Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 06, 2014 11:52AM
@bohdi @davygravy


Shall we work on getting all known and linux supported Kirkwood based boards into one tree, especially those that we don't have an existing consolidated codebase? Get these working, and into a consolidated tree, so that we can get them all to modern versions of u-boot that will support GPT, FDT, et al without us all having to hunt around?

Examples of troublesome:
- V4 SATA vs SD being seperate
- NSA320, 325, 310 (anyone have a 310?)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 06, 2014 12:07PM

I'm thinking along the same line! As soon I can create the clean set of patches for the Goflex Net, Home, Pogo E02, Dockstar, and iConnect, it will be available to be merge into this tree.

BTW, I've tested FDT kernel supports for 3 out of those 5 (GF Home and Pogo E02 don't have FDT kernel board files yet).

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 06, 2014 12:17PM
Arch Linux ARM does have a set of FDT drivers, and a user that was dev/maint/use the config. I can get in contact with him regarding that.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 06, 2014 01:05PM
So, github?
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 06, 2014 10:31PM
Sure! I need to learn GIThub how-to :)

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
That would be great, guys! I've gotten lost hunting around. A kernel that loads a machine dependent device tree but boots on all the various platforms sounds great. I just experienced the
unrecognized machine problem with Bodhi's recent kernels. I had dutifully set my pogoplug arcNumber to 3542 when that was mentioned a while ago, but of course now it doesn't work with the bodhi kernel.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 13, 2014 12:01PM
Your problem is with machid. It needs to be set to the hex value dd6 (3542 decimal).
Set it in console.

More info: my kernel build has patches to work with older uBoot (I believe that it should also work with 2011 uBoot, i.e ones without L2 patch).

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2014 06:24AM by bodhi.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 13, 2014 12:15PM
So what version are we going to match against?
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 14, 2014 06:17AM

It should be 2013.10, same as in this thread (2014.01 is not out yet):,12381

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 14, 2014 09:38AM
And where are your sources for those?
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 16, 2014 09:58AM
Warhead, I will be back home in about a couple weeks. Will do it then.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 16, 2014 01:03PM
Alright, we'll slate it for Feb
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 18, 2014 09:56PM
Hah, I *just* started poking at the linux-kirkwood-dt kernel package again today. If there is going to be an effort to get an updated FDT u-boot rolling for as many of the Kirkwood boards as possible, I'm game to help as much as I can.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 19, 2014 12:22PM
List of Kirkwood devices I have:
- GoFlex Net
- Pogoplug V4 (not mobile)
- ZyXEL NSA320
- ZyXEL NSA325
- USI Topkick (the reference design the TonidoPlug 2 is based on)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 21, 2014 02:09AM
I've got a SheevePlug eSata (though I never tested the eSata port) and PogoPlug Mobile, I can help with testing (not so much in development).
The SheevePlug uBoot definetely got some issues, mainly it won't load uImage from subfolder so I've got a specific boot partition.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
January 27, 2014 05:17AM
I've got a ZyXEL NSA310. Would be glad to help out!
I've been thinking exactly the same. I have a handfull of Netgear Stora's, pogoplugs, NSA320 that would greatly benefit. I've been interested in FDT as well.

I'm an engineer in the Networking division of HP. I was talking with the UEFI commitee VP the other day. He told me that now that the UEFI committee has merged with the ACPI, the next target is to replace u-boot with UEFI. His advice was to focus on Linaro and Uefi.

I've researched linaro on marvell kirwood, but not seen anything conclusive. Does anyone know if it's supported?
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 17, 2014 06:22PM
Alright, we're a good chunk through February, lets get on this.

- github ?
- modern-ifying the PPV4, and as many supported platforms as possible.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 17, 2014 11:26PM
Warhead, I'm creating the repo.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Hi Guys,

I have a zyxel nsa320, and I'm an arch linux arm user. FYI I have already forward-ported support for this board to current uboot. The repo is at (forked from
Thought it may serve as an example/forking base for the other boards of yours.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 18, 2014 08:07AM
I can certainly use that patch set, but I would like to branch right off of mainline and get it all in & working.
That's OK. Anyway, feel free to pull from it if you want.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 19, 2014 11:44PM

I've cloned git:// to my local directory. But I'm not sure how do I set my Git to take version 2013.10? do I need use a tag for this? if I do then where do I get that tag?

My plan is to create a kirkwood branch from that snapshot, and check in the patches.


Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 20, 2014 01:02PM
git checkout -b 2013.10-kirkwood 183acb700378a8cfc5d50a01a65de93fb2c24586

This will create a branch based from the 2013.10 tag.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2014 10:13AM by WarheadsSE.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 20, 2014 01:08PM
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 20, 2014 05:23PM
Thanks WarheadsSE! I'll let you know after I'm done.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 22, 2014 03:45AM
My GitHub is online now.


Please see README.u-boot-kirkwood for description and list of supported devices.


Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 25, 2014 03:10PM

I made a few comments to the first commit (of all the patches for all the devices), and was wondering if you have seen them.
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 25, 2014 04:02PM
WarheadsSE, I have not seen it. I'll check.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Kirkwood U-boot - Getting all supported Kirkwoods on-board
February 26, 2014 12:11AM

I did not see any comments on my GitHub?!!!

OK. I saw your comments in my email. Will respond there.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2014 12:13AM by bodhi.

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