Anyone order from Aliexpress with debit card?
April 06, 2016 12:38PM
That place is increasingly important for OrangePis as well as everything habbie recommends :-D
If they took PayPal we'd be talking about how nice mine runs and how grateful I am you helped LOL

However, the gas station has prepaid Mastercard debits and even PayPal has a Mastercard debit variant. I read the "fine print" and that's identity theft waiting t happen. So I'm not sure I'd do that anyway.

But other than a straight up credit card (which I'll never get), thought to ask if you all have a better way of ordering?

-= Cloud 9 =-
Re: Anyone order from Aliexpress with debit card?
April 06, 2016 02:30PM
AFAIK, AliExpress used to accept PayPal as one of the payments, but not any more. I wish it will start to accept PayPal, too.

As with a debit card, I never use it mainly because I think it is very dangerous. For any online purchase, including AliExpress, I use a credit card that has a very small credit line, i.e. limited to less than US $1,000 available credit.

As with the Orange Pi, I really wanted to get some units. However, the shipping cost that adds up makes it no longer attractive to me.
Re: Anyone order from Aliexpress with debit card?
April 06, 2016 03:39PM
the above mentioned site takes many forms of payment, just look at the options once you have joined
Re: Anyone order from Aliexpress with debit card?
April 06, 2016 03:48PM
-update didn't see you there Gravelrash. I did look and things like American Express and Master Card, I don't know if they go debit, but what I'm finding out is, Credit card companies make it hell to get a debit when they can charge/hook for interest.

Thanks habibie. Crying shame they don't take PayPal. By the end of the year I'm still hoping for 2 x Orange Pi Plus and 2 x OP PC.

In the US, it's probably wise to buy now due to political uncertainty in the Fall and even leading up to it.

And another thing, for all the good people who tweak these things right, I feel I'm showing my faith in some people by taking their advice and accepting the product of their blood, sweat & tears. I know I like it when I work on something and someone else benefits without doing the work. At least when it's random LOL Not so much when they're bugging you... but I never let them down. If they're sober.

-= Cloud 9 =-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2016 03:51PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.

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