Sata u-boot use 800MHz SPL U-Boot SPL 2013.10-ga72eb8f-dirty (Feb 19 2014 - 15:21:12) Boot device: SATA Attempting to set PLLA to 800 MHz ... 1st post: U-Boot SPL 2013.10 (Apr 27 2014 - 19:08:27) Boot device: NAND Attby z0rg - uBoot
Sata u-boot use 800MHz SPL U-Boot SPL 2013.10-ga72eb8f-dirty (Feb 19 2014 - 15:21:12) Boot device: SATA Attempting to set PLLA to 800 MHz ... 1st post: U-Boot SPL 2013.10 (Apr 27 2014 - 19:08:27) Boot device: NAND Attby z0rg - uBoot
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > z0rg, > > Can you reflash and > > 1. Run fw_printenv after this step: > > > 10th step > root@debian:~/tmp# nandwrite -s 1048576 /dev/mtd0 > uboot.2015.10-tld-2.ox820.environment.img > Writing data to block 8 at offset 0x100000 > > > > fw_printenv > Aftby z0rg - uBoot