Upvote for Transcend SDHC Class 6 16GB card SanDisk Ultra Class 10 SDHC UHS 1 32GB card The Transcend and SanDisk worked out of the box once formatted/partitioned w/ gdisk. The SanDisk is noticeably faster. Downvote for Sony SDHC Class 10 UHS 1 32GB 70MB/sec card (doesn't matter how fast it is if it won't boot) The Sony cards (tried 2 identical ones) would not cooperate, even witby davygravy - uBoot
phewwww... that was close. While unpacking from moving, I found a box of Kirkwood devices, and there was a boxed/stock GoFlexHome... I was worried that I would not be able to flash it anymore. Luckily, @bodhi has the good uboots, and Debian actually has u-boot-tools (with kwboot!) all ready to go. Other than my subpar soldering skills, it was pretty much a breeze. davidpurdy@MacProDebiaby davygravy - uBoot
I contacted DGentry several weeks ago regarding this, but will follow up using the email address that you pointed out. Thanks for the pointer. I’d missed that somehow. PS. Email has been sent. -------------------------- After further checking, I now remember something more: CentOS 6 support was dropped because it did not support systemd/systemctl : QuoteIt doesn't run systemby davygravy - Debian
alphaprime Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi, > > I'm running tailscale on my PogoV4. > > It's on 5.15 kernel and debian Strecth. For future-proofing your device, you may want to upgrade your distro to Bullseye... but that's another issue. > I'm trying use their provided arm binary > (https://pkgs.tailscalby davygravy - Debian
Good to hear, @bodhi. RE tailscale, I found this: https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/676 Using this as a template, I was able to cross compile tailscale and tailscaled on my Bullseye desktop build box pretty quickly (albeit perhaps a bit clumsily - this is the first time I'd built anything w/ go-lang, and I didn't have all of the env variables set correctly, so I had tby davygravy - Debian
I currently run tailscale on a(n extra) pogoplug w/ entware, works fine. I'd rather run it on the same pogoplug host were my PiHole server resides - ie. using a debian package for tailscale. Anyone out there successfully built this on armel, or for armel using toolchain?by davygravy - Debian
I have it set for 2 and for me that is perfect. I imagine different network sizes and topologies might benefit from a bit more time. Easy fix for me. <thumbs up>.by davygravy - uBoot
Is it just me, or does u-boot w/ 2017_environment wait a really long time to boot if $serverip can be reach? Is the best way to speed this up by altering this netconsole related line in the envars? << fw_setenv preboot_nc 'setenv nc_ready 0; for pingstat in 1 2 3 4 5; do; sleep 1; if run if_netconsole; then setenv nc_ready 1; fi; done; if test $nc_ready -eq 1; then run start_nby davygravy - uBoot
Hmmm... trying to make this work on my NSA-320, which has only a rescue in flash ATM, no hdd. modprobe i2c-dev root@rescue-nsa320:~$ i2cset -y 0 0x50 0x6 0x1 b root@rescue-nsa320:~$ i2cget -y 0 0x50 0x6 b 0x01 For completeness, and FWIW: root@rescue-nsa320:~$ i2cdetect -y 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -by davygravy - Debian
I upgraded PiHole-FTL and the rest of the package set... no hiccups. It looks like our Kirkwood devices are finally supported in mainline PiHole.by davygravy - Debian
Kirkwood users may get a treat soon... If things go as planned, our plugs may be officially supported soon. (not holding my breath... one can still build one's own, but here's hoping...) https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/build-for-pihole-ftl-arm-soft-float/39254/22by davygravy - Debian
Thanks for posting your findings... yafbu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi and thanks for the tutorial. It helped a lot, > and finally my old dockstar has again something to > do. > > Just ran into the mentioned error described in > > NOTE : If it still runs out of RAM during the make > ( e.g. gcc dies unexpectedly after 10by davygravy - Debian
Any chance that the -Wcast-align flag could detect these? Or is it strictly gdb that is going to find them? packet-io.c: In function 'ccnet_packet_finish': packet-io.c:134:14: warning: cast increases required alignment of target type [-Wcast-align] packet-io.c: In function 'ccnet_packet_io_read_packet': packet-io.c:166:14: warning: cast increases reqby davygravy - Debian
How about postgresql instead of mysql? Probably nothing more than a minor tweak, but switching to postgresql saved me a bit of RAM space.by davygravy - Debian
While there is some chatter here and there regarding Seafile on ARM, it seems to be nearly absent when it comes to Kirkwood. So, a couple of questions: Is it any better for your particular needs, than, say BTSync or ownCloud? Does it perform better than ownCloud and other such projects? Can we help users try it out? Can we improve the experience for Debian Armel users? For #1 & #2by davygravy - Debian
Best bets for Optimizing ownCloud: choose nginx or lighttpd php 5.6.7 + Opcache + APCu (tried xcache and decided that Opcache was easier to set up, roughly equivalent benefits) ... once the cache is fully populated, it is amazing fast for a 1.2GHz 128MB setup... {edit: was not php 5.7, but rather 5.6.7} turn on compression in lighttpd or nginx ; Hint: don't compress jpeg or anything elseby davygravy - Debian
Heee-hee... good to have a moment to fiddle w/ compilers, source and whatnot... In light of this thread, I'm re-evaluating my my own experiences wrt ownCloud... and I'm trying out Seafile. Seafile has an alignment problem (related to ARM5) that is shown here: https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/issues/306 https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-client/issues/73 https://groups.goby davygravy - Debian
theliquid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Better don't use Owncloud. It's far too ressource > hungry. I tried it on my homeserver and it took > too much ressources and was too slow. I finally > switched to Seafile, which also works properly on > the RPi. Not trolling here... honestly... I've posted before... but honestly, I rby davygravy - Debian
@ bodhi : I'm very grateful for your continuation and new efforts ... I'm going to install your Debian roots on my GoFlexHome so I can cobble together an OwnCloud server here at home. I'm in the process of selling our house and moving to Madison WI, but will report back on how it goes. Again, thank you! +++++++++++++++++ Followup: Chugging along nicely!by davygravy - Debian
@ bodhi : Bodhi, thank you for doing this. I hope to try it out in December - life has shifted gears on me recently and I've not stayed up with developments and changes. Thanks again, davyby davygravy - Debian
IIRC Maxim IC has some sort of offer where they'll send you a limited grab bag of sensors I got enough sensors to play with for free. The usb adaptor can be had for $10 or so if you watch ebay.by davygravy - Rescue System
OK, this is pretty much finished now. A lot closer to working out of the box. The rootfs.tar tarball is for a USB pendrive. Once booted, that rootfs is a working OWFSplug system, but also it has the img files for flashing it to NAND. AFAIK, the only adjustments needed would be to set up the device IDs of the 1-Wire sensors, change (if necessary) the motion-usbcamera-modules in /etc ... ?by davygravy - Rescue System
Very nice! I don't know if I'll ever use this myself, but you did a nice job of specifying details, documenting the scripts/code. Its always nice to see (yet another!) a reminder of the cool things one can do w/ code, some experimentation and some perseverance.by davygravy - uBoot
Something to note... the tarball I posted is USB rootfs only... I'm doing some final touches now on what I've got in git, and if it boots and functions correctly, I'll build UBIFS and kernel bins for flashing.by davygravy - Rescue System
kk, bitz. I've uploaded an old tarball here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1015928/Kirkwood/OWFSplug/OWFSplug-rootfs.tar ... mind you, this may be "roughly hewn" but should be bootable on a USB stick. I'm currently tidying up my git repo, adding in some needed items and culling out the cruft... https://github.com/davygravy/owfsplug The README shows the basiby davygravy - Rescue System
@bitz: I will try to post a tarball ASAP. Be aware that what I post would be bootable, but would need some editting to set up things like where you want to stop the images, how you'd want to process them with the embedded ffmpeg (which is built into the image).by davygravy - Rescue System
I finally got around to committing this to git, and now hosted on github.com https://github.com/davygravy/owfsplugby davygravy - Rescue System
right now I'm putting some extra stuff in for time-lapse recording ... ffmpeg has been notoriously API-unstable over the years, and so motion has stuck w/ an older version of ffmpeg (as a build requirement) that will no longer builld on Buildroot, so I've found an indirect way around that - and included the most recent h.264 underpinnings that produce a high quality timelapse movie. Wby davygravy - Rescue System
Yes, absolutely. You'll have to adjust the bootcommand and parameters so it knows to look for both the kernel and the rootfs on a particular drive. For sanity's sake, make sure you have a copy of your current booting commands and parameters before you tinker w/ changes.by davygravy - Debian
Its taken me a week or so, but I've nearly got it completed... all in NAND flash... all built with Buildroot... 1-Wire File System : Also known as OWFS, it allows one to seamlessly attach and monitor Dallas/Maxim sensors and instruments, such as temperature, humidity, count/quantity, air pressure, windspeed, etc. One can also write it to an LCD. Temploggerd : A simple daemon that polls Oby davygravy - Rescue System