QuotebodhiQuoteTENNeither /usr/bin/tzselect nor dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, even when they have been found, say they set the TZ for more than the current user (even recommending to add exports to the ~/.profile) - this could be prompted for system-wide, have one recommended way of setting it (possibly as simple as echo 'Continent/Capital' >/etc/timezone ?), or be preset to a usable defby TEN - Debian
Just keeping track of some stumbling blocks encountered (knowing that much might be intentional to keep the system "lean" or as an incentive for "learning" ;-) - but best solutions everyone needs anyway could of course be listed here by many contributors, as well as deep-linked to in other threads they've popped up in)... Installing various distributions (ARM and Intelby TEN - Debian
Quotebodhithe box that is serial console server is also the netconsole server. So when netconsole is activated, nothing will come out of serial console. If you connect a 2nd SSH on the same box and start netconsole in that shell, it will be the console. When netconsole is done (kernel starts booting) then output will switch back to the serial console. > > kernel's own boot messagesby TEN - uBoot