Power button is handled as GPIO from Linux, uboot handles it a bit more abruptlyby WarheadsSE - uBoot
Yes.by WarheadsSE - uBoot
There is actually a command that can be scripted into the stock u-boot that will disable the watchdog. I'll have to go digging, but it should ONLY be used with the Debian kernel, since the ALARM kernel still trips the watchdog off.by WarheadsSE - uBoot
Right. What I am saying is We either need to be determinate that - when booting we disable it - before starting the kernel (bootm xxxx) we re-enable it -- unless we're told not to (aka, a kernel doesn't know to turn it off) Reasoning being: if your kernel hangs, you might wish the system would reboot. If it takes 30 seconds to get to the kernel board bring up (early system init,by WarheadsSE - Debian
Need to get that sorted, and merged. However, due to this "behavior" of the watchdog, it has to be very well documented. I still think that with the NSA325's implementation, we should disable it once uboot has loaded, and then enable it prior to boot. This might even be best to leave as the enable/disable via a well documented environment(!!) command to use with runby WarheadsSE - Debian
@bodhi The problem is you can not probe for the state of the hardware watchdog.by WarheadsSE - Debian
I think something might make sense here: u-boot disables watchdog when it starts, then, we re-enable it just before starting the kernel. Why? In case the kernel hangs. Obviously, for we'd do this via a memory write, instead of in c code for u-boot. Why? Because then that bit can be flipped on/off :)by WarheadsSE - Debian
@addy75 Right. What we're saying is that the uboot on the box might be the problem, and not the kernel.by WarheadsSE - Debian
There should never be an array! Thats the point!by WarheadsSE - Debian
When the kernel attempts to initialize the sgdma controller for a second time, "You're gonna have a bad day"by WarheadsSE - Debian
<0x45900000,0x45910000} That } is a problem. And we still need it to truly understand it is _one_ controller with _two_ ports. This really needs to be handled @ the driver code, and then only the difference adjusted @ the dts would be nr-ports.by WarheadsSE - Debian
Depending on which kernel he has, mtd0 might not be the entire nand, as it is with the definitions from CE @ the PPV3/Proby WarheadsSE - uBoot
Nope, don't have a DTS.by WarheadsSE - uBoot
@bodhi - yes, PLUS additions to the driver to be able to address the second port.by WarheadsSE - Debian
Except, the vendors sata driver will 99% likely not work with the newer kernel. I have seen that pile of steaming crap.by WarheadsSE - Debian
I am saying it needs added.by WarheadsSE - Debian
Yes.. because it is attempting to treat it as 2 separate PHY. There is only 1.by WarheadsSE - Debian
It would probably be est to get the sata@ so that it doesn't think there are actually 2 entries, but that you can specify nr-ports 2, and it uses the second port @ +0x10000by WarheadsSE - Debian
#define SATA_REG_BASE OXNAS_HW_PA_TO_VA(0x05900000) #define SATA_PHY_BASE OXNAS_HW_PA_TO_VA(0x04900000) #define SATA_PHY_BASE_PA 0x44900000 #define SATA_REG_BASE_PA 0x45900000 #define SATA0_REGS_BASE (SATA_REG_BASE + 0x00000) #define SATA1_REGS_BASE (SATA_REG_BASE + 0x10000) #define OX820SATA_SGDMA_CORESIZE (0x10) #define OX820SATA_SGDMA_BASE0 ((u32*by WarheadsSE - Debian
I will try to have a look in the next few days.by WarheadsSE - uBoot
>> printenv >> help My immediate thought is that your recompiled uboot doesn't have the necessary options to enable the power lines? Does the drive spin up? If not, that is a possibility. I have also seen vendor variants the the GPL tarball doesn't have features enabled, and it takes a small amount of digging to find the necessary items to enable.by WarheadsSE - Debian
@bodhi Perhaps what is happening is that the uboot is tripping it off. Then the kernel is tripping it back on? Consider it like a momentary push button. Trip on, Trip off, repeat. Can you test against a kernel _without_ the logic to trip it?by WarheadsSE - uBoot
The OXNAS 8720 series uses the same SATA PHY block as the ox810 because they both use a separate piece of silicon on die, but that's about where it ends.by WarheadsSE - Debian
It's just as likely that you have only temporarily disabled it with that mashing of the GPIO.by WarheadsSE - uBoot
The ox810 and plx oxnas 8720 are different enough that they are not compatible. You will need to make the necessary forward ports.by WarheadsSE - Debian
I think that was meant for a different post.by WarheadsSE - Debian
That's the watchdog alright.by WarheadsSE - uBoot
Best to take the settings from the old uboot, and work them into the new uboot. I did plenty of work in that old u-boot pile of trash. Ouch.by WarheadsSE - Debian
QuotePeacemaker The next is u-Boot only activates 128mb Ram and not the full 256mb. Again, this are things that are board specific. These are things that you can only really get if you get the GPL tarballs from the manufacturer and we can recompile with these settings!by WarheadsSE - Debian
There may be some pinmux differences, and we'd need to know these things first for the kernel. Otherwise, it is possible that you could take the route I designed prior for being able to flip back and forth.by WarheadsSE - Debian