Hi guys (and gals) Been a little while, so I've been looking at bodhi's excellent work, but I'm struggling to get a linux kernel to boot on my GoFlex home. First off, it's running u-boot 2013.07, with Kernel 3.4.56 (customised for fast boot) - which is fine for wheezy, however I want to upgrade to jessie I tried using debian's kirkwood release, but it reports unrby majic79 - Debian
Hit a key to prevent auto-boot and do a "printenv" and post the contents here - looks like either a hosed UBI File System (UBIFS) or incorrect parameters for UBI boot (don't know the ArchArm instructions well, but have become very familiar with GoFlex Home memory layout over the past six weeks!)by majic79 - Debian
For future reference (or googlers) the pin assignments for UART using the silkscreen reference on a GoFlex Home: 1: +3.3V (use if you need to power a TTL-RS232 level converter - do not try to apply power to this pin from USB) 10: GND 9: TTL Transmit (Tx) 8: TTL Recieve (Rx)by majic79 - Debian
I've yet to see one for sale in a convenience store, or even a reasonably sized electronics store where you can walk in and just buy one - if this is different for you, then I am a little jealous! Anyway, I like etching PCBs and doing my little electronics projects, if I'm not up against the clock, then I may have ordered something similar myself. I'm just showing that with a liby majic79 - uBoot
Well, not everyone lives in or can buy from the US - it's nice for you if you can, I've tried to buy stuff from the US and then had problems. Unfortunately there's no way to tell where people are posting from, and while those cables are plentiful in some areas, in other areas they are just cheap reproductions that don't work so well (if at all - I found this out buying an OBDby majic79 - uBoot
If you're building from the 2013.07 u-boot sources, then just build "make tools" - you'll get a kwboot compiled for your system in the tools/ directory, I've been using the following commands to build and test: make u-boot.kwb make tools dd if=u-boot.kwb of=uboot.mtd0.kwb ./tools/kwboot -b uboot.mtd0.kwb -p -t -B 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 You're right, the GoFlexby majic79 - uBoot
I'll update the thread with instructions for the GoFlex Net and build you one at the same time - it will be largely untested (I don't have a GFN to test with unfortunately) but the instructions ought to allow you to develop it a little and test it if we can get you de-bricked. Bear with me while I updateby majic79 - uBoot
ingmar_k Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No offence, but why do you bother him with > schematics for serial converter boards and > soldering this and that, when you can get a decent > usb to serial converter board (PL2303) from Asia > for about 3,-USD shipped? > It takes some time to get to your location, that's > for sure, but thby majic79 - uBoot
At home I'm almost exclusively using Debian (I have dual boot and Win7 x64 on another drive, but I only ever start it up if I want to play games or test something else), at work I have to use Windows XP (we're about to roll out Windows 7, but IT are a bit slow on the takeup), and I've used VMWare and VirtualBox - VirtualBox works quite well and you can shunt your USB devices to itby majic79 - uBoot
I originally used a proper Nokia CA42 cable - struggled to find drivers (did eventually) but I'd already decided to brew my own cable, if you can solder, have a female DB9 connector, then here's the level shifter circuit I used to get me out of a hole (used in conjunction with a conventional USB-Serial converter) http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n116/majic79uk/electronics/LevelConvby majic79 - uBoot
http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,13261 I'm happy to roll you a GoFlex Net version if you're stuck? The kwboot tool comes with the u-boot source, so if you have the tool chain etc, you can compile them with "make tools" then run ./tools/kwboot -t -p -B 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 uboot.mtd0.kwbby majic79 - uBoot
So, some final bits - how to copy the rootfs into UBIFS, this assumes you've got as far as creating the rootfs and are ready to flash it to the device - bear in mind that this information relates specifically to the GoFlex Home - your device will have different configurations (but I'll try and document how you determine the information) First, boot your rescue system up and using mtdby majic79 - Debian
ouch, I found a scrap PCB at work with some pin headers at the right pitch, de-soldered them and soldered them onto the board, then I printed a circuit board (I did try soldering onto the pins of the header, but it's a bit fiddly, using a tiny PCB (I've done a fair bit of prototyping for PIC projects I've done) and I can break the wires out to a bit more convenient location) and brby majic79 - uBoot
Well, this follows up my earlier threads about rolling your own u-boot build to support the GoFlex Home (but it works equally well on a range of other devices, YMMV) once you've got them built, you'll probably want to ditch the stock OS in favour of something else, and Debian's pretty robust and has a nice new recent release "Wheezy" This is based around Vlads Howto foby majic79 - Debian
This is a follow up to my earlier thread, showing how you go about building u-boot for the GoFlexHome. This deals with building a compatible kernel for mtd1 - I've been using kernels from the longterm release stream (3.2.49 and 3.4.55 & 56) which almost support the goflex home out of the box. I'm assuming a debian build environment, codesourcery cross-compile toolchain and that yby majic79 - uBoot
Well, I thought I'd share my experiences of building u-boot for the GoFlexHome This has been an interesting course of development for the past few weeks - involving bricking and then recovering my device(s). I have two GoFlexHomes (as they were cheap) one of which is to be used for work, the other as personal storage. u-boot-2013.07 has support for the GoFlexHome, however it's gotby majic79 - uBoot
Thank you bodhi for that very useful link - needed some ingenuity to work with my serial cable (no power = no usb device) but finally got it booting from UART - this fills me with a lot more confidence than I originally had (I'll feel happier when I've finished making my level converter cable and will be able to use a proper serial port/USB-RS232 converter) Successful builds (standarby majic79 - uBoot
Thanks bodhi - this is a bit of a minefield at the moment - I've had two weeks immersion into this world (no stranger to linux, but first time out playing with linux on ARM) I don't have a JTAG programmer/debugger, so I'm a little concerned about flashing over the existing u-boot without some success stories/details about the GoFlex Home (plenty out there about the Net/DockStarby majic79 - uBoot
Just to expand on this a little - using the versions of uBoot that jeff identifies in his notes, I get the same thing using anything but 2009q3 codesourcery tools. Using the 2009q3 tools, it hangs immediately after ## Starting application at 0x00800200by majic79 - uBoot
Hi there, I've got a 2TB goflex home that I'm attempting to understand - unfortunately it's off (inter)network, I don't have JTAG ICE, but have added a serial port (based on an original Nokia CA-42 - all I had around, building an RS232 level shifter when I've finally finished the board). The Nokia cable doesn't show a serial port until the GFlex has powered up (soby majic79 - uBoot