Hi All,
First, thanks Jeff for all the great work and all the responses here. I would not have gotten this far this fast without it!
So, now for something really simple.
I've constructed a null modem cable. It has a DB-9 connector at one end and a USB-A connector at the other. I know this cable works, because I've tested it between two Linux systems - setting up one with *getty and the other using variously minicom and cu. It works at speeds from 9600 to 115200.
I have a pogo pink with Jeff's latest uboot image. It boots fine, but won't boot from the USB drive...I think that the drive/controller may be too slow. But that's ok, I have this fabulous serial cable, so I should be able to see what's going on.
OK. Now, I connect the cable to the pogo pink (with or without the USB drive attached - behavior is the same except with the drive attached it takes longer to boot). On the linux system, I either run cu or minicom on /dev/ttyS0. Then I reboot the pink pogo. All I get are a few non-printable characters. In the past, when I've seen this, it usually ends up being a baud rate or flow control issue...but I've played with all of that and nothing seems to work. I get these non-printable characters when I use the configuration described at
http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/SystemSetup#Section_4.1. Basically, it is 115200, 8N1, and no hardware flow control.
Any ideas? I suppose I could just try the nc stuff, but I would really like to get this working - it seems that I must be missing something really simple. Does it matter which USB port on the pink I use?