Hi habibie , thanks for asking, I forgot to put in that yes I did use the GND, I am using three wires connect directly to txd,rxd,gnd on the usb and connected them to the serial via the audio connector / serial plug which have the three wires connected to the serial according to the photo listed for my board exactly like : http://blog.qnology.com/2013/10/pogoplug-e02-v2-serial-connection.html hadby echowarrior108 - Off-Topic
Hi Bodhi, thanks for the quick reply, I know this is an old problem and I have read thousands of posts regarding the issue and by far you are the foremost authority... never did really do a log but tried everything, here is what I did for the sata hdd ( not sure if its too much info but new to ubuntu) :russ@Desktop-MS-7578:/media/russ/rootfs$ sudo su password for echowarrior108: root@Desktopby echowarrior108 - Off-Topic
Ok , the short side, picocom gets to "terminal Ready" and hangs. have tried 2 different usb cp2102 to serial and have tried connect tx-tx/rx-rx have tried to reverse it, have followed every step given on several posts with no response from the pogoplug pro. I have also set up a sata drive, got nothing, a usb drive, got nothing. If I plug the ethernet in the lights flash at the plug buby echowarrior108 - Off-Topic