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BIOS Synology RS815+

Posted by JackBlack 
BIOS Synology RS815+
November 02, 2024 01:24PM
Hi everyone,

I’m trying to reprogram the BIOS chip on my Synology RS815+. Unfortunately, Google hasn’t been able to help, and I’m struggling to find or compile a suitable BIOS file. If anyone has a suitable BIOS file for the RS815+ and could upload or send it to me, that would be fantastic.

Thanks in advance for any help and replies!

Best regards
Re: BIOS Synology RS815+
November 13, 2024 02:35AM
I sent you a PM with some details, hope this helps.
Re: BIOS Synology RS815+
December 08, 2024 03:37PM
Did you manage to resolve?

I am trying to convert my RS815rp+ to RS818rp+ and I have not followed the correct steps and in summary; I changed the unique in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf.
And after that I manually updated the 7.2.2 DSM for RS818rp+ into the NAS. It is now only booting with a message No drives detected in RS818rp+. I am assuming I have updated the BIOS because of my actions. What would be the logical next step to resolve this situation?
Re: BIOS Synology RS815+
December 10, 2024 03:43AM
You probably did the same mistake I did...
I fixed my broken 415+ as described in this post

Basically, I forced reflash the bios with all its default values from a .pat file for my correct model.
If you want to retry changine the model, make sure you modify the .pat file for the upgrade so it is not flashing the bios

I did that a few weeks ago, PM me if you need help with the settings in platform.ini (I have the version I modified on an USB stick somewhere..)
Re: BIOS Synology RS815+
December 10, 2024 06:41PM
I have sent you a PM

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