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new kernel package ready to use

Posted by gorgone 
Re: new kernel package ready to use
August 28, 2011 04:02PM
Hi Gorgone,
is it possible to get your Kernel-Config file?

Thanks a lot,
Re: new kernel package ready to use
June 29, 2012 07:44AM
gorgone Wrote:
> Now online
> fixed contrac sisusbvga(+consoleswitch)
> ntfs(readonly) hfs hfs+ support
> usbgadgets addet automount fixed add i2c code
> cd /tmp
> fetch the kernel
> wget
> kernel install/overwrite (save the old one)
> dpkg -i --force-overwrite dockstarheavy.deb
> !!!!!!!!!! u must rename the old initrd or delete
> thanks to weo for the hint...
> mv /boot/uInitrd /boot/org.uInitrd
  • ...none … LED off
  • ...nand-disk … LED nand activity
  • ...timer ... time controled LED
  • ...heartbeat … LED blinks like the
    > heartbeat
  • ...default-on … LED allways on
> add this 2 lines to rc.local
> this disables heartbeat and sets the green LED on
> echo default-on >
> /sys/class/leds/dockstar\:green\:health/trigger
> echo none       >
> /sys/class/leds/dockstar\:orange\:misc/trigger
> add this line
> echo none >
> /sys/class/leds/dockstar\:green\:health/trigger
> under
> log_action_msg "Will now halt"
> halt -d -f $netdown $poweroff $hddown
> in /etc/init.d/halt
> this shows u when it is safe to remove disks and
> power cable
> on init 0 or halt command
> my modify full install with nfs samba and ftp(root
> access)
> with all fixes and script patches
> german howto
> http://
> ss4200.homelinux.com/dockstar/

> cd /tmp
> wget
> http://ss4200.homelinux.com/dockstar/gogo-dock.sh
> chmod 777 gogo-dock.sh
> ./gogo-dock.sh

Guten Tag, folgendes problem: nach dem ich Kernel update, und überschreibe, booten Dokstar nicht, versuchte ganzen script ausführen (ss4200.homelinux.com/dockstar/gogo-dock.sh) kommt das selbe raus, läuft nur wenn ich doozan image installiere. Woran kann das liegen?

Mfg. Pendalf
Re: new kernel package ready to use
July 21, 2012 09:03AM

the reason is that Gorgone's kernel does not work with the new uBoot. I noticed that when I tried to run a stick I had produced about a year ago with a newly adapted Dockstar.

In the meantime I successfully adapted everything based on Wheezy install script (where I also use a separate Boot-Partition) and this works just fine. It was necessary to adapt Gorgone's prepare-script step by step (as well as install a few extras like nfs, samba, locales, dialog etc.).

I have attached the adapted script, which should run more or less out of the box. You just have to check for paths, as I did not want to clutter my stick with all the additional files and moved those to a docked HDD.

Hope this helps.


open | download - oscam_gen.sh.gz (1.7 KB)
Re: new kernel package ready to use
April 10, 2013 02:07PM
I installed the gorgone-kernel on my dockstar because i wanted to use a DVB-S2-device (Tevii S660) for vdr.
I read that the devices is supported by newer kernels and hoped that it is enough to install gorgone's kernel, but after i rebooted the dockstar the device ist still not recognized correctly.

Do i have to modify something?
I need the S2-liplianin-modules but i can't compile them because i do not have the sources.

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