Re: Debian on Freecom Silverstore 2 NAS
March 18, 2023 04:57PM

> I am not sure if the header is microJST. There is
> a picture of the connection in the PDF I have
> attached in one of my previous posts.

Thanks! that's not microJST.

The header pin looks like smaller wire than 2.54mm. There is smaller jumper wires (you can find on eBay), but I forgot what it's called.

I could not find it in my eBay history. That must have been too long ago.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2023 05:01PM by bodhi.
Re: Debian on Freecom Silverstore 2 NAS
March 23, 2023 12:48PM
Thank you both for the answers. I will look around if I find something usable.

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