QuoteAnd as I said, the kernel version has no relation to rootfs version, you can run any kernel that released after the 25 Aug 2019 date. Best to run the latest kernel now in this buster rootfs after you have booted the rootfs. Ah, I see what you meant now! I misunderstood-- I initially thought that the kernel updates directly reflected or corresponded to respective Debian kernels (Debian 10,by dumdedumda - Debian
Hi Bodhi, Little confused here. Just checked my Pogo V4 with a freshly installed copy of the latest rootfs (26 Sept 2021 Debian-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2) and it is showing Debian 11 (Bullseye), and not 10 (Buster). Also, the release page shows "Updated 26 Sept 2021:Basic Debian bullseye Kirkwood rootfs for most Kirwood plugs." It appears any kernel that is olderby dumdedumda - Debian
Thank you, Bodhi! Additionally, what's the latest version of Debian Buster for Kirkwood devices? Would that be linux-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1 (04 Aug 2021)? If so, can you please reupload the image to DropBox (Dropbox notes the file has been deleted) or direct me to a link with all the archives of old images? Installing Buster on a second Pogo V4 for testing purposes. Thank you, once agaiby dumdedumda - Debian
Hi Bodhi, What would be the best way to restore a Pogoplug V4 back to its default kernel settings (with all settings restored, packages removed, etc.)? I.e. a fresh installed image of linux-5.18.6-kirkwood-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2. Would I just redownload linux-5.18.6-kirkwood-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2 and run "dpkg -i linux-image-5.18.6-kirkwood-tld-1_1.0_armel.deb" under /boot? Btw, cuby dumdedumda - Debian
Bodhi, I'd like to upgrade my Pogoplug V4 to the latest kernel & rootfs. "uname -r" yields Quoteroot@debian:~# uname -r 5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1 I assume the displayed info is referring to the rootfs version. If so, what is the command to check for the kernel version? (Sorry, I know it's a rather simple question, but I Googled forums.doozan.com earlier to try to findby dumdedumda - uBoot
jelabarre59 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > don't think adding the serial connection worked. > I can't tell if it made a decent connection > anyway, my soldering iron isn't that great (it's > good for patching together wires in a wiring > harness, but that's about it). > > I'll probably put the Pogo awby dumdedumda - uBoot
Kuzma Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi everyone! Sorry for long silence :| > I want say thanx for everyone who help me and > write about resolving my problem! > > I read some manuals and find one interesting thing > :) Mariadb needs a swap!! >.<" I don't know why i > don't use a swap before... I just forget itby dumdedumda - Debian
Getting bad eraseblock 72 when prepping installation of U-Boot 2017.07 for a new Pogoplug V4. Google the error code and searched the forum and no dice. Any ideas on how to proceed? Much appreciated. /tmp/tools # dmesg | grep -i 'bad' <6>[ 0.960000] Scanning device for bad blocks <4>[ 0.970000] Bad eraseblock 72 at 0x000000900000 <5>[ 1.340000] Uby dumdedumda - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, I successfully updated my V4's UBoot & Kernel to 2017.07-tld-1 & Debian-5.2.9-kirkwood-tld-1. So, thank you. After logging in this rootf the first time, remember to generate new SSH key to make it your own unique rootfs. And also update your rootfs to get the latest Debian package security updates: I have a second Pogoplug V4 that I'd like to update its ubootby dumdedumda - uBoot
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > dumdedumda, > > > I can't seem to find any info on updating to > the > > latest headers or remedying the issue of > > "linux-headers-3.18.5-kirkwood-tld-1". Is there > > any ongoing updates with Debian on the V4 > still? > > See the release thread: > &by dumdedumda - uBoot
Recently revived my interest in the Pogoplug V4 after coming across a Medium article in which the author documents his success in getting Debian 10 to successfully install on the V4-- even providing an prebuilt image for it via https://github.com/susamn/debian-10-buster-pogoplug-v4 . After burning the image to a SD card, I ran a FreePBX installation script designed specifically Debian 10 (httpby dumdedumda - uBoot
In a desperate attempt to revert to original factory Pogoplug firmware, I flashed the "original" mtd0, mtd1, etc files provided from a user on this forum. (Newbie maneuver, I know.) I don't recall which thread the files were from, but that no longer matters. Consequently, the device has become a paperweight. The only thing that lights up on the device is the Ethernet port. Otheby dumdedumda - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, I have a Pogoplug E02 (pink) that I'm attempting to restore to factory default. I have a copy of the original MTD0 images. Are your instructions for "How to restore NAND in Linux (any distro) applicable to the E02? Thanks in advance!by dumdedumda - uBoot