I need some ideas. It's very late. I'm probably missing something trivial and its driving me crazy.
I got this Pogo just a little while ago so it's my newest toy. Over the weekend I got it booting Debian off USB using the Arch ALARM uboot. I had ran a revert to play around with using my.pogoplug.com to backup over the Internet. For giggles. I was curious about throughput. Today I fix the bootcmd and now it refuses to boot off USB. I connect back up via serial and the error I get is that the ALARM uboot isn't recognizing the ext3 partition. The stick boots fine in a Dockstar and in an NSA320. The error is below along with usb part output.
** Invalid partition type "X�c" (expect "U-Boot")
ALARM>> usb part
print_part of 0
Partition Map for USB device 0 -- Partition Type: DOS
Partition Start Sector Num Sectors Type
1 0 2023424 f8
print_part of 1
## Unknown partition table
print_part of 2
## Unknown partition table
print_part of 3
## Unknown partition table
print_part of 4
## Unknown partition table
I restore a near virgin backup copy of bohdi's kirkwood 3.12.0 rootfs to it. (Near virgin. I added a few utils to it before making the image backup -- mtdutils, usbutils, pciutils, sudo, I forget what else but a few other things.) It won't boot and I get the same error that the partition is unrecognized. I again validate it boots in the Dockstar. I get Debian running using tftp to load uImage and uInitrd and bootm with the rootfs on the stick with no problem. (root=LABEL=ROOTFS)
I restore the image to a different stick. I make sure it boots it on the Dockstar. It won't boot on the PogoV4. Same error. I again tftp boot using the stick as rootfs and its fine.
Finally I recall that I used a really old 128M stick for the revert. I find it. It's FAT. I place both uImage and uInitrd on it and manually fatload them. There's no problem with that. I swap sticks with the original and bootm and it comes up.
I can't figure out why uboot doesn't like the partition on the other sticks. I only run Linux at home. My backup was from a stick that I formatted fresh with mkfs and then untar'ed the rootfs onto. It's really late now. I can't think anymore. I'm going to totally reformat a stick tomorrow and untar the rootfs onto it instead of dd restoring the image backup.
If anyone has any ideas, please shout them out. This is driving me crazy. The box is running but its annoying. I've been trying to get a single stick image that'll work on all my devices. This should be it (excluding my Stora) if I could get it to boot!