Iomega EZ media
September 29, 2022 10:19AM
Looking for assistance, with light experience toying with RPis, debian distros, etc.
Ive done a lot of reading and some attempts trying to boot via USB with kirkwood 5.9 rootfs with no luck. From memory, I think it bricked during an upgrade attempt.
Sounds like I need to deal with UBoot and not really sure of the direction to take.
Red light is all Im getting.
Thoughts, directions, links?
Re: Iomega EZ media
September 29, 2022 10:34PM
I think this is the thread you should read. If you have serial console, it should be easy.,15887,page=1

This thread should be helpful as well

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2022 10:40PM by daviddyer.
Re: Iomega EZ media
September 30, 2022 08:26AM
Thanks david,
Yeah I've been studying those two among others.
I only have ethernet connection currently and have attempted USB boot with debian and the Lenovo foss lifeline, with no luck.
I have to assume that my confusion might be my need for a serial connection and boot corruption.
Serial my best root to success or is there a technique that I can try in the meantime?
Re: Iomega EZ media
September 30, 2022 11:44AM

> Serial my best root to success or is there a
> technique that I can try in the meantime?

Serial console is the easiest way to get it boot to Debian. Witthout it, we cannot see what's going on (especially if u-boot envs were corrupted).

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