Accessing my.pogo after Debian update?
August 03, 2014 09:23AM
I followed below steps to install debian on my pogo V4-A1.

But now i realize that i cannot use my pogo for my.pogoplug anymore. Blogger claims that instock firmware is present in NAND but needs change in uBoot to access it. It further suggests that i can reboot the pogo with 'revert' as a empty folder in a new USB .. but that does not work for me. It keeps on rebooting.

can someone suggest how can i coexist with Debian as well as my.pogo or if thats not possible then just use my.pogo
Re: Accessing my.pogo after Debian update?
August 03, 2014 03:07PM
Where does it state anything about a "revert" folder? Here is what is stated in the comment - "You will not be able to revert or boot the default Pogoplug OS using this uBoot."

The simple solution is for you to spend $7 and buy yourself a new Pogoplug Mobile if you want to use the service.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2014 03:10PM by grayman4hire.

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