worked with no errors here:) Thanks for your expert work!by echowarrior108 - Debian
Thanks for heads up,I had done some changes when trying out the usb wifi and hadn't put it back because it always loaded back up to the static IP set on the router. lol, The router must have detected a change of some kind and thought it was a new device. I will set the new setting back on the plug:)by echowarrior108 - Debian
works great, however somehow on reboot I lost the ip settings. After some looking it appeared that the WRT32x router had no longer identified the plug and gave it a new IP rather than the static one I had set up. So if your static IP is lost on reboot it is most likely the router settings. If wired simply look for a new device and as in my case remove old static IP and put in new one then rebootby echowarrior108 - Debian
Still going strong!by echowarrior108 - uBoot
The best thing you could do at this point is find a way to mount and back up all the data to a separate drive before attempting to remove raid configuration.I am no expert on raid other than having installed it but from what I read it can be taken out but most every forum insists on creating a backup first. more to come as its Christmas:) Merry Christmas!by echowarrior108 - Debian
I quite literally can access this box anywhere I am, I have it backing up 3 laptops through noip as well as 4 cell phones, there was a lot involved with setting up this to my own personal NAS cloud but there is no real software made for this and I set up my devices to access directly and perform backups to the pogoplug on demand through. totally amazing and it has raid configured. about once a moby echowarrior108 - uBoot
I am only guessing here, did you have raid set up before you set up your nsa box? raid usually has 2 equal drives set up. mine has 2- 5tb drives on a pogoplug but it all kinda works the same for this purpose. first you might try: nano /etc/fstab add: /dev/md0 /mnt auto rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 0 save then mount /dev/mdby echowarrior108 - Debian
Hi bodhi, after upgrading this system to debian bullseye, its been running strong with no issues!! I also made a new backup of the system so if the sd card dies I am in good shape, this will be a big test on how long a micro sd card can run this:)by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Hi bodhi, I used the instructions from github, first install the following if not installed: apt install dnsmasq apt install hostapd apt install haveged Installation Generic git clone cd create_ap make install there is a readme file there which is helpful. I did do a quick install on my other pluby echowarrior108 - Debian
Great!! I thank you, I will be keeping up with this as i am learn as I go and if it helps others then its all for the better!! I will do as you have done with other wikis and make proper edits when needed on the top of the page and explain why it was echowarrior108 - Debian
bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you need to rerun create_ap upon reboot then > add it to /etc/rc.local (add the same command at > the end of rc.local, before exit 0, and without > sudo). > > > > create_ap -g wlxb wlp0s0 myap > myappassword > thanks for the tip it worked great!!!by echowarrior108 - Debian
oh , I just ran the make file that was supplied from git, I like your way better:)by echowarrior108 - Debian
folder name: /rtl88x2BU_WiFi_linux_v5.3.1_27678.20180430_COEX20180427-5959 when I type in make: make ARCH=armv6l CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/4.4.201-oxnas-tld-1/build M=/root/rtl88x2BU_WiFi_linux_v5.3.1_27678.20180430_COEX20180427-5959 modules dkms.conf PACKAGE_NAME="rtl88x2bu" PACKAGE_VERSION="5.3.1" MAKE[0]="make KVER=$kernelver src=$source_treeby echowarrior108 - Debian
Thanks, will do!!by echowarrior108 - Debian
After rebooting I found it necessary to renter the create_ap sudo create_ap -g wlxb wlp0s0 myap myappassword WARN: Your adapter does not fully support AP virtual interface, enabling --no-virt Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlxb.conf.7Mf1i5DR PID: 14381 Network Manager found, set wlxbas unmanaged device... DONE Sharing Internet using method: nat hostapd command-line interface:by echowarrior108 - Debian
Hi bodhi, run new kernel on this device, to differentiate from my original plug I will name it device 2, keep in mid I have done this from a fresh install so all of the above workarounds are still in place, When I get more time I will do a frsh install and see what I need to add. When first ran the dpkg: dpkg -i linux-image-4.4.201-oxnas-tld-1_1.0_armel.deb Selecting previously unselecby echowarrior108 - Debian
After properly installing the usb wifi (,92749 ) I found out that I could use the create_ap program which works really well! I am running it from my internal pci below and broadcasting from my usb below also: create_ap wlxb wlp0s0 wifiname wifipassword or create_ap -g wlxb wlp0s0 wifiname wifipassword ( if you want to assign your own ip)by echowarrior108 - Debian
Thanks!! sure will try, I also wanted to build a from scratch spare usb and I can do it on that:) I did as well get the plug to work as an AP using create_ap which works very good. I will post that on the wifi ap post as it appears to be a really nice setup and is working really well !! I'm just learning builds so it was a challenge and I am sure you are way more advanced at his tby echowarrior108 - Debian
This is my workaround for installing rtl88x2bu module for 1200ac usb wifi, I had a difficult time and days of searches to make it work and since no one else made a finished what to do if this happens list for it I kept notes:) I won't go into all the errors that prompted all of the edits as I would need to do a fresh install and to be honest who wants to do such a thing twice? to starby echowarrior108 - Debian
I rebooted 3 more times and it appears to have cleared up, what was strange was it came back after a full format and reinstall. I had to do a lot to install rtl88x2bu module , simply because I have not installed modules before so it was a challenge but its not my main plug so I don't mind starting over. but you are right about a hobby becoming a job:) I had to walk away for a few , my plby echowarrior108 - Debian
gave up on #2 and copied my backup rootfs that I saved for things above my intelligence grade:) EDIT: this did not help. it still does the logging on the serial while trying to type... going to start a new topic on this!by echowarrior108 - Debian
I know this is an old thread but i have 3 pogoplug-pro v3 's, one for a daily use unit and one for messing with (which now I want to use as an AP) and the other for parts, (not many parts but its still operational,lol) well I wanted to try this out with a wireless access point and instead of using the instructions listed I used network-manager over my vnc connection, for some reason I have 2by echowarrior108 - Debian
Just an update both my plugs are doing great with the upgrades, have had no issues at all.... Nice to just post without needing help this time:)mby echowarrior108 - Debian
Not sure if this will help anyone but putting it out there, running Pogoplug pro v3 effectively with Debian 10 Buster, all I did was changed the etc/apt/sources.list with the following: deb stable main contrib non-free deb-src stable main contrib non-free deb stable-updates main contrib non-free deby echowarrior108 - Debian
Pogoplug-pro v3, Just a quick note pertaining to the raid configuration on my machine, I failed to label the two identical looking raid 5 tb usb drives, for some reason I must have plugged then into the wrong slots and it made them both show empty, I did check them on my ubuntu machine and found them not empty and then labelled each one to the slots that I were correct, I do not know if this wasby echowarrior108 - Debian
Just became aware that ES file explorer was dropped by google play for invasive activity, I have switched to Cx File explorer which works equally as well. as far as the minipcie goes it has ran virtually uninterrupted daily since I started this on Apr 2018 and has the latest kernel update Kernel linux-4.4.189-oxnas-tld-1,16044,88714#msg-88714 as of yesterby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Had same issue on pogoplug pro, this change corrected the issue: Many Thanks! /etc/fstab: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0 /etc/fstab: tmpfs /run tmpfs nosuid,noexec,size=32M,nr_inodes=4096 0 0by echowarrior108 - Debian
Still going strong after all this time, even with updates it comes right back up as well as with power drops from time to time, its been more reliable than my smart tv!! lol I still use the system daily!by echowarrior108 - uBoot
thanks for heads up in case I ever have to do that again myself!by echowarrior108 - Debian
Just a thought, is it the power supply?by echowarrior108 - Debian