_setenv ethaddr '00:10:75:26:65:BD' Can't overwrite "ethaddr" How can I overwrite? Update!! Workaround ! You can overwrite ethaddr value, if you stop booting whby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, I was able to boot a 3.16 kernel after i removed this environment variable: setenv rootfstype - on serial console. Then 3.16 kernel booted. Now I try to start from begining, to clear uboot, all settings in printenv and setup 3.17 kernel with newest debian. So now follow your instructions to setup 2014.07-tld-2 U-Boot and 3.17 kernel. Update: spending 2 days to reby - uBoot
Thanks Bodhi for quick response!! >You u-boot setting is set to boot the kernel 3.17 with DTB embedded inside uImage. Did you do that? Probaly yes, but it was not intentional... I'm not really understand "DTB thing" - really sorry to be noob. But what can I do on serial console? no internet, no usb attached, no nandwrite, or flash_erase command exists... Regards, Roby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi Unbelievable low chance to have blackout while uboot update. But I have. :) Cant boot from USB or SATA. I only have serial console. (and netconsole too, but prefer serial.) On serial console I tried to load debian from usb: GoFlexNet> run usb_bootcmd Loading file "/boot/uImage" from usb device 0:1 (usbda1) 1 bytes read Found bootable drive on usb 0:1 Lby - uBoot
Hi Bodhi,. Tons of Thanks!!! IT IS WORKING NOW! SATA boots with these settings w_setenv load_dtb_sata 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x1c00000 /boot/dts/kirkwood-goflexnet.dtb' fw_setenv load_initrd_sata 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd' fw_setenv load_uimage_sata 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' fw_setenv sata_boot 'run load_dtb_sata; ruby - Debian
Hi Bodhi. Million thanks. (I was hopeless almost) I will try this today. >you did not follow exactly the instruction in the kernel thread I did follow! :) All them, sequentially! (It was not clear for me) Step 3, has sense, (i mean to me) because this new kernel is ftd. So I hope , this is the reason why it is failed. Thanks for help! Robertby - Debian
Just a small addition to Previous post.... If I try USB boot on the same environment: b@big2 ~ $ nc -u 6666 U-Boot 2013.10 (Nov 02 2013 - 01:11:12)-tld Seagate GoFlex Net gcc (Debian 4.6.3-14) 4.6.3 GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.22 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 (Re)start USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) foundby - Debian
Thanks Bodhi, Really appreciate to help me... :) >I can't see where this dt_usb_bootcmd env came from. Are your current u-boot envs different from the listing above? I tried to modify usb_bootcmd=run dt_usb_bootcmd because you wrote here: C. How to boot Debian FDT kernel I assume i totally messed up my env. :) How to get a simple env? Is it good if I follow your descriptby - Debian
Thank You Bodhi, Netcat works!! Hurray. :) Sata not booted yet. see nc log. b@big2 ~ $ nc -u 6666 U-Boot 2013.10 (Nov 02 2013 - 01:11:12)-tld Seagate GoFlex Net gcc (Debian 4.6.3-14) 4.6.3 GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.22 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 (Re)start USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scby - Debian
Hi Bodhi, Thank you very much. My state getting worst and worst. :) No boot form USB no boot from Sata. I did a new ext3 USB drive and steps but not booted I only have rescue! Unfortunately rescue doesnot able to run mkimage (and even not recognise sata in dmesg.) (Although I already made mkimage yesterday when i had bootable 3.16 kernel. On sata ! ) I assume because myby - Debian
Hi, I've just upgraded to 3.17 on my Goflex Net and failed to boot. Ext3 Sata boot, was working fine on 3.16 kernel. I made described upgrade steps: 1), 2) 3), and 4a) steps and reboot. my environment is : root@pogo:/boot# fw_printenv ethact=egiga0 bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 mainlineLinux=yes console=ttyS0,115200 led_init=green blinking led_exit=green off led_errorby - Debian
I open a new thread because sata boot failed after 3.17 - Debian
Thank you very much. I tried 10 times to eth out and in but never went to 1GBit/s ... I Will upgrade to 3.17-fdt today. :) Thanky anyway :)by - Debian
Hi, Update: Solution!! The problem not related to Go flex net. It is a hidden Power saving setting in Fritzbox - Network - LAN - . When power saving switch offed then solved... I have Bodhi 3.16.0-kirkwood-tld-2 and had old router. Today I've got Gigabit ethernet router, but Goflex connect only 100 Mbit/s Why not 1 Gbit/s speed of the ethernet? (while other device onby - Debian