Wear Leveling? Filesystems?
October 06, 2010 01:02PM
I've got one question, does the built in nand support wear leveling? If not, wouldn't it make sense to use a filesystem designed for flash devices? jffs or somthing like that?
I also read abaout dead blocks on the nand, how do different filesystems(ext2/4) treat these?

Re: Wear Leveling? Filesystems?
October 06, 2010 08:37PM
bandan Wrote:
> I've got one question, does the built in nand support wear leveling?


> If not, wouldn't it make sense to use a filesystem designed for flash devices? jffs or somthing like that?

That's why Jeff's recovery system, and the installation of Debian on internal NAND, use ubifs. Ubifs was designed to be a successor to jffs2.

> I also read abaout dead blocks on the nand, how do different filesystems(ext2/4) treat these?

They wouldn't see them. Filesystems like ext2 etc. require a block device. The NAND flash is a "memory technology device" (/dev/mtdN). There is a simple-minded block layer (/dev/mtdblockN), but it would be a Bad Idea to run a traditional filesystem on top, because there would be no wear-leveling or recovery from bad blocks.

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