Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
June 27, 2016 02:40AM
Last plug I Debianized, option never appeared in Pogoplug online console even after waiting for an hour or so. Back door method with curl command didn't work either. Ended up doing the conversion via serial console.

Anybody else have the same experience?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2016 02:44AM by LeggoMyEggo.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
June 27, 2016 02:57AM
you are not alone in this Leggo - it seems that others have experienced this too
I bought a Seagate Go Flex device in May 2016. After I registered the device I tried to enable SSH access by official method (i-e from Pogoplug website) but sadly now under the security settings on webpage there is no option to enable SSH.

So I searched on internet and found a back door method, which I would like to share with you people. (Credit to some awesome people out there).

From any Linux computer (on same network as your Pogoplug) run the below curl command.

curl -k “https://root:ceadmin@[PogoplugIPAddress]/sqdiag/HBPlug?action=command&command=dropbear%20start”

Replace [IPAddress] (including brackets) with your PogoPlug’s IPAddress.

e-g curl -k “https://root:ceadmin@

That may spit out some strange looking text, that’s it you got it.

After that you can login to your Pogo plug device from any SSH client using
User Name: root
Password: stxadmin (if that don’t work try ceadmin)

Note that the backdoor method is not persistent (SSH access not available after a reboot).

refer to http://blog.qnology.com/2014/07/hacking-pogoplug-v4-series-4-and-mobile.html

Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
June 27, 2016 03:59PM
Curl command backdoor did not work on Pogoplug Pro/V3 for whatever reason. Like I said, only way to update u-boot was with serial console. At least that was my experience.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
June 27, 2016 07:43PM
LeggoMyEggo Wrote:
> Curl command backdoor did not work on Pogoplug
> Pro/V3 for whatever reason. Like I said, only way
> to update u-boot was with serial console. At
> least that was my experience.

I believe it will only work for the PogoPlug Pro/V3 that already phoned home.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
July 05, 2016 04:39PM
I just acquired a sealed PogoPlug Series 4 (POGO-V4-A3-01). It appears that I'm going to have to open it up to acquire access as the Enable SSH option no longer appears after registering at my.pogoplus.com/activate. The curl trick doesn't appear to work either. Any other suggestions before I break it open and solder on the pins for serial access?
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
July 05, 2016 06:23PM
@rayknight - soldering is the only way..
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
July 07, 2016 11:01PM
It appears the PogoPlug has abandoned SSH support. I've invested in an Armorview PL2303HX and 3 pin JST SM Male Female plug.

Is it possible to flash new uboot from serial console? If so, can anyone refer me to any resources detailing the process?

My goal is to use the serial console to get my POGO-V4-A3-01 unit to a point where I can employ Qui Hong's method of installing Arch Linux as outlined here:

Any leads would be appreciated.

Kind regards.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 03, 2016 08:50AM
@brainflurry, any update? were you successful with Armorview PL2303HX?
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 03, 2016 03:21PM
See here first:

And then, to flash in serial console:

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2016 03:24PM by bodhi.
I had the same experience where the curl command did not work to enable SSH on a pogoplug mobile.

I bought this to connect:

I used this to install uboot and debian with modifications:

I had a pogoplug mobile so this is what worked for me soldering the serial connections.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 16, 2016 04:50PM
I have been using this PL2303HX + a CD AUX cable (or you can get this Pl2303HX) to interface the serial port of my PogoPlug Pro to the USB port on my Linux desktop computer for more than a year without a problem.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
November 28, 2016 12:14PM
Hi All,

I have a few speculations and observations. First off, I recently installed debian on a pogoplug E02, and I used the standard way to enable SSH (via my.pogoplug.com). So, for my E02, there was indeed an option on the pogoplug settings to enable ssh, and this was only a week ago.

However, now I am wanting to do the same with a v4 mobile, and I am seeing the same as some others in this thread, namely that the option has disappeared from the website, and the backdoor curl command doesn't work (because seemingly https doesn't work?). I will add that I plugged the v4 mobile in, gave it internet access, and let it sit for a day...this may have been a mistake, because I am thinking that perhaps during that time, it updated itself, to a firmware that disables the backdoor curl method. Fortunately, I can test that theory, because I have another v4 mobile new in the box. I plan to disconnect my LAN from the internet, connect the v4 mobile to the LAN, and then try the backdoor curl method on it. I'll report back with my findings.

As for this first v4 mobile, it looks like I'll have to crack it open and solder a serial connection.

It seems to me, that if I can log in via serial, then maybe I can start the dropbear (ssh) service. At that point, I should be able to ssh to it and do the uboot install as usual. It seems to me that doing the actual flashing of uboot will be faster and more reliable using ssh over ethernet than over serial, thus my idea of using serial only for the purpose of enabling ssh. Am I off base or confused here?

Could someone familiar with the stock os on the v4 mobile tell me what command(s) I should use to enable ssh once I have successfully connected over serial?

Thanks for this great forum!
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
November 28, 2016 01:32PM

Certainly, after connecting serial console, enable SSH so that it's easier to install. However installing u-boot is quick, so it is OK to use serial too.

> Could someone familiar with the stock os on the v4
> mobile tell me what command(s) I should use to
> enable ssh once I have successfully connected over
> serial?

Log in to stock, and edit this file /etc/init.d/rcS to stop pogoplug daemon, and start drobear.

###/etc/init.d/hbmgr.sh start

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
November 28, 2016 03:01PM
Test is done. I tried the backdoor curl method on a brand new v4 mobile attached to a LAN with no internet access. The connection was denied, so it was a no go. I did not try using regular http or other ports, but it seems that port 443 is blocked.

Thanks bodhi, so if I make those changes to rcS and then do sbin/reboot, then I should be able to ssh in on the standard port as root with password ceadmin. And another silly question, what text editor is available on stock?
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
November 28, 2016 06:06PM
runner3735 Wrote:
> Test is done. I tried the backdoor curl method on
> a brand new v4 mobile attached to a LAN with no
> internet access. The connection was denied, so it
> was a no go. I did not try using regular http or
> other ports, but it seems that port 443 is
> blocked.
> Thanks bodhi, so if I make those changes to rcS
> and then do sbin/reboot, then I should be able to
> ssh in on the standard port as root with password
> ceadmin.


> And another silly question, what text
> editor is available on stock?

vi only, no nano.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
December 02, 2016 02:57AM
SSH isn't disabled on the website, the pogoplug.com SSL security certificate that resides in older versions of Pogoplugs is expired. Unless there is a secure SSL connection, the "Enable SSH" option will not appear on their website. That's why some people are still saying they can see the option and some are saying they can't.

The new SSL security certificate is available with the current pogoplug update.

The problem is, the update is only available through an SSH connection to https://downloads.pogoplugcom, So older devices fresh out of the box will never update. (there is no patch for it and if you contact customer service they will straight up ignore you - believe me I tried).

I find it kind of disturbing that there is an "Enable SSH" checkbox on their website but when stock pogoplugs don't connect with https it will force http. Kind of a false sense of security there and a HUGE data security risk for people that are using an older non-updated pogoplug to access sensitive files...

If you want an older pogoplug that connects to SSH for easy flashing without having to crack it open, your best bet is to roll the dice on a used one and hope it was connected to the internet between the time the security cert expired and when the last update rolled out.

Really though, I got the stuff I needed to establish a serial connection for about $5 total and didn't even bother soldering, just taped the pins on.Its not that complicated.


"When I was a little boy, I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised, the Lord, in his wisdom, doesn't work that way. So I just stole one and asked Him to forgive me." - Emo Phillips

GitHub Profile

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2016 03:09AM by november17.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
December 02, 2016 07:36AM
november17 Wrote:
> The problem is, the update is only available
> through an SSH connection to
> https://downloads.pogoplugcom, So older devices
> fresh out of the box will never update. (there is
> no patch for it and if you contact customer
> service they will straight up ignore you - believe
> me I tried).
The link you provided above is a 404. R U sure it is a correct link?
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
December 02, 2016 12:10PM
habibie Wrote:
> november17 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The problem is, the update is only available
> > through an SSH connection to
> > https://downloads.pogoplugcom, So older devices
> > fresh out of the box will never update. (there
> is
> > no patch for it and if you contact customer
> > service they will straight up ignore you -
> believe
> > me I tried).
> >
> The link you provided above is a 404. R U sure it
> is a correct link?

Perhaps he meant https://pogoplug.com/downloads which is a valid URL.

Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
December 02, 2016 12:18PM
rayknight Wrote:
> habibie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > november17 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > The problem is, the update is only available
> > > through an SSH connection to
> > > https://downloads.pogoplugcom, So older
> devices
> > > fresh out of the box will never update.
> (there
> > is
> > > no patch for it and if you contact customer
> > > service they will straight up ignore you -
> > believe
> > > me I tried).
> > >
> > The link you provided above is a 404. R U sure
> it
> > is a correct link?
> Perhaps he meant
> https://pogopl
> ug.com/downloads
which is a valid URL.
> Ray
That like is alive but no updates available.
What is the username for the SSH login and passwor for the Pogoplug Pro? i tried with "root" and is not working.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
March 21, 2017 05:37PM
tiny Wrote:
> What is the username for the SSH login and passwor for the Pogoplug Pro?

root/ceadmin are specified at Qui's for the E02, Pro and v4

-= Cloud 9 =-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2017 05:55PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 17, 2017 09:43PM
november17 Wrote:
> ...
> Really though, I got the stuff I needed to
> establish a serial connection for about $5 total
> and didn't even bother soldering, just taped the
> pins on.Its not that complicated.

Sorry to reply to an old thread, but can you (or anyone) describe how you did it with tape? My soldering skills are a bit rusty (ie 30+ years of none) but looking at the circuit board of my Mobile I can't see how I could tape anything on and hope for secure contact.

Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 18, 2017 06:20AM
you need to use a micro ribbon cable.bare the ends and tape as best you can
Has anybody had luck with the "Pogo-P21" as marked on the box of a grey unit $10 at Goodwill.
Did not know it was crippled by design per Cloud Engines,Inc. Just hope to learn a bit while "fixing" it.
Thanks for any info regarding this possibility. (only 128m memory according to a website)
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 29, 2017 11:53PM
It will depend on the firmware that was loaded into it. You might have a version before the update that did that. did you try to ssh into it or try the web browser method to access it?
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 30, 2017 08:04AM
with the P-21 or as its known around here PogoPlug version 3... the way to gain access to the device is through a uart convertor and access to the serial console
I pinged successfully its IP address, but using firefox to open the same address produced no response. The Pogo...com could not find the device. I am not sure why, or even if the web site is still functional. I wonder if an alternative method can be found to simply turn on its designed NAS functionality accomplishing the same activation task that was to be performed by the Pogo website.
Using a serial connection..presumes a level of expertise I am sorely lacking (at this point).
Has anyone attempted to introduce a hack thru the TCP-IP connector that would activate its inherent NAS capability.
This approach would "simply" perform the same task as accomplished by their Pogo..website.

Reportedly this model only has 128m of memory and this might limit its ability to load a functional linux operating system.
Much has been discussed about problems activating Ssh and then loading uboot and the Linux OS on similar units with greater on board memory. I am a real newbee when it comes to this approach. I haven't found much written about this model.

If possible i would like to attack the Pogoplug's disfunctional NAS problem directly. I was hoping one of their engineers or others would provide a patch to uncripple this unit if the website/product has been abandoned.

I will continue my searches including the "pogoplug v3" description.

Thanks for any info and feedback.
Re: Pogoplug No Longer Allows You to Enable SSH ??
October 31, 2017 06:16AM
mike Wrote:
> I will continue my searches including the
> "pogoplug v3" description.
> Thanks for any info and feedback.

have a look here and go to the "backdoor method"


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