Bodhi, I have used just the UART and got the same response. My UART is just barely hanging in place - I'll re-solder the connector today and go back to UART console. Geo -by GeorgeRosar - uBoot
Bodhi, The previous output I listed was exactly the same whether I was in netconsole or UART. At this point I'm starting to convince myself it is a USB/SD/Flash compatibility related issue. I have been looking at a third independent pogoplug V4 - non mobile where I have successfully installed on one USB stick the Arch-Linux distribution. On several other 4GBy USB sticks - same maby GeorgeRosar - uBoot
bodhi, The last set of environments and output is attached- thanks in advance. Geo-by GeorgeRosar - uBoot
Bodhi ( & Geert) On my second debian pogoplug installation, using a Pogoplug 'non' mobile Pogoplug series V4, I am having difficulty booting from a USB (the one on the top) - it hangs with: "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel" For another clue, I set machid=FFFF and the kernel, I presume, complained, listing all of the available machid' GeorgeRosar - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, Sorry for not getting back to this sooner ..... my desktop linux box was returned for service... long story. Now I'm back to looking at this pogoplug issue. My 4GB card that works is a class 2 (2MBy/s) and my 16GB is class 6 (12MBy/s). I'm not convinced that it is a cylinder size issue, because the pogoplug worked intermittently. If I let it sit for a while it worby GeorgeRosar - uBoot
I was not able to recreate the exact scenario but it seems if the hardware is off overnight (i.e cold) it can reboot. Today I was able to boot from a 4Gi and then swap cards after it loaded uImage and uInitrd so that is the log file I attached. I waited for a couple of hours and it booted good. I will attach that file as GeorgeRosar - uBoot
bohdi, I currently am able to successfully boot and run Debian from a 4G SD card. However when I changed to a 16GB Lexar SD card I get intermittent results. Mostly not-good. I ususally get "mmc block read error" when I try and boot the kernel and or ramdisk. I created the file system as one large primary partition using > mke2fs -j /dev/sdc1 I've done diagnostics usby GeorgeRosar - uBoot
Thanks -- I just got it working ! You are the best !by GeorgeRosar - uBoot
Hello All - I bricked my Pogoplug Mobile V4 A1-04 I currently have a UART hooked up and was successful at loading the latest U-Boot in nand that can boot through SD. I have tried loading the latest version Arch Linux as well as the latest version of Debian shown in this long and winding post. I have tried various settings of setenv's and it always results in a hang. All of the origby GeorgeRosar - uBoot