kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
July 31, 2021 01:56AM
trying to unbrick a Zyxel NSA310 fails with below message.
No idea whats wrong. The serial worked before I bricked the device.
Any body an idea?

kwboot -t -B 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 -b u-boot.kwb -p
Sending boot message. Please reboot the target...\
Sending boot image...
0 % [+++++++++++++++++xmodem: Bad message
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
July 31, 2021 05:28AM


> kwboot -t -B 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 -b u-boot.kwb -p
> Sending boot message. Please reboot the
> target...\
> Sending boot image...
> 0 % [+++++++++++++++++xmodem: Bad message

1. Make sure the 3 serial wires are away from the power plug /cord (if the wires are unshielded, as they usually are, there could be noise interference from the power line).

2. When you see "xmodem: Bad message", immediately recall the kwboot command and execute it. Repeat this many times as necessary, until kwboot starts sending the u-boot image continously.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2021 05:30AM by bodhi.
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
July 31, 2021 10:19AM
tried repeating the command but nothing happens than that I'm asked again to reboot the target
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
July 31, 2021 04:03PM
gesa ,

> tried repeating the command but nothing happens
> than that I'm asked again to reboot the target

When you see this message
> Sending boot image... 
> 0 % [+++++++++++++++++xmodem: Bad message

It means this box has UART booting, and the first handshake has occured. So,

1. Use the u-boot image uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310.mtd0.kwb form my release thread:,12381

2. Check the serial wires connection make sure it is OK. Regular serial console works a bit different in protocol, so it is much more forgiving in term of noise. kwboot use xmodem protocol and sensitive to errors that come from noise/interference.

3. Be patient in repeating thekwboot command, if it is executed after the handshake window then it won't cach again. In that case, you need to turn of power and start from beginning.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
August 01, 2021 10:30AM
using another laptop and debian solved my problem. Thanks for help
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
October 28, 2024 04:14AM
Hi bodhi,
I'm trying to unbrick my Zyxel NSA310, but with no luck. The serial is working with another NSA310S, and before brick, this one worked too. After power on all led is red. But nothing else.
Have you any idea where is the problem?

nsa310# kwboot -t -B 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 -b uboot.2017.07-tld-1.nsa310.mtd0.kwb -p
kwboot version 2022.01+dfsg-2ubuntu2.6
Patching image boot signature to UART
Aligning image header to Xmodem block size
Sending boot message. Please reboot the target.../

Thanks so much
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
October 28, 2024 04:35AM
The problem solved.
I leave the NAS powered on for a 30min. and then try flash again. Flash start and done successfully. :)
Thanks so much
Re: kwboot on Zyxel NSA310 fails to unbrick
October 28, 2024 02:07PM
Glad to hear it works!

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

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