Re: Bricked Pogo E02 not loading from USB April 27, 2018 11:37PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 24 |
PogoE02> reset resetting ... U-Boot 2017.07-tld-1 (Sep 05 2017 - 00:13:18 -0700) Pogo E02 SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 256 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 PogoE02> printenv arcNumber=3542 baudrate=115200 bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset bootdelay=3 console=ttyS0,115200 dtb_file=/boot/dts/kirkwood-pogo_e02.dtb ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=52:3b:20:9c:11:51 fileaddr=800000 filesize=20000 force_rescue=0 force_rescue_bootcmd=if test $force_rescue -eq 1 || ext2load usb 0:1 0x1700000 /rescueme 1 || fatload usb 0:1 0x1700000 /rescueme.txt 1; then run rescue_bootcmd; fi ipaddr= led_error=orange blinking led_exit=green off led_init=green blinking machid=dd6 mainlineLinux=yes mtdids=nand0=orion_nand mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:1M(u-boot),4M(uImage),32M(rootfs),-(data) partition=nand0,2 pogo_bootcmd=if fsload uboot-original-mtd0.kwb; then go 0x800200; fi rescue_bootcmd=if test $rescue_installed -eq 1; then run rescue_set_bootargs; nand read.e 0x800000 0x100000 0x400000; bootm 0x800000; else run pogo_bootcmd; fi rescue_installed=0 rescue_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console ubi.mtd=2 root=ubi0:rootfs ro rootfstype=ubifs $mtdparts $rescue_custom_params serverip= stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial ubifs_bootcmd=run ubifs_set_bootargs; if ubi part data && ubifsmount rootfs && ubifsload 0x800000 /boot/uImage && ubifsload 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; fi ubifs_mtd=3 ubifs_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console ubi.mtd=$ubifs_mtd root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs $mtdparts $ubifs_custom_params usb_boot=mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load usb $usb_device 0x800000 /boot/uImage; if ext2load usb $usb_device 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; else bootm 0x800000; fi usb_bootcmd=run usb_init; run usb_set_bootargs; run usb_boot usb_device=0:1 usb_init=run usb_scan usb_ready_retry=30 usb_root=/dev/sda1 usb_rootdelay=10 usb_rootfstype=ext3 usb_scan=usb_scan_done=0;for scan in $usb_scan_list; do run usb_scan_$scan; if test $usb_scan_done -eq 0 && ext2load usb $usb 0x800000 /boot/uImage 1; then usb_scan_done=1; echo "Found bootable drive on usb $usb"; setenv usb_device $usb; setenv usb_root /dev/$dev; fi; done usb_scan_1=usb=0:1 dev=sda1 usb_scan_2=usb=1:1 dev=sdb1 usb_scan_3=usb=2:1 dev=sdc1 usb_scan_4=usb=3:1 dev=sdd1 usb_scan_list=1 2 3 4 usb_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console root=$usb_root rootdelay=$usb_rootdelay rootfstype=$usb_rootfstype $mtdparts $usb_custom_params Environment size: 2502/131068 bytes PogoE02> usb reset resetting USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 scanning bus 0 for devices... EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80a88 unable to get device descriptor (error=-1) retry: 5 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80a88 unable to get device descriptor (error=-1) retry: 4 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80a88 unable to get device descriptor (error=-1) retry: 3 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80a88 unable to get device descriptor (error=-1) retry: 2 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80a88 unable to get device descriptor (error=-1) retry: 1 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80 EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80a88 unable to get device descriptor (error=-1) retry: 0 1 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found PogoE02>
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 not loading from USB April 28, 2018 02:32AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,295 |
PogoE02> usb reset usb reset resetting USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 ........ Use USB retry period from the environment: 30 second(s) 1 Storage Device(s) found
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 not loading from USB April 28, 2018 02:42PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 24 |