Failed to load kernel image after uboot
December 31, 2024 10:36AM
I am having an issue with fiber layer 1 switch.
It is loading U boot but failed to load linux kernel.

following as short description of the issue. I can interrupt booting and log in to uboot prompt.
Appreciate any hints or workaround. Thank you.

RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block 0
RAMDISK: Loading 11264KiB [1 disk] into ram disk... done.
EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) on device 1:0.

Starting initramfs boot...
Waiting 5 seconds for devices to settle...

Max mount count for / (mmcblk0p2) partition (14/10)
mmcblk0: retrying using single block read
mmcblk0: error -110 sending read/write command, response 0x0, card status 0x480b00
end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 12272
open | download - FreshUbootFaultyCompletion.log (18.3 KB)
Re: Failed to load kernel image after uboot
January 02, 2025 06:17AM
this is from a thread of mine, don't know if it helps:

"Unbricking procedure (the double quotes are not needed,I used them to see the command better):
- connect the UART as explained above, the power cable and start the NAS
- when it says to press Ctrl+C (pay attention on the screen), do that
- the prompt will appear like this: ""Marvel>>""
- at ""Marvel>>"" insert ""resetenv"" and press enter. This will erase the zImage (kernel) from the NAS
I did this cause as you've seen above, it completely blocked me from accessing the NAS
- turn off the NAS using the ""syno_pwoff"" command
- insert the USB with the zImage on it and the HDD with the downgraded version of
DSM (the one you used for downgrading)
- start the NAS and now it will automatically enter into the ""Marvell>>"" prompt since the zImage (kernel) was erased
- use ""usb reset"" press enter
- then ""setenv usbActive 0"" and press enter (DS214se has USB ports only at the back, if you have front USB ports and want to use them, insert 1 instead of 0)
- then use ""usb reset"" and press enter again, it should tell you that the USB stick is recognized
- then use ""ext2load usb 0:1 2159760 /zImage"" (this number 2159760, is the bytes size of the zImage)
also try without the slash / , in case it doesn't access it
- it should tell you that it read the file
- now use ""bootm"" command and press enter, it should start booting right into DSM now, DSM from the HDD
if it doesn't work, use ""bootm 0x2159760""
- now you can update the DSM version from the browser interface and during this the zImage (kernel) will also be rewritten onto the firmware chip and you'll not need the USB stick anymore after this"
Re: Failed to load kernel image after uboot
January 02, 2025 01:00PM

It's a different board. So it's not applicable.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Failed to load kernel image after uboot
January 02, 2025 01:02PM

> Max mount count for / (mmcblk0p2) partition
> (14/10)
> mmcblk0: retrying using single block read
> mmcblk0: error -110 sending read/write command,
> response 0x0, card status 0x480b00
> end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 12272

I'm not familiar with this board. But is the MMC card removable? or is it eMMC?

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