Hello Bodhi,
I am trying to get my old NSA320 back into shape and wanted to install debian kirkwood on it.
After setting up an UART session I probed with UART booting - all went well.
However, when trying to prepare it for flashing u-boot, I found bad blocks (step 4).
I wanted to get your opinion and see if there's a way or if it's safe at all to flash u-boot on my NSA320.
Here's what bad blocks have been found:
/ # dmesg | grep -i 'bad'
Scanning device for bad blocks
Bad eraseblock 32 at 0x000000400000
Bad eraseblock 249 at 0x000001f20000
Bad eraseblock 802 at 0x000006440000
Bad eraseblock 973 at 0x0000079a0000
block 13 is bad