bodhi, Not sure what you mean by second plug. Second PogoPlug device? No. And I can't run Jeff's upgrade script because I can't get to the console of the GFH. The best I'm getting now is "kernel booting". But I have no idea if it completes its boot. What ip address does that image of Debian default to if it there's no dhcp server on the network segment it&by beausoleil - uBoot
Thanks, bodhi & Malc - I'll take a look when I get a beausoleil - uBoot
This is frustrating as hell. Still having trouble with nc... Can anyone explain the correct setup (secondary ip addresses on my laptop) to reliably access the console ports while the GFH is booting? Specifically, how do I monitor stdout/stdin/stderr? It seems that there are differences in nc depending on whether it's the bsd version (default on my Linux Mint 16 laptop) or the Debian trby beausoleil - uBoot
Thanks! Since I initially installed U-Boot via an ssh connection, I'll try to update it via ssh as well. I actually have 3 usb-serial adapters. but they're in storage thousands of miles away... I'll report back with the beausoleil - uBoot
Finally got it to boot. With the GoFlex still powered on, I removed the flash drive and placed it in my laptop just to verify the partition info.Then I plugged it back into the GoFlex. From the Marvell>> prompt, I issued a "usb tree" command, and found that usb service wasn't started. So I started it by "usb start", and it found my drive. Then I did a "usby beausoleil - uBoot
No go. First, I did a printenv to see what boot_auto was set to: Marvell>> printenv boot_auto printenv boot_auto boot_auto=rd_args='rootfstype=auto'; run boot_rdjon@jon-Latitude-E6500 ~ $ Must've got another malformed packet. Re-ran nc and got back in. Then I did: Marvell>> setenv boot_auto 'setenv rd_args rootfstype=ext2; run boot_rd' setenvby beausoleil - uBoot
Here's the beginning of full text of the netconsole output which I extracted from Wireshark: Marvell>> printenv printenv bootcmd=run fast_boot; run usb_boot; run hd_boot; run ubi_boot baudrate=115200 ide_start=ide reset ubi_start=ubi part root usb_start=usb start nc_test=ping $ncip nc_start=setenv stdin nc; setenv stdout nc; setenv stderr nc; version silent_boot=run silent_by beausoleil - uBoot
I can't get any further than doing a printenv at the Marvell>> prompt. According to Wireshark, the GoFlex sends a malformed UDP packet and it looks like nc on my laptop barfs on it and exits. But the GoFlex continues sending data, so I'll parse it out from Wireshark and post it here... Might have to go back to a wired connection - could be xmit collisions on beausoleil - uBoot
So I tried again, and got to the Marvell>> prompt. In an attempt to make further troubleshooting, I decided to change the netconsole destination, because I wanted to plug the GoFlex back into my wireless router, and access it remotely rather than a direct connection to my laptop. I made the following changes: Marvell>> setenv serverip Marvell>> setenv ifby beausoleil - uBoot
So when you said "Try this for the second netconsole command", you meant not to run an instance in the background first... ;-) Marvell>> printenv printenv bootcmd=run fast_boot; run usb_boot; run hd_boot; run ubi_boot bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 ide_start=ide reset ubi_start=ubi part root usb_start=usb start nc_test=ping $ncip nc_start=setenv stdin nc; setenv stdoutby beausoleil - uBoot
$ nc -lup 6666 & [1] 4096 $ nc -up 6666 6666 nc: bind failed: Address already in useby beausoleil - uBoot
Thanks, bohdi. Here's what I did: Followed your link and setup a second USB flash drive with Debian. Then I connected the GoFlex Home via ethernet directly to my laptop's ethernet port. I used wireshark on my laptop to monitor the ethernet traffic while the GoFlex Home booted with the Debian USB flash drive in its single USB port. The packet capture showed that the address 10.10.1by beausoleil - uBoot
I found this thread after following Alice down the rabbit hole... I'm having problems getting netconsole to help troubleshoot my GoFlex Home problems. Back in September of 2013, I installed Arch Linux ARM on it, using the instructions over at the GoFlex Home page. So I'm using v0.6 of the UBIT environment from andby beausoleil - uBoot