bodhi Wrote: > There is no Armada 370 u-boot support in mainline. Well it seems there is some demand. So I could take a look to see if I can mainline the Mirabox u-boot (which I own).by bodhi - uBoot
elding, Try using my kwboot build here:,27280 > I saw u-boot project on the github, but could not > understand which defconfig I needed to choose. > Maybe you can suggest? There is no Armada 370 u-boot support in bodhi - uBoot
diappollo, > 1 - the "dual boot" problem solved with the use of > a Sandisk key Nice! > 2 - the U-Boot update: > I tried to load U-boot via UART to test but it > doesn't work, I systematically end up with lags... > it seems that I don't launch the listening at the > right time yet I tried to launch before, during... > nothing works. I seaby bodhi - Debian
twinclouds, > Even though I passed my 80 years birthday last > year, my mind seems still fine. That is one > reason I doing something technical as hobby to > keep it this way! Cool! wish I will be active and clear mind like you when I get to that milestone :) > I noticed 6.11.6 and 6.12.6's Initrd sizes are > getting much smaller. > Hope you can generate aby bodhi - Debian
Hi twinclouds, > Long time on contact. How are you doing? I'm doing great, thanks! hope you are too. > Recently, I tried to update of my Dockstars that > are still running Debian 9, Kernel 4.18 and with > 2017 uboot, (maybe because of the boredom in my > retirement :-)) I'm quite near that time when I'll stop doing consulting works completely and retby bodhi - Debian
elding, > any chances for this bins compatible with "seagate > personal cloud - 2 hdd"? Stock uboot wont see usb > storage to boot, and Im looking for it update. I'm assuming you want to boot debian on USB. Not stock FW. Even though it's the same SoC, there are differences in each board. Tthe differences will prevent you to boot the Seagate successfully uby bodhi - uBoot
petecom, > You'll need a Linux system to unbrick this box. > > In Windows 11: > 1) Connect to your computer with Windows 11 to USB > port --> AZDelivery CP2102 HW-598 USB auf Serial > Adapter CP2102 > 2) Install Drivers and check number of COM port > (devmgmt.msc) > 3) Install Software Putty on Windows 11 > 4) Run Putty on COM Terminal COM# (insby bodhi - uBoot
poluyretan, > One question remains, where to get files to > restore the 128Kb u-boot-env partition. > I ask people who have access to a similar device > (rn104) to share the image of the u-boot-env > partition. Further recovery of the device without > this file is pointless. Don't assume that is pointless. I would have not recommended you to do it if it's noby bodhi - uBoot
OK so try running kwboot with the u-boot image (u-boot.bin) from any FW version,51739,51919#msg-51919 See if you can at least get it to run and then move on to how to flash the other parts of the FW back. Or you can install Debian and forget about stock bodhi - uBoot
petecom, > I need to do this with a computer with > Windows 11 Pro to use You'll need a Linux system to unbrick this box. You can run Ubuntu USB live on your Intel box. Or install Virtualbox. I would strongly recommend installing Virtualbox or VMWarePlay (if this work) because you will need some Linux environment to administer/troubleshoot/rescue this box easily. See this posby bodhi - uBoot
Hereux, > # Now insert into nas > kwboot -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -t Don't run kwboot. Use minicom, or picocom if the Ubuntu USB Live has it. You've already flashed u-boot to NAND. You can also use putty on bodhi - uBoot
poluyretan, > Аfter reading the topic: >,107689, I > didn't understand where to get u-boot.bin and > u-boot-env/uImage/minirootfs/ubifs image. See this post in that thread:,107689,107894#msg-107894 QuoteThe files I have used are " uboot.bin" , "kernel.arm" , "initrd.gzby bodhi - uBoot
diappollo, Yes, I see. This is the problem. > USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) > found > scanning bus for storage devices... T > Device NOT ready > Request Sense returned 00 00 00 > > 0 Storage Device(s) found This u-bootby bodhi - Debian
MM, Strange. It should be 8192se (8191/8192). The 8192su (8191/8192) is usually seen in the USB dongle. The rtl8192se is usually seen in the mPCIe card. Try modprobe rtl8192seby bodhi - Debian
Hereux, > Since I couldn't find a failure in the logs, I > think it also does it's reboot while booting into > the kernel. After trying multiple times, it stops > on the exact same position, so it isn't as likely > as I thought? The behavior indicates that very likely the rootfs is bad. Try recreating the rootfs. When creating the rootfs, you need to doby bodhi - uBoot
MM, > >>Is this a plain 8191, or is there any s/u/c/e > suffix in the model name? > > it's 8191su OK. Quite relevant which variation of the 8191 chips that is. I'll take a bodhi - Debian
diappollo, > Otherwise, I still have this "dual boot" problem > before it works but I think it's due to my USB key > without really knowing why? If you see it again, please post the serial boot log. > Just to share my experience, I also had to change > the power supply because the basic one didn't give > a suitable voltage The Netgear Stora hby bodhi - Debian
diappollo, The kirkwood-goflexnet.dtb is an example only (as stated in my instruction). Each box has to use its own DTB. Gofflex Net is a good compatible Kirkwood box. Usually you can boot any Kirkwood box with it. So I used it as example in case users ignore the instruction. That was the reason you can boot but have no Ethernet when you run the Stora using the Goflex Net DTB. These 2 boxesby bodhi - Debian
cmp18, Please change the Subject of the 1st post in this thread to "Debian on Promwad Thin Client". Thanks!by bodhi - Debian
MM, > 6.13.0 kernel pci probe with realtek 8191 wifi > card Is this a plain 8191, or is there any s/u/c/e suffix in the model name? For now, try modprobe rtl8192ceby bodhi - Debian
Hereux, > NSA325> resetenv > Unknown command 'resetenv' - try 'help' > > NSA325> env default -a > ## Resetting to default environment > "resetenv" is not recognized as a command, so I > just did "env default -a" which should do the same > thing but just not permanently? You did it correctly! that resetenv was dby bodhi - uBoot
cmp18, Quotebodhi If you want to boot OpenWrt, then you need to rebuild OpenWrt with these kernel configs (or make sure that these are already in its config): CONFIG_IWLWIFI=m CONFIG_IWLMVM=m Does OpenWrt already have the above configs?by bodhi - Debian
diappollo, You don't need to do saveenv. I actually discouraged that in the instruction until you have booted successfully a few times. Quote,102054,105374#msg-105374 Since setenvs are transient, after test boot a few times with the above setenvs, you can proceed to make the envs permanent before boot > how can I allow the Stora to be correctlyby bodhi - Debian
Hereux, When you flashed the new u-boot, you've missed an important part: Quote6. Flash default u-boot envs image If you are upgrading from 2017.07-tld-1 u-boot, you can skip this step. But some envs will need to be updated before reboot. See Note section below after the installation steps. Especially if your rootfs is SATA, then you must adjust the env described in Note section &qby bodhi - uBoot
colibri, > Hi Bodi, i'd like set a RAID 1 on my STORA MS 2000 > (original netgear's firmware worked in RAID 1). > >,33146,33146 > Does this guide work on my Stora? Yes it should work. > If it work, i'll type from step 3? Yes. Note that you don't need to regenerate the SSH key, it's already generateby bodhi - Debian
MM, > MM, > > > LED's GPIO different in two sections of > > kirkwood-promwad-wtplug.dts: > > it must be 38 an 39 in both cases? > > Yes, my bad! that was a cut/paste error. I'll > correct it. Actually those were correct :) I did not read it closely and thought you calculated it correctly. They are both 38 and 39 in both cases bodhi - Debian
MM, > 1M partition ll be enouth for new 2025 u-boot? 1MB is more than enough for a Kirkwood u-boot. I expect this 2025 u-boot image is about 512k or bodhi - Debian
diappollo, The rootfs installation instruction Step 4. Quote4. (Stock u-boot only) Create uImage with embedded DTB for booting with older u-boots (2012 or earlier). Skip this step if you have installed the latest U-Boot for Kirkwood (or are installing this u-boot at the same time, or running kwboot with latest u-boot image). Please replace kirkwood-goflexnet.dtb below with the correct Dby bodhi - Debian
diappollo, To install Debian using my rootfs, follow the instruction in the Wiki,23630 QuoteKirkwood plugs Basic steps to install Debian and new u-boot on Kirkwood boxes Boot Kirkwood rootfs with stock u-boot 1. You can use the second instruction to create the rootfs Debian-6.5.7-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2 on USB, and then enter envs aby bodhi - Debian
MM, > LED's GPIO different in two sections of > kirkwood-promwad-wtplug.dts: > it must be 38 an 39 in both cases? Yes, my bad! that was a cut/paste error. I'll correct bodhi - Debian