No, I never got to the bottom of this. The working drive (note I don't think the drive is the problem) is an Hitachi 500MB drive picked up cheaply because it is one of the drives that requires 2 USB Grand Total - uBoot
I tried it. My 'working' Pogo does not appear to output anything on startup either. I don't know what to make of Grand Total - uBoot
Yes, my Windows box does respond to a ping, but my Windows box is now out of the picture. I'm listening with my 'good' pogo running Debian now. I had an idea overnight, but I don't know how to achieve it. Is it possible to direct uboot's output to a file on the 'bad' Pogo instead of sending it out over the network? I don't suspect network problems at alby Grand Total - uBoot
1. On my working Pogo I have to use nc -k -l -u -p 6666. This is working as it should. 2. The ethernet LEDs are on most of the time and flash frequently most of the time. I would not say I see the flash at 1 second intervals shortly after Grand Total - uBoot
Yes, I installed the full version of netcat on the working Pogo. The working Pogo that is listening can see packets from my PC and (TCP) packets from the non-working Pogo. So, we're left with uboot not sending messages, which is what I think is happening. The question is why not? The other thing we know about the non-working Pogo is that it won't boot from a USB device. Where we (I)by Grand Total - uBoot
I tried running nc on my working Pogoplug, but the result was the same, no uboot output displayed. I tested the instance of nc running on the Pogoplug and it is listening and shows output when I send it a message from my PC or from the "non-working" Pogoplug. However, the version of nc on the "non-working" Pogoplug is not able to send UDP packets, only TCP. It's just notby Grand Total - uBoot
Printenv gives this: Pogoplug:~$ /usr/sbin/fw_printenv ethact=egiga0 bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 mainlineLinux=yes console=ttyS0,115200 led_init=green blinking led_exit=green off led_error=orange blinking mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:1M(u-boot),4M(uImage),32M(rootfs),-(data) mtdids=nand0=orion_nand partition=nand0,2 stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial rescue_installed=0by Grand Total - uBoot
I set up for NetConsole as per the instructions elsewhere on this site and got nothing. I have satisfied myself that nc listening on my PC is working correctly. I tried to communicate with nc listening on my PC from the Pogoplug manually, but was only able to do so via TCP because the nc on my Pogoplug does not appear to support UDP. In case the uBoot startup was relying on nc on the Pogopby Grand Total - uBoot
Thanks very much for the suggestions, I'll try them. I do not have the skills to make a serial connection to the Pogoplug, but I did try NetConsole. I was not successful in getting any output, I shall try Grand Total - uBoot
I left out some pertinent information: When the Pogoplug starts it does appear to access the USB drive (HD or flash) and it never makes it to a state where I can communicate with it. Remove the USB drive and do a hard reboot and I can talk to it again via Grand Total - uBoot
I own two Pogoplugs. The first runs Debian Squeeze and boots from a USB Hard Drive, the second does not. When I bought the second Pogoplug I was able to load Debian Lenny onto a USB HD and boot from it, I was unable to load Squeeze because, as has been documented elsewhere, Jeff's Squeeze install became broken. Subsequently I found other instructions to load Squeeze, tried them and sinceby Grand Total - uBoot