Have you tried creating a file /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config containing allowed_users = anybodyby echowarrior108 - Debian
Well its been over 6 months with this setup, I haven't made any changes on this plug and its been running full time with no hick-ups. Been using another plug to experiment with but nothing noteworthy. currently on this plug I am running 2 5tb usb hdd's on raid on my home network. I am using ES File explorer to connect my android phones and filezilla for my home pc's and using thisby echowarrior108 - uBoot
thanks for heads up:)by echowarrior108 - uBoot
@Chuck99, can you get to the Oxnas prompt on the none working one? and yes you can copy the working PPP usb but I would recommend using the same size usb drive to DD to copy your system, preferably a Sandisk 16gb. I have had a lot of luck doing this with my second PPP (pogoplug pro) Echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
What I did to dd the drives was to use ubuntu terminal and mount the drives to my pc to copy, I believe that the drive sizes might have to be equal but it may only be a partition size , not really sure , I only copied mine to micro sd cards from the usb flash drive and made 3 just in case and it did work great... But I am assuming you are using the port for your wifi so my configuration would beby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Thanks veriqster, I have several save router power supplies that are 12v/2amp so in case my power supply ever goes out I have a reason to save those in a box:) Also I was wondering about spinup time for the SATA, I had some initial issues using mine when Bodhi helped me get mine from the brink of death and the SATA saved my butt..... I recall that spinup time was one of my issues and I actuaby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Veriqster, Did you ever hook up the 12v 5a or was the 12v 2a sufficient? Echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Well, Before I end up slowing my pogoplug down to a screeching halt and mess it up completely i am going to opt to just tether a router, my old routers were not working with networking in this manner so I got a wrt32x and am going to set it up instead, so really i have no working setup for this to share. Didn't want to waste everyone's time trying to do this when a router is simply a beby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Its actually a samsung j7 which is 4g which I plan to tether, but it should work just the same, I will try that:) Thanks!by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Here is my situation, I am now setup at home to run my network tethered to my cell phone as the cable provider I was using was unreliable at best, that being said I have found no way to connect my network to my router which was my plan and if i run my cell as a hotspot my phone provider charges the data differently than if ran as a usb tether which is unlimited, so my new plan, if i can actuallyby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Just an update, My first pogoplug had a board issue, the power wire leads had came out and I am horrible at soldering, I have 2 new pogoplugs so I simply moved the cards and reconfigured the new pogoplug and the setup worked flawlessly, the reason i posted in this forum was to say that the card configuration here works and has not had issues for a few months now, thanks Bodhi for being a great meby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Thanks bodhi, yes I read those cards are not infinite in use, and its a big hassle unscrewing when I mess with the system so much and have to pull the card...lol which has happened enough to prompt me to take this action anyway, but it will work well for people who don't experiment too much and just want to put it in as I first set it up to work :) -echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Bodhi, my intention is to leave it inside the case, its just that access to the card requires unscrewing the entire board from the case, what I want to do is make it accessible without a full teardown but not to the point of making it open like the usb ports , this way if a sd card were to fail I could open up the case to change it out without unscrewing the board and disturbing the power wires aby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Bodhi, came up with a good plan, being that the mpcie is on the back of the board I have determined that it is a complete teardown just to access the two micro sd cards which is a pain, also the electric tape was a good bandaid but ..... so I purchased an extender cable which I will wrap around to the top side of the main board of the pogoplug which in case of needed removal will be more easily aby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Bodhi, working on zswap right now good idea on topic name change , easier to find:) thanks! echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
ok here is serial log, I have no usb ports plugged in at this time except the 2 cards in the mpcie card, I'm sure there are more things to clear up but it does boot ok. I also did some work on the swap drive which had to be set up, when I formatted it I was using partition magic and it somehow lost the UUID, after some search I was able to get that installed without tearing apart the PP aby echowarrior108 - uBoot
here is the completed upgrade with the cables ready for use, I plan to silicon the opening but have not done so yet. remember there needs to be a power supply for the sata to work and the serial needs a ttyl to usb adapter attached to actually function! hope these help anyone trying this method!!!!! Echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
in these pics are the board installed with the serial port and sata cable run through the back of the opening I drilled while apart( I used a 1/1/2 inch spade bit and a lot of care then filed the sides of it to accommodate the sata plug end. on the next two pics I wanted to be sure there were no shorts so I taped the antenna wire ends for possible future use if i decide on wifi again.by echowarrior108 - uBoot
in these pics, as the forum only allows 3 per message,I'm showing the taped back side of the mpcie dual usb card, they are labelled 1 and 2 on the top side . Do not tape over the top side!!! just 2 precut pieces of tape will suffice. Again I did not tighten down hard on the screws they are tight but not manhandled.by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Attached are the pics of the open port on the back side of the pogoplug board the tape its to keep the card from shorting out (because it will and the unit won't start) so be sure not to over tighten when installing the card!!!!!by echowarrior108 - uBoot
> > Do you have a pic of the board with this card > fully installed? It would be nice if you can take > a few pics (without and with the Pogo case > assembled)! >-bodhi >=========================== Bodhi, good idea, I do in fact plan to open it up again, I can take pics of the board, the on both sides with and without along with what I have done as far as keby echowarrior108 - uBoot
I started a new topic regarding the minipcie :) https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,56534,56534#msg-56534 thanks!!! Echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
After much help from Bodhi, thank you! , I have attempted and made work a microUSB dual card in the minipcie slot, this was mainly because I don't use the wifi card and also I wanted to free up all my usb ports! Keep in mind I used a working USB rootfs with debian installed. Please read entirely before trying this ! I claim no responsibility for personal injury or bricked unit! Howby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Bodhi, perfect I will let you know how it goes!!!:) Thanks! EW108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Hi, bodhi, I received my new usb 5tb drive today, I am going to format it on the pogoplug then copy the other 5tb drive, then when done format the old one to the pogoplug , ntfs seems to work ok with my setup so i will proceed with those drives in that manner. also my new question,its about the pcie , I am never going to use the wifi card , so I came up with a crazy idea and hope I can make iby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Bodhi. I believe you are correct, I will need to purchase another large drive to copy files. I have way too much on this to break it up into other drives, I see the trouble as well, it has a small partition that is for seagate tools and my pogoplug wants to read it but can't so it kinda just hangs on reboot. This also explains why my WRT32x router which has usb ports cannot read it. Thanksby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, the free agent i can format but will do it on ubuntu as it hangs everytime I plug it in, the other is a seagate 5tb drive its much newer and I cannot format it as I have no drive big enough to store that much data at this time. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow sometime, Thanks!!!! Echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, looks like something wrong in the bootargs, I had to interrupt as it just was looping the same problem: # picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 picocom v2.2 port is : /dev/ttyUSB0 flowcontrol : none baudrate is : 115200 parity is : none databits are : 8 stopbits are : 1 escape is : C-a local echo is : no noinit is : no noreset is : no nby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Hi Bodhi, Well so far I have loaded Samba and it works quite well on my network, I can see the drives after a lot of setup however when I have to reboot it seems the only way to boot is to first unplug the other usb ports and disconnect the ethernet , and wait until it fully loads then plug them and an mount them all manually again, kinda a pain so my question is how do I set up to reboot withoutby echowarrior108 - uBoot
Bodhi, I was also able to connect through ssh in terminal for the first time since it went down!!! kinda exciting to make it finally work:) thanks !! Echowarrior108by echowarrior108 - uBoot