Thanks for your response and apologies for my slow reply. jst818 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Quote > What version of ntfs-3g are you using ? admin@pogoplug:~$ apt-cache policy ntfs-3g ntfs-3g: Installed: (none) Candidate: 1:2016.2.22AR.1+dfsg-1 Version table: 1:2016.2.22AR.1+dfsg-1 500 500 strby haridsv - Debian
I have had a portable external drive formatted as NTFS filesystem mounted on my pogoplug. Recently, it has become readonly, so I noticed that there is this message in dmesg output: [424388.512360] ntfs: (device sdb1): load_system_files(): $LogFile is not clean. Mounting read-only. Mount in Windows. I mounted the disk on my Windows 10 laptop and ran chkdsk and it found no issues, so I putby haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > haridsv, > > > I only see this current thread under there, but > > before my first post here it was completely > empty. > > All my previous threads are still missing. > > That's strange. Probably just a coincidence. Try > to resubscribe to threads and see if it works. Apoby haridsv - Off-Topic
habibie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > haridsv Wrote: > ------------------------------------------------------- > > Also, looks like something happened to the > > followed topics feature? I don't see any under > my > > account. > > > Don't know what exactly you meant by > followed. However, if you meant yby haridsv - Off-Topic
Also, looks like something happened to the followed topics feature? I don't see any under my haridsv - Off-Topic
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That's Jeff's V2, a good and simple rescue system. > Yes, follow that instruction. But before installin > g that, you need to save your current u-boot envs > to a text file. And dump your NAND mtds to keep a > back up, if you have not done so, I had a quick look at the shell script and I am noby haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It is mainly for the flash drives to avoid swappin > g to flash. However, it could be useful for hard d > rives also, if swapping is small and infrequent. I > OW, if there are little swapping, it will stay in > compressed space in RAM. But it is a tradeoff betw > een RAM and CPU power. You'll beby haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > zswap compresses the swap in memory before needing > to swap to disk. Is zswap recommended only when using a flash storage for swap, or is it also useful when swap is setup on a hard drive? Also, does enabling zswap put a significant toll on the CPU that is in Pogoplug E02?by haridsv - Debian
Isn't it a good idea to set vm.swappiness to 0 so that swap is used only when it is absolutely necessary, instead of being used as a page cache? Is zswap already enabled by default or do we need to do anything? admin@pogoplug:~$ cat /proc/cmdline console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=orion_nand:1M(u-boot),4M(uImage),32M(rootfs),-(data) admin@pogoplug:~$ dmesgby haridsv - Debian
Thank you! Would you be help me setup a rescue system that boots the original firmware if the USB drive is not found? Should I just follow the instruction from here?by haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > kirkwood-tld-1 should be in the suffix. I h > ad some typos in the kernel instruction, but I've > corrected it. If you still see something is not ri > ght, please let me know where! Look at the step 4 of this post, it doesn't have "-tld-1" in the initrd path. Also, initramfs name hasby haridsv - Debian
Here is my transcript: admin@pogoplug:~$ sudo fw_setenv serverip admin@pogoplug:~$ sudo fw_setenv ipaddr admin@pogoplug:~$ sudo fw_setenv if_netconsole 'ping $serverip' admin@pogoplug:~$ sudo fw_setenv start_netconsole 'setenv ncip $serverip; setenv bootdelay 10; setenv stdin nc; setenv stdout nc; setenv stderr nc; version;' admin@pogoplug:~$by haridsv - Debian
Here is the additional step I needed to do before reconfiguring tzdata: # ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta /etc/localtimeby haridsv - Off-Topic
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > haridsv, > > Did you set locale? > > IIRC, I think you need set timezone as root. I didn't set locale, will look into it. I did use sudo where haridsv - Off-Topic
To enable netconsole, can I just follow these instructions?by haridsv - Debian
I got Google Cloudprint to work well and I was able to share it with others in my family. My son was able to print from his Android phone, so I am glad I don't have to buy a new cloud enabled printer after switching to all Android and Chromebook devices at home. I can now print from my work macbook too without having to first disconnect from VPN. Here is what I did, in case it helps anyonby haridsv - Off-Topic
For setting timezone from CLI (unattended), I found that you need to update /etc/timezone and dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, something like this (from here: $ echo "Australia/Adelaide" | sudo tee /etc/timezone Australia/Adelaide $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata Current default time zone: 'Australia/Adelaide' Local time is now: Sat May 8 21:1by haridsv - Off-Topic
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > haridsv, > > You dont need to run systemd to set up nginx as de > scribed in that page. Is that what you meant? i.e. > start stop nginx? > > After you installed nginx, sysvinit should have th > e init script to start it in /etc/init.d/. I meant running cloudprintd (Google Cloudprint daemonby haridsv - Off-Topic
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @haridsv, > Did you change any of the config files that I've p > osted? If you did, or use different versions, it w > ould be extra helpful to post them. I forgot to ad > d this CUPS subject to the Wiki, so I will do tha > t and include your post as working example. I didn't change any cuby haridsv - Off-Topic
Below is what I did (as an edited dump of my terminal transcript) to get my network printer (Brother HL-2170w) added and configured. I used "HP LaserJet Series PCL 4/5" as the "make and model". I am posting this just in case it would help anyone else in the future. admin@pogoplug:~$ sudo lpinfo -v network beh network ipps network http network https network ipp14 neby haridsv - Off-Topic
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I actually discouraged people from using udev rule > s. It just that it has the least footprint on a sy > stem, so it might be useful to somebody. Got it! I experimented with the scripts and it worked, except that I had to remove locale option or I was getting this error: [137246.680981] ntfs: driver 2.1.3by haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The following udev rules are for automounting (hot > plug) USB drives with the disk partition label. If > you know what udev rules are and wish to use udev > to automount USB drives, then this is for you. If you are not sure about udev rules, > then I'd suggest looking into usbmount, > autofs, haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good idea! please change it to "Installing Debian > from stock U-Boot/firmware", if you can. Or I will I changed the subject for the OP, but I guess it doesn't change it for the replies. However, I verified that the new title shows up in the forum list, so that should be good haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > since you have cre > ated the rootfs on USB, fw_printenv/setenv binary > is already in the rootfs, which can be executed di > rectly while in stock OS, or after booting into De > bian. For some strange reason, when I first logged in as root, fw_printenv didn't work, so I assumed it was not installeby haridsv - Debian
I was able to restore ethaddr and it picked up the right IP address on reboot. Sweet!by haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Note the bold instruction. There is no need to cre > ate swap partition. I would use a swap file. Howev > er, if it is your preference, it won't hurt. Isn't a swap partition a better option than swap file for setting RAID1 for rootfs, unless of course the swap file is created elsewhere other than theby haridsv - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anf the fw_env.config is already defined correctly > in the rootfs. > > So go ahead. Check them > > > fw_printenv > > > And then set ethaddr. Replace xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx wi > th the real one. > > > fw_setenv ethaddr 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' > > > Andby haridsv - Debian
Also, do I need the instructions for using systemd?by haridsv - Debian
I reverted the change to uImage and tried to boot and I think it booted fine, but I didn't get the IP address that I assigned it from my router by MAC rule. It looks like the MAC address is now different, so is this the time when we would need to create the fw_env.config and update the ethaddr value?by haridsv - Debian
I am now following steps in Linux Kernel 4.12.8 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs and here is the transcript so far: # fdisk /dev/sdc Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.21.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Command (m for help): o Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x84c52df4. Command (mby haridsv - Debian