No cron daemon in bookworm tarball?
March 30, 2024 07:28AM

Recently I tried to setup a cron job, but found no cron daemon installed, neither crond, anacron nor busybox cron. Is that intentional?
Is there a recommendation of a minimal and efficient cron package to install?

It's not too important, as I have other ways for what i want o do.

Re: No cron daemon in bookworm tarball?
March 30, 2024 01:31PM

The rootfs is basic rootfs with only a few necessary packages installed. It is a debootstrap rootfs, and the following packages installed on top:

- Installed packages: nano, avahi, ntp, busybox-syslogd (log to RAM), htop, isc-dhcp-client, dialog, bzip2, nfs server/client, iperf, ethtool, sysvinit-core, sysvinit, sysvinit-utils, u-boot-tools, libubootenv-tool, mtd-utils, and orphan-sysvinit-scripts.

So whenever you see something is not available, you should go ahead and install it yourself. For the experienced Linux users, it's a barebone system so they can install whatever is needed. For the beginners, it's a Linux learning vehicle.

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Re: No cron daemon in bookworm tarball?
March 30, 2024 01:35PM
ok, thanks!
Re: No cron daemon in bookworm tarball?
April 02, 2024 07:00AM
For anyone interested in this topic: I ended up installing the standard cron daemon and disabled all system cron tasks in the config, because I only need mine.
I also pondered to install the package 'busybox-static', which would replace 'busybox', because it contains a small cron daemon. But the possible problems with kernel and initramfs, and also apparent configuration syntax incompatibilities let me stay away from that.


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