hi, i cut down in the config on what i installed on the kernel to keep it light and fast so i probably chopped out the relevant led GPIO driver ... these are the commands needed to do the business on the mele .. trouble is i forgot the led driver i need to install :-( the heartbeat could be relatively easy as the dockstar netfilter script for the same can probably be bastardised and the onby hyena - Allwinner A10
i'm jealous :-) ... did u use the softwinner SATA driver in the kernel config (it was deactivated by default) and deactivate the generic sata driver or vice versa or leave both activated ? seems to me i should be getting much more out of the sata drive than i'm getting ? thx ianby hyena - Allwinner A10
Got a kernel/arm hf headless debian build mele with working sata and although sata performance still seems poor i thought i would try and see how an armhf compiled squeezebox server (notoriously very heavy on system resources) compared on its initial media scan (large media library) on the plug - hacked iconnect (armv6 256MB 1GHZ USB 640GB WD 5400 2.5HD) running debian squeeze it took aroundby hyena - Allwinner A10
Guillaume, hi excellent & thanks .. thats what i'd used to compile the kernel i'm using but i wasnt sure from the cubie forum post if the amery tree had used the cubie patch (with your comments on the risk of using it) or a new iteration Running on a headless Wheezy build I'm getting (with HD parm) with a 640MB WD blue 2.5 5400rpm the following throughput which seemby hyena - Allwinner A10
hi, yep .. i must have crapped up the VM , reinstalled ubuntu VM this time and it's fine now : i thought the GIT source most people were currently using was from : git://github.com/amery/linux-allwinner.git and the android v3 android 2 branch whats the best out these at the moment if this isnt what ppl are using ? Guillaume, hi .. do you have the patched files (im sure tby hyena - Allwinner A10
Guillaume, hi ive been x-compiling different kernels for a good few months with no problem until the last couple of weeks and all of a sudden i get this error message (which is quite strange), As i'm doing it all in a linux vm .. i might just install a new linux vm and see if that helps if you have seen no issues recently just in case i've crapped up the distro thanks for yourby hyena - Allwinner A10
Guillaume/Jeff/Gnexus etc are you having problems compiling the kernel using the usual https://github.com/hno/linux-allwinner.git - allwinner 3 android v2 I'm now getting the error message every time : arch/arm/kernel/head.S:93:2: error: #error "unsupport chip" make[1]: *** Error 1 make: *** Error 2 I know a lot of changes for "cubieboard" have been entby hyena - Allwinner A10
Vlad, hi .. in respect of the pi i think you have to separate the GPU from CPU .. the pi SOC is basically a streaming package (in fact it is a GPU with a CPU tacked on ;-) .. the Pi has excellent support (from broadcom/pi foundation and the community) so for its intended purpose to teach kids to program and interface (dont forget the Gertboard) its excellent .. likewise as an xmbc media playeby hyena - Allwinner A10
Guillaume, hi, thanks for your efforts ... i've posted a link to your solution on the SATA bug thread on GIT for the A10 source code if you want to why not have a bash at submitting the patch on GIT .. hopefully yhen once its committed then everyone will get the benefit in the source here are a couple of links https://github.com/amery/linux-allwinner/issues/40 https://gby hyena - Allwinner A10
gnexus IMHO the A10 is already on its last legs (allwinner will kill it off rapidly when they start to churn out en masse their new dual core part) , and the A10 opensource linux support is pretty poor compared to the likes of the plug computers .. the current A10 linux source is a mess of cobbled together android and linux bits and pieces with old and partially/non-working drivers thrown inby hyena - Allwinner A10
hi, if you could post it I'm sure that would help everyone sufferiung with this A10 sata malaise i'm keen to try to replicate exactly what you have done to get SATA working correctly .. expecially if its only changing the script.bin file .. as i said i just used jeffs so if this is a quick fix to get sata working then jeffs (fex then fex->bin) can hopefully be ammended as wellby hyena - Allwinner A10
Guillaume, in respect of the pi, you should have no problems with orders now it seems to be taking a couple of weeks max now between placing an order and receiving it (in UK) thats what i found anyway when i bought half a dozen (RS) for the local primary school near where i live. The great advantage of the pi is that although the hardware is very CPU limited, it has fabulous professional supby hyena - Allwinner A10
hi, thanks for this, incidently what drive have you tested it with (it will help others to know models that work) i will have a bash over the weekend replacing the script.bin im using (so thats jeffs i think) with this .. im a bit surprised as in the fex the only directly sata relevant bits are : sata_used = 1 sata_power_en = so did the fex (from the bin) you have used have anby hyena - Allwinner A10
who knows .. i "suspect" its either old 2.6.x code (eg libata) lying around on GIT which has been updated for other platforms long ago to fix it outside the allwinnerGIT world or it could be the allwinner SATA driver which as mele's android 4 works perfectly with all drives ive tested if it is this, allwinner presumbly has a fix for it (new drivers) possibly if hipboi (beingby hyena - Allwinner A10
gnexus hi there are likely problems with certain SATA drives with drivers/libata etc at around linux 2.6 (so thats where the stuff on GIT came from) .. same issues happened with MX53 .. I have posted this plus a bit of empirical testing on the GIT https://github.com/amery/linux-allwinner/issues/40#issuecomment-8019254 Guillaume, try putting mele's android 4 on it and you will hby hyena - Allwinner A10
Hi, Been having a nightmare trying to get SATA drives to work on my Mele a1000. In summary I have been using a 640GB WD 2.5 SATA and an old 60GB Toshiba 2.5 SATA (test drive) and cant get sata working with the allwinnerv3 android v2 kernel compiled from GIT Theres nothing wrong with the SATA drives or the mele box as with the Mele android v4 they work perfectly (auto recognised and moby hyena - Allwinner A10
I (and many other ppl) had major problems with the spl on GIT ... after a lot of pain turns out the maintainers are not too careful about commits which often kill the spl (particularly) and uboot... IMHO its better particularly for newbies (of which i include myself) to use either a static working fork or something like jeffs compiled spl and uboot which work just fineby hyena - Allwinner A10
Hi, has anyone got a defconfig from a 100% working sata (so thats not just a modprobe but tested working with a physical 2.5 sata drive) .. many of us are having issues with getting sata up and running .. it may be the specific drives or some kind of conflict in the config https://github.com/amery/linux-allwinner/issues/40 thx ianby hyena - Allwinner A10
yep .. i totally agree GIT is a real "GIT" for newbies like me and caused much much too much pain :-)by hyena - Allwinner A10
theres an interesting benchmarking posting on the new wheezy armhf for raspi vs old armel : http://www.memetic.org/raspbian-benchmarking-armel-vs-armhf/by hyena - Allwinner A10
The only potential issue i would have with sid is that the version of perl running on wheezy still isnt supported in squeezebox server (despite me even compiling the squeezebox server CPAN modules to match) and presumably sid is more uptodate which can cause problems with things like squeezebox server which receive not much development effort and are a bit behind the times. The great thing abby hyena - Allwinner A10
sadly getting in to linux and having to take abuse are all too commonplace so im thick skinned in this respect anyway :-( incidently I was probably screwing around with GIT A10 uboot and compiling it 30x on its own until the people maintaining the A10 GIt code fessed up that they had screwed the live code up fiddling with it .. likewise the same with the kernel ..newcomers (like me) havnt theby hyena - Allwinner A10
got the necessary config changes but i think there are driver issues which i believe have been fixed but still remain to be committed to the current GIT code ... the defconfig will need changes as well i think the resultant changes to the config to enable SATA result in a defconfig (SCSI section) something like the following : # # SCSI device support # CONFIG_SCSI_MOD=y # CONFIG_RAID_Aby hyena - Allwinner A10
hi, is SATA working yet in the kernel ? .. as far as i can make out we are waiting for driver fixes to be committed to the GIT code before SATA will be working ?? or are the driver fixes (and kernel config changes) already in there ? rgds ianby hyena - Allwinner A10
Got the mele from Hong Kong (far far better postage than china) based ebay store ... cost £50 incl postage .. posted via express airmail was in the uk within 5 days ! .... excellent :-)by hyena - Allwinner A10
thx for this .. will have a bash @ it p.s. .. just looking through defconfig and switching on a few things .. SATA didnt work the first time i did the compilation a while ago (using bits and pieces from the arm netbooks forum) ... what do i need to put in to or configure to ensure SATA working now im doing it from scratch ? thxby hyena - Allwinner A10
Hi, bit of a newbie in respect of the A10 and Debian Armhf .. got a build running stably on a mele A1000 with a mixture of bastardised crosscompiled androlinux kernel etc ... keen to play around and try and compile a lean HEADLESS kernel/ROOTFS (with close to 512MB RAM and ethernet/SATA) .. bit like i'm runnng on an iconnect at the moment. Setup with a lot of trial and error a kerneby hyena - Allwinner A10
WernerB, hi, first of i'm a complete linux/uboot newbie, i'm only really interested in getting a squeezebox server like on my little dockstar but with more memory (and using the button on the iconnect to shutdown the box (without booting up a pc and ssh in to it) which isnt possible on the dockstar and once in a while corrupts squeezebox server) ... hence me getting hold of thisby hyena - uBoot
Got the iconnect and sourced a temporary psu and ..... In reflashing the device with the latest firmware, i noticed that iomega have produced a "imager" zip file (because the first batches of the device had defective firmware giving rise to the "blue flash of death"). As the device has a "reset firmware" hole/button which appears to reflash the device with thby hyena - uBoot
Hi, Heres a guy thats managed to get debian on the iconnect, despite being a linux newbie i'm gonna have a bash when my iconnect arrives in a few days (and i source a suitable PSU for it). Being a linux newbie (and never having compiled a kernel before) i dont anticipate this being a smooth process but ive ordered a stock kernel supported cheap mini pcie card as well just in case so iby hyena - uBoot